

By ways of explanation for my current art project:

Vio likes flirting, not because he wants a relationship, but just because he finds it funny to watch people become incredibly flustered. He will flirt with everyone and anyone, and there is no one scary enough that he wouldn’t at least try them.

Blue is the Four-Assigned Vio wrangler in case of any problems (or just to make him stop because he embarrasses the others)

Yes, i intend to write this as a fic. No, I have no clue when it will happen :/

I’m drawing the colors again (because I can) and I only just now realized that I arranged them in a rainbow lol

So, the main reason behind my Legend is Short post is because in one of the stories I’ve been writing, Legend observes that Wind is getting taller and is now almost his height, and thus outgrowing some of his clothes. The vet, who I hc as the tailor/seamstress of the group figures that if the worst comes to the worst, he can lend Wind some of his extra clothes and… well…. It spiraled.

I decided to draw Wind in Legend’s clothes, and then my brilliant lil’ idiot brain decided to draw Legend in Wind’s clothes as well…..

(I’m sorry for making you wear pants, Legend!)

So yeah, I kinda love this, not gonna lie <3


Send me character sets and I will swap the clothes! Because this is more fun than I thought it would be!


I do apologize for the use of the quotes used around the word system. It has disturbed many. I simply assumed that It’s not a common term to many so quotes were used to indicate that it’s something specific. I will edit and remove the quotes Because belittling and malice was not my intent.

As for clarifying the use of the sword. I’ve never been good with words, it is in my culture to speak a certain way that can come off as blunt to Westerners. I said what will be taking place in my work and to address many questions I’ve gotten. I have every right to clarify the content I make.

Thank you very much, JoJo!

We’re glad to know you meant no harm, and also thankful to have some clarity as to how the Hero of the Four Sword functions and how his different colors will effect things going forwards. This helps a lot.

Thank you for giving us content for the boys! And thank you lots for the appearance of the colors! We’ve been really looking forwards to it!



I just wanna say thank you to all the creators in the LU fandom who still made art, writing, memes and the likes during this utter shitshow. I cannot state enough how much joy you all bring to this community. Thank you for reminding me it’s worth staying


oh?? this was a pleasant surprise to wake up to! thank you so much love, it means a lot!!! <3

me? projecting on to one of my favorite characters? it’s more likely than you think

anyways this was a limited color palette/painting style practice. my only rules for myself when it came to the coloring was that I couldn’t use any blend (multiply, overlay, etc) layers, but blending (like with the brushes) was fine

i wanted to see how i could change things up despite the lineart staying the same. the third one was a little rushed bc i was losing my patience, but i’m pretty pleased with how all of them turned out

ffs click for better quality why does it do that

commission i did of sky :) please click theres little details n better quality!commission i did of sky :) please click theres little details n better quality!

commission i did of sky :) please click theres little details n better quality!

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Hello lovelies!

I had been discussing this with the lovely @yandere-linked-universe a while back and she helped mold this with me so decided to share it with you guys.

So I was thinking about the mafia au and then I was thinking about the self aware au and TTAU (like always)

And I had the idea that, even if (y/n) HAD successfully gone back to her world. The chain would have eventually found their way to her,

(And for the sake of my sanity, their games don’t exist here.)

But I made it slightly different. (This is where a bit of TTAU comes in)

Where instead of them going to her present.

They went different periods of the past.

And they went back to the combined amount of years of their journey up to meeting her.

So to explain better: in ttau they go back to the start of their journeys and have to walk forward til they meet rest of the chain and eventually (y/n).

in this one, they are sent back to the same year equivalent to when they started their journey (so if Wind started his journey when he was 12 and met (y/n) two years later when he was 14 then he would be sent back two years in (y/n)’s world before he bumps into her, where Twilight would be sent back the the age of 18, which is when he started his journey.

So For example, Time turning into a kid and found by cops and he runs off.

Now i’m using Time as an example since he’s the one with the most years between his journey up to meeting (y/n)

This is much more conflicting for the heroes since this is a DIFFERENT REALITY ALL TOGETHER. Nothing is familiar, the government system is all over the place, there are no monsters but there are things so much worse lurking in the dark.

And since Time would be the farther back, imagine if he decided that this world was going to forced to bow to the demands of the chain.

And their demands were to give (y/n) everything she wanted.

So here’s where the mafia au comes in.

Time is an orphan, he slowly realizes this world wouldn’t work to his methods, to none of their methods. So he would do just as he did when he first started out and createnew methods.

After all, he still had his ocarina

So he takes full advantage of what abilities he has and slowly gaining street cred, making a name for himself.

Time doesn’t have any mercy for insects and this world is full of them.

So by the time he ‘meets up’ with one of the other heroes, he’s flawlessly adapted to the rules of this strange world and he has a long part of the underground in his possession.

This helps when the second person with the longest time between their journey and meeting (y/n) arrives (one of his men heard of a strange person wandering around with strange items), he realizes what the circumstances are and is able to prepare for their arrivals.

So when they all gather together, Time is able to help them adjust to the world and they all take to it like zora to water.

So, by the time (y/n) re-enters their lives, well…she has no more excuses not to stay by their side, now does she?


Hello! The response for my last post was a delight! so I managed to clean this one up to post it!

Again, thank you @yandere-linked-universe for the wonderful help with this one. (Check out their stuff, it’s really good!)


Mafia au ahoy! Enjoy!

Keep reading



I have so much to say about this omg. First of all, this is an amazing AU and I’m LIVING for it! The chain as Mafia members is massive galaxy brain- especially when they’re running the show and a good portion of underworld. Though, if they keep this up I’d imagine they’d end up ruling it as some point or another. Either way, it’s very on brand for the Yandere Chain, motives and all.

Now, listen, I have questions. You’ve mentioned the Biggoron sword, The Master Sword and Fi, and the initial Idea Post™️: with Times Ocarina (and isn’t that a terrifying thing-) and the boys with their “strange items.” So, I’m asking is: do they have all their items? Like Wild and his Sheikah slate (does that even work?) and Legend with his arsenal. How well does everyone’s magic work? Can Legend turn into Wolfie? Hyrule heal? There was the insinuation that there is some magic with the Master Sword, Fi, etc but ???? Are these questions that will, hopefully (and by the gods to I hope), will be answered as you go??


But, for this piece can I say I’m?? In love?? Meeting Time first was a solid move on everyone’s part. He’s the Boss, after all but I got a laugh and highkey suspicious at the “so please, relax” because the first thing I thought of was “said the devil” as soon as I read it. He was so polite and kind, but I knew damn well what this man was doing. You don’t get into the position he’s in without some manipulation. Wouldn’t be surprised if now he’s got people watching our girl.

And then for everyone else?? *chefs kiss* the scenes with Legend, Wind, Wild and Twilight were amazing. The first three are literally unloading a body and arguing while Twilight mentions he’s got on in pieces in his trunk. The casual cruelty is astonishing, truly. Phenomenal. Drives in the point that, yes, they’re in another world, but their methods are still very much the same. Then there’s Wars with his own soldiers, Hyrule and Four essentially shutting down, and Sky trying to be logical and eventually going to sleep? Amazing.

I also really loved the fact that there’s… branches. Each Chain member has their own thing (I’m also interested in that topic. Gliphy please I gotta know-), but Time is the Boss. Much like the original dynamics because he was the oldest and the one willing to take the reins.

Speaking of that, people are now talking. The maids, the soldiers, anyone who saw them and know of the Text know that something big happened. I wonder how that’s gonna go down.

Gliphy, please this is amazing. I don’t have words right now my brain is big stupid but ugh your writing jajansiwbhew


Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
(Fairy God! Reader x First Link)

This one goes out to @screaming-until-god-hears-me

Because you gave me the idea and I love it. (I read the reblog tags. They brighten up my day!)

Link was dying.

He knew it.

The Crimson Loftwing knew it.

The Goddess Hylia knew it.

And when their eyes met, she merely stared at him emotionlessly and thanked him for his sacrifice.

And that was when Link knew she had no more use for him.

Keep reading


This was absolutely amazing thank you!!


I hope everyone is proud of themselves for the witch hunt that’s been happening over the past few days. I will neither be surprised nor able to blame Jojo should she decide that the LU comic will no longer be continued after this whole debacle. The amount of hate that has been going on is ridiculous and not justified. The whole ordeal started from a mistake that has been fixed and apologized for, but sadly it seems that an apology was not what people actually wanted.

Everyone needs to remember that Jojo is a normal person not a corporation, celebrity, or influencer. She had an idea based off of a game series and decided to share it like many of us do with fanart or fanfictions,ie; she does not owe us anything and we are not entitled to her work.

Comics are extremely time consuming to make, more so then regular art or writing, and she isn’t doing the work to get compensation for it. This is FREE content. She’s making this comic because she wants to and because people liked the idea of nine different Links interacting with each other at the same time.

If you think harassing a creator for the free content that they put out is okay, you need to see a therapist. Harassing someone for a mistake is not okay, and bringing up mistakes/misconceptions from the past (I’ve see people going back to posts dated 4+years) is even worst.

There have also been people that apparently do not know what an immigrant is. Just because someone lives in the US and their spoken English is fine does not mean that they are from the US and spoken word does not correlate to writing abilities. People that have learned any second language will know that speaking is easier then reading/writing. I personally am able to talk in polish, but I am completely unable to write because there is a difference. English on its own is a hard language and people that do know it as a first language still make mistakes when writing.

If this was the last update I and probably many others will be saddened to see the comic end like this, regardless it’s completely understandable and justifiable if this is the end and Jojo does not feel comfortable enough to continue. I wish her all the best in the world because this was blown completely out of proportion and I can’t imagine the psychological harm that it has caused.




@gliphyartfan tell me if I’m being annoying but I had an idea smack me across the face and ask me to call it a parental figure.

Somehow the mafia chain find out that (y/n) is needing money for her classes cue them being distressed cause they cant just send her money cause thats werid. I mean yeah its money but where the fuck did it come from and ‘do I have an old rich creeper or some shit. No. Shut down.’ So they cant. Thier goddess should be taken care of an not have to worry about anything. Let then take care of and worship you. Not to mention that their darling baby is a strong independant person who wants to do things on thier own. Respect.

What are our boys to do?

Well Time manipulatesarranges for her to wind up working at one of thier front businesses. The safest, easiest, job for her. Is it a made up position. Maybe. Does it pay way too much for what work she is doing. Probably. But its on the up and up.

Cue the boys making sure she doesnt catch wind of anything going on. Bullying any employee until they know she is to not know anything or its thier head on a platter.

The boys now have ready access to thier Goddess…..

That’s a really good idea!

(Who said you’re annoying me??? I’ll smack them with a fish!!! I’ll always enjoy additions to my aus! That’s the best thing you could give me!)

Maybe she kept it her family because she never wanted to burden them.

Surprise school fees? Maybe she decided to take more courses? Who knows, but she needs work and in a college area? Work is hard to come by.

So it would have to be close enough that she can get there in time from school while also having time for studying.

Plus she would want to save for the future. (Not that she would need to anytime soon with the boys around.)

She lives away from home so she would have to pay rent too. So a sudden debt would make her need to work.

And what a surprise that she gets a job that does everything she needs???

A bit of work cause she would be suspicious if it were TOO good to be true but it’s worth it for the benefits.

Plot twist: since it would still be when they first made contact with her, she wouldn’t be known by the chain’s men. So imagine her 'boss’ (one of Time’s men) deciding to treat her awful.

I won’t continue that line of thought but we all know how it ends for the ex-subordinate~!

Please don’t. I don’t want my brain smelling like fish lol. 

I can just see it now. she works hard on handling it and handling on her own. Or just grins and bears it cause come on, that’s adult life. No matter how good a job is or how well you like it there is bound to be jerks or just sucky days. The days just become more frequent I guess. And sure maybe she ends up venting to one of the boys my money is on Wind cause come on, what is the harm in telling him. He is a totally safe bet right? He’s old enough to get it and not say ‘well just quit’ but young enough for him not to do something right?….right

Huh? What do you mean he was transferred out of the country?! 

crestfallenmermaidan: @gliphyartfan You said to at you so I at’ed you. Ignore if you like.Trigger wacrestfallenmermaidan: @gliphyartfan You said to at you so I at’ed you. Ignore if you like.Trigger wa



You said to at you so I at’ed you. Ignore if you like.

Trigger warnings: abuse, gore, and suicidal ideations. 

Delilah Rossi, better known as Lilah was only a young college student when she was thrust into the world of Hyrule and becan accompanying the Chain in hopes of making it back home. Her story started before that, though the Chain was definitely more interesting than anything her life ever gave her before. It wasn’t her first exposure to the darkness that eats away at the edge of a man’s morality. That was something she lived her whole life with.

But instead of sickened love it was only contempt her father felt for her. When she was young he didn’t want anything to do with her really. Because what use is a baby, it’s rather annoying. 

Lilah isn’t sure what her father had been like before the injury that took away his ability to compete as a gymnast,  as it had been before she was born. She wasn’t sure if he had ever been different from the controlling narcissist who hadn’t cared about her until she could give something to him. The one thing he was missing. 

He had been an-almost-olympic medalist. But due to an injury he never made it that far, what was rightfully his was ripped right away from him and no one seemed to care except him. It was unfair. And one day while watching his neglected wife and child an idea struck. He watched his wife coach their baby into taking steps.

He could work with this. He thought as he approached the two and picked the girl up from under her arms and held her up, her other just watching on allowing the man to hold her

Yes…yes I can work with this.” And thus began hell.

Her father was a controlling man. What she could eat and drink, who she spoke to and associated with (a very limited list), and all her free time was dedicated to gymnastics. Restrictive diets, endless hours of cardio and time in the gym brought the girl into an almost constant state of exhaustion, wandering through life in an enervateddaze.

And she could not step a toe out of line, or it will be much worse for her. She can’t count the number of concussions she must have gotten from being beat upside the head after stumbling on a landing. Her pinky had been broken when she couldn’t get the uneven bar routine right- twice. And that is in combination with the regular ‘incidents’ when her father is in a bad mood. He was always good at hiding the marks, after all appearance is half the point of winning a competition. The prettier she was the more likely she would win medals. 

Lilah could feel the chains tightening around her, drowning her will to fight…to want. What was the point of anything, desiringanything, if she could never have it. Having to dampen her natural curiosity and ambitions in fearof displeasing him. She felt suffocated and broken, oddly enough those chains being the thing that kept her from fully falling apart. Keep your head down, just do the tasks in front of you. Go to sleep and wait for the next morning where it would start again. Praying that maybe you just wouldn’t wake up. Keep one foot in front of the other and you won’t stumble as much. Don’t look down into the abyss or you’ll loose yourself in it. She was forgetting what her own laugh sounded like. When was the last time she saw any light in her own eyes? So she existed…she just did that…existed. Why did she have to exist?

It all fell apart for her father when she was 16. 

It had been a minor competition but would be the greatest victory of her monochrome existence. She had been ill, most likely a common cold or flu but due to her poor lifestyle it was hitting her harder than most. She blacked out on one of the turns on the uneven bars. She awoke mere moments later to burning in her side and a difficulty breathing, what she later learned was a broken rib. Everything felt underwater and muffled, but he could hear her father yell at her to get the fuckup, even if it sounded far away. She remembered the world turning as her body moved to obey the command out of habit. Lilah was barely on her feet before she was hunched over vomiting, the motion doing horrific things to her broken rib, sending a scorching burningburningburningI’mburning fire ripping through her chest. Was that screaming, she thinks she hears screaming but her eyes are blurry with tears and a red haze that starts to overcome it. Later she learned her eyes had turned bloodshot from her blood pressure spiking.

She had never been more thankful to lose consciousness. She hoped that waking never happened with this blissful sleep….


Lilah’s mother finally came clean under the pressure of authorities and CPS, though her fathers actions had very much sealed the deal with the witness’s presence. Lilah was removed from their care and put in foster care with a wonderful family. Her father was put in prison and her mother disappeared. She was guaranteed a restraining order the moment her father left prison.

It took years of therapy and multiple missteps but as she became a young woman, she bloomed. Her curiosity was back, and she developed an open and friendly deposition. She became rather goofy, as if she had bottled all those years worth of joy and energy up, only to open it and experience it all at once. She was laughing almost every day now, her eyes practically glowed. She had a special love for life because she didn’t have one for a long time. She felt like Pinocchio when he was turned into a real boy and she would not waist one moment of it.

  There’s no strings on me.

  But similar chains will return…in another world and form.


Hey guys! that was Lilah’s backstory right up until she got transported to meet the Chain. I will be doing a piece on how she fell for each of our handsome boys and became desperate for each’s love. Then I’m doing on on the decent into madness. As you can guess the controlling behavior from the boys will ring the bell a little too close to home for her. 

And I want to add that she never told any of the Chain about her father. She calls her foster parents her parents. She keeps her father dead and buried in her life. 

I eagerly await your continued work!

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