#lion eljohnson


Victorian Warhammer Alternate Universe - Second batch of the Primarchs.

And here are the texts @sonofdorn-vii wrote for them:

(making a cut because very long post)

Guilliman, the fire-chief
Station Officer Guilliman is an exceptional firefighter. A solid rule follower, Young Rob decided not to join his father in the army, instead has devoted himself to helping others. Fire Station Thirteen is run with clockwork efficiency, though his men are occasionally sneered at behind their backs for seeming so eager to please him. When alone, Guilliman laments always feeling late to the party, and wishes perhaps he could be more proactive in preventing disaster from striking in the first place, rather than just cleaning up the mess.

Known to the authorities only as ‘The Raven’, Corvus Corax is a wanted man. A coal miner since early childhood in the deepest pits of Yorkshire, Corvus has seen first hand how the class system benefits the rich at the expense of the working poor. After discussion of forming a workers union lead to the murder of his father at the hands of the mine owner, Corvus vowed that the system would change, even if it must be forced to. Since then, he has committed many acts of sabotage; generating fear and disgust among the richest land owners and is wanted by police forces across the Kingdom

Alpharius Omegon is a poor bootblack, plying his trade on the streets of Cardiff. Good at his job; liked, but unnoticed by most of his wealthy patrons, Alpharius has learned that overheard information is often far more valuable than his physical skill for a man who knows how to use it. Alpharius Omegon is also a wealthy shipping magnate, based in Cardiff Docks, who’s uncanny knowledge of his competitor’s business dealings have often given him an advantage over them in bidding for contracts. Knowing which rival is addicted to chasing the dragon or who has an unhealthy interest in fresh young cadavers can lead to business opportunities of all kinds…

The Very Reverand Lorgar Aurelian is an Anglican minister from the Home Counties. Once a young military padre, he left the service after several tours of Darkest Africa, having seen great and terrible deeds done in the name of the King. His easygoing and approachable manner make him instantly likable, while his small stature leave him unitimidating to those who encounter him. His work with war orphaned boys on the streets of London have earned him many unquestioningly loyal followers, stirred into righteous action by Lorgar’s inspiring sermons and prolific writings.

Foreman Victor Vulkan runs one if the many forges in the county of South Yorkshire. His affinity with molten metal has lead him to no small fame across the country as a weapons manufacturer, as well as a significant contributor to the railway network of the Kingdom. Young Vulkan was adopted by his father, a Yorkshire Steelworker, from the West Indies and studied in the Steel City of Sheffield. They also travelled together to Essen in the Ruhrgebiet and as far afield as the Empire of Japan learning new and old smithing techniques. His jovial manner and support of his men and their families lead him to aid in the formation of one of the country’s earliest Trade Unions. The colour of his skin, unusual in the Kingdom, has lead less enlightened citizens to be wary of him but his booming laugh and kindly nature immediately puts those he encounters at ease…

Mr Lionel Johnson hails from the ex colony of North America. His blonde hair, dazzling white smile and genial manner make him a perfect guest at dinner parties this season. When you’re noticed by 'The Lion’ it feels like the sun is shining on your face, like you’re the only one in the room. His tales of the West are fascinating to Europeans, earning him much attention and favour with the stuffy British establishment, however HIS part in these tales is always unclear. He wears a pair of six shooters on his hips and those lucky enough to witness a demonstration are dumbfounded by his superb skill. Some say he is late of the US Cavalry, and learned his trade hunting Natives for sport, some say he’s a small town Sheriff, used to being the Law wherever he goes. Where he actually acquired these weapons and the affinity he has with them is a question of much debate in Society, however his real past is currently cloaked in mystery…

Perturabo is a prussian architect of astounding skill. His cathedrals and palaces cover the Kingdom and beyond, preferred of all the aristocracy of Europe. His wonderous creations however belie his cold and calculating mind. His visions, though of great beauty, are the product of his intense desire to be recognised as the best in his field, serving only his own advancement. The artistry involved is merely a tool to be used, a way of gaining recognition. He feels nothing for his creations, most of them he’s never seen beyond the drawing board, discarding as many as one in ten as substandard to his exacting specifications. His ultimate goal is unclear, but his need to ingratiate himself with the elite of Europe, by any means necessary, is a powerful motivator…

Jaghatai Khan claims to have the fastest ships in the known world. Marked with his personal Lightning Sigil, his cutters ship linen from India, ink from China and coffee from the West Indies at record breaking speeds. Using his considerable resources, Jaghatai can import the best feeds and supplements to support his other passion; horse racing. From imbibing ginger to twitches made from whalebone, he’ll try anything to make his horses faster. A thoroughbred from his own personal stables, White Scar, will compete against the King’s horse, Custodian, at Cheltenham in the spring. Little is known about how a poor boy from the steppes of Asia became one of the most powerful Trade Envoys in the world, but any that meet him are immediately charmed by his amiable nature. Generous with time and coin, the Great Khan, as he’s named in quiet whispers, has made quite the impression in Society circles, even catching the eye of a certain notorious Viscount on occasion…

Timothee Mortarion is a respiratory specialist at St Barts in London. After his brother died of complications due to Asthma, young Mortarion dedicated his life to science. Using cutting edge (literally) methods, the serious young doctor has developed techniques using inhalation of various aerosolised substances to strengthen and enhance the lungs of many young homeless patients. His success rate is the cause of some debate in the medical community however, his cures seem to kill as many unfortunates as they save…

I’ll repost the first batch with their texts (not all of them have texts, since we started giving them backstories a while after I began drawing. but I’m sure my wonderful wordsmith-friend will write something up for the missing ones, too).
