#lirella is a legend




It was the single worst thing that could have been said to the seven year-old. It was the word that undid linear time. It crippled the cosmos and brought reality to its knees like some forbidden, long-ago Netherese magic.

To counter this, Lirella did what any sane child of her rank and stature would do when faced with such cataclysmic cruelty. She threw herself to the floor with one heavy thwump and screamed. Great and powerful wails exploded through the walls of the Szarr family manor. No one could be certain her voice was strong enough to break the ornate glass windows, but shrill enough it was indeed. Her wrath was so that every spawn, near or far, shoved their hands to their ears and winced. Pain fluted through their ears in all the ringing melodies of her injustice.
