
Merry meet everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour is the day is yellow, with the ince

Merry meet everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour is the day is yellow, with the incense being lavender. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Listen to Your Heart.

Trusting your vibes is the art and practice of listening to your heart, for it’s there that the voice of inner wisdom speaks. It helps us focus on not only the content of information, but it’s intent as well. Every time you need guidance or simple reassurance from Divine Spirit, close your eyes, take a few deep -cleansing breaths, and place your attention directly on your heart. Allow your awareness to rest there quietly for a moment or two, then ask your heart to guide you. Trust whatever feelings happen. Don’t censor or discount anything. If nothing comes immediately, don’t worry. Relax. Remain Open and patient. Guidance will come before you know it.

Have a magical Wednesday listening to your hearts beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Happy Saturday ☺️ what are your plans for today? . . . . . #listentoyourheart #procreatelettering #p

Happy Saturday ☺️ what are your plans for today?
#listentoyourheart #procreatelettering #procreateapp #ipadlettering #moderncalligraphypractice #letteringlover #letteringdesign #letteringinspiration #letteringadict #letteringartist #digitallettering #digitalletteringpractice #digitalletteringart #letteringartwork #chrystalizabeth_ipadlettering

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1. It’s standing at the departures gate, again, watching them walk away. It’s waiting for one last look back and not getting it. The future looks better than you, that’s why.

2. It’s walking out of the room after she died, the feeling of her hand in yours imprinted in your memory forever. Everything is out of your control.

3. It’s insomnia at 2 a.m. and remembering all the ways you thought your life would turn out, but didn’t. The dreams you can’t dream anymore.

4. It’s in the endings, the unfinished edges of experience, the hoping, the wishing. It’s in the wait.
