

So today is my second to last day of cleansing and I am feeling really good, probably because I know that the end is near. Its funny because I’m just really looking forward to all of the things I usually take for granted like having a nice meal and sipping a glass of wine.

I’m a little concerned that after doing this I might go food crazy, so I’m going to stick with my original plan of eating vegetarian for a few days after, and then just go from there. I’m probably also feeling awesome because I know that after the total 11 days are completed, I’m that much closer to going to Vegas to see Derric! He’s in a tournament right now, hopefully kicking some ass. It’s been pretty lonely without him here, but there is no way I could have ever attempted this detox if he were. Anyway, the days can’t pass quickly enough it seems, especially when you are not eating.  

#visual    #moving    #liquid    