


College Note-Taking System

Having cohesive and effective notes is one of the key skills I think one should have, especially in an academic setting. When you’re receiving a ton of information each day, you want to be able to keep track of that and remember what you’ve learned. I’m constantly trying out ways to make my note-taking more effective and tailored to my needs. Here’s what my note-taking system looks like so far.

Quick note: click on the images for better quality!

Class Notes

Taking notes in class is an invaluable way to keep track of the new knowledge you’ve gained. However, depending on the mode in which the lecture material is conveyed, I take my notes differently. Here’s a summary of how I take my notes for each type of lecture, as well as some examplesfrom the classes I’m taking now.

Slides (e.g. Macroeconomics)

Macroeconomics is a class in which you should be able to intuitively understand a lot of concepts but also remembera lot of things. Because of this, I’ve tailored my note-taking method and habits to achieve that goal.

I write my notes by hand because handwritingis more effective in committing things to memory.

As for what I actually do - and this is what I’ve done for other classes in which the professor/lecturer uses slides:

  1. Read/skim over the slide.
  2. Read each bullet point as the professor goes through them.
  3. Copy it down if it’s straightforward or write it down in a structure and diction that I understand better (not necessarily in my own words - sometimes it’s just restructuring, e.g. splitting things up or joining different bullet points together).
  4. Take note of any other important detailsthe professor says about any particular point unless I think it’s intuitive or common sense.

Here’s an example from a Macroeconomics lecture.

Oral Presentation (e.g. Anthropology)

During classes in which the professor just speaks and doesn’t use much visual material, I listen before I write instead of attempting to write down every single detail mentioned.

Also, I typeup my notes instead of handwriting them since the exams are all open-book so I don’t really have to commit things to memory.

Here’s what I do:

  1. Listen for a cue that tells you what this particular part of the lecture will be about (and write it as a heading).
  2. Write down main ideas and their supporting facts/details. If the facts/details come before the main ideas, then I’d usually draw an arrow.
  3. Write down ideas and details from readingsin their own section/subsection.
  4. Sometimes, my professor also shows short clipsin class, in which case I’d write down the messagethat I think the clip was meant to convey, as well as things that the professor points out that I didn’t think of on my own.
  5. I’d also look up concepts/ideas/people/events (in real time) that are important to my understanding of the lecture material.

Here’s an example of a Google Docs document from an Anthropology lecture.

Demonstrations and Sample Problems (e.g. Computer Science)

Classes in which the lecture is mainly going through demos and problems are kind of tricky, because you want to know and understand what the professor is doing, but you also don’t want to be writing down every single step that’s being executed. Here’s what I’ve found to be the most effective so far:

  1. If there are any, I import the slides/handoutontoOneNoteandannotate directly on the slide. If not, I just write down things like definitions, important concepts, and syntax-related things.
  2. I focus on understandingwhat the professor’s doing with the demo or problem.
  3. I then summarize the steps they took and
  4. Write down commentsand points they brought up, e.g. common errors, desirable habits/practices.

Also, these kinds of classes are usually classes in which you’d learn better when you actually do problems yourself, so I definitely learn more when I do assignments and labs than when I’m in class.

Here’s an example from a Web Programming lecture.

Here’s one from an Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures class. I often draw things to help me visualize the general points.

Rewritten Notes

My rewritten notes have definitely changed a lot since high school. Since most of my classes don’t require a lot of memorization, I organize my notes in such a way that they’d be easy to index or find information from. Here are some of the ways I do that:

Establishing a Visual Hierarchy

Having a well-defined hierarchy helps me flow through my notes really well as i read them. It helps me organize information like a mind map without actually making a mind map - I know the big topics and their subtopics and sub-subtopics and details … basically it’s easier to see how these ideas fit together.

But why don’t I just make mind-maps? See, the thing is, a lot of my notes require sequential or linear thinking, e.g. in macroeconomics it might be the sequence of events following a change in the economy, or in computer science it might be a general algorithm for solving a certain type of problem, or it might be proving or deriving a certain equation. These sorts of things just generally don’t work well with mind maps. Instead, establishing a visual hierarchy in my notes helps me organize different ideas while retaining the linear nature of the information.

Here’s what the hierarchy looks like.

Here is an example from my Web Programming class, which is a purely project-based class, so no prelims or exams. As you can see, I draw rectangles around important terminology so that I can easily find them while I’m working on a project. I also include examples from in-class activities as well as notes on syntax so I have an idea of how to implement certain things. These examples and notes are further grouped by terminology/concept.

Structuring Them for Easier Flow

My syllabi for my college courses are nowhere near as detailed as the syllabi for my high school courses - those of you who take/have taken Cambridge exams would know. In college, my syllabi are only lists of topics and not what you’re expected to know for each topic. Because of this, I have to find a way to arrange information so that I can achieve the most comprehensive and cohesive understanding of that topic, i.e. so that the flow of my notes is similar to the flow of my thinking.

For example, in my economics notebook, I like to have the details first (e.g. the separate markets: the goods market, the assets market, and the labor market) and then the big picture later (IS-LM-FE). Some people prefer the other way around - seeing the big picture and then going into the details - which I can understand and have done myself for certain topics.

Making Use of Proximity and Spacing

I very much dislike notes without good use of spacing and grouping things together. Keeping related ideas in visual proximity helps your brain (or at least mine) organizethis information. It’s also a lot easier to find things andvisualize your notes when they’re not just a huge chunk of text.

One thing I should probably mention is that I don’t use colored pens anymore because it just takes a lot of time to switch pens and think of a color palette. I also don’t have much use for it. In the past, I used color to help me memorize and group things in different categories, but now, I’ve found that there aren’t a whole lot of categories I need to keep track of, and when I do, I can do so with just one pen but changing the style of the text.

And that’s what my note-taking system currently looks like. It’s working well so far, but I still think there are other things I could try out that might be a better fit.

So yeah, hope this was helpful, and as always, feel free to drop an ask if you have any questions, or even if you have any suggestions or would like to share your note-taking system. Have an awesome week!

studyaesthetick:I’ve been asked about how I take reading notes so here is a quick rundown. These n


I’ve been asked about how I take reading notes so here is a quick rundown. These notes are for history, but the process is _about the same _regardless of the text, but if you would like to see variations (for linguistics or government, for example), just let me know! Also, if you would like to know how I do lecture notes or how I review for tests, just shoot me ask. I hope this was helpful!

Some notes though:

Keep reading

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Merry meet everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour is the day is yellow, with the ince

Merry meet everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour is the day is yellow, with the incense being lavender. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Listen to Your Heart.

Trusting your vibes is the art and practice of listening to your heart, for it’s there that the voice of inner wisdom speaks. It helps us focus on not only the content of information, but it’s intent as well. Every time you need guidance or simple reassurance from Divine Spirit, close your eyes, take a few deep -cleansing breaths, and place your attention directly on your heart. Allow your awareness to rest there quietly for a moment or two, then ask your heart to guide you. Trust whatever feelings happen. Don’t censor or discount anything. If nothing comes immediately, don’t worry. Relax. Remain Open and patient. Guidance will come before you know it.

Have a magical Wednesday listening to your hearts beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet all, it’s Freya’s/Aphrodite’s day and the colour of the day is rose, wi

Merry meet all, it’s Freya’s/Aphrodite’s day and the colour of the day is rose, with the incense of the day being rose. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Be Flexible.

The main reason your guides and angels are with you is to influence you to make the best possible choices for your life. Yet, even as they offer help, it’s up to you to accept and follow your vibes before before they can do you any good. Allow yourself to be influenced by your guides by being more flexible in body, mind, and spirit. This means get out of your rut, change your plans, take an occasional risk, trust the moment, and be willing to go with the flow if new inspiration encourages you to do so. Don’t be a card-carrying member of the “woulda, coulda, shoulda,” club of lost opportunity and psychic regret. If you feel a vibe, be courageous enough to act on it.
Five-sensory people are too rigid to see and accept the assistance of higher forces, so they miss their moments and live in frustration. Don’t live like this. Rather than blindly sticking with “the plan,” your guides encourage you to ease up, stretch and bend your mind, and try to do things in a new way. Don’t resist the Universe as it strives to help you. Open up to it.

Have a magical Friday being flexible beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet all! It’s Thor’s day and the colour of the day is turquoise, with the incense

Merry meet all! It’s Thor’s day and the colour of the day is turquoise, with the incense of the day being nutmeg. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Mentors and Role Models.

If you’ve heard that being intuitive is a special gift for only a select few, then you’ve been misinformed. Once you start paying attention to your vibes, you’ll see that there are creative, artful, six-sensory people all around, and they look normal except for one thing- they shine. If you hesitate to step out of the closet as a six-sensory person, look for these mentors to inspire you to navigate the psychic highway with more confidence and ease. Seek out public people who demonstrate that being six-sensory can indeed be graceful, creative, supportive and fun.
Role models for intuitive living are not that hard to find. They’re the people who are ethical, humanitarian, and spontaneous. Their auras sparkle, they laugh out loud, and their enthusiasm for life is infectious. They listen, follow their heart, trust their feelings, speak their truth, and act on their instincts without hesitation. And they encourage you to do the same. Ask them what their secret is, and inevitably they will say,“I trust my vibes. ”

Have a magical Thursday with your mentors and role models beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet all, it’s Woden’s day, and the colour of the day is white, with the incense o

Merry meet all, it’s Woden’s day, and the colour of the day is white, with the incense of the day is marjoram. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Stay in Your Own Skin.

As a six-sensory person, you have a tendency to become overly empathetic at times. You not only sense others vibrations, but you also absorb and internalise them as your own. This is not only psychically unhealthy, but it can make you physically sick if you do it often enough. The cure is to mentally and emotionally stay in your own skin, and don’t operate like a psychic sponge absorbing the energy around you. It’s okay to support others, but don’t try to rescue them. It interrupts their growth and harms you as well. Stay in your own skin by slowly breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, while focusing on your body. The more you breathe, the more you keep to your own spirit and allow others the dignity of managing their own affairs.
Another key to disengaging is to see and name all the objects around you. This two-minute, psychic-energy adjustment resets your balance. It’s nice to care - but don’t carry.

Have a magical Wednesday staying in your own skin beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet everyone! I hope everyone who celebrated thanksgiving had a good day! It’s still a

Merry meet everyone! I hope everyone who celebrated thanksgiving had a good day! It’s still a full moon so I’m going to wish you all full moon blessings on this full moon Freya’s/Aphrodite’s day. The colour of the day is pink, with the incense of the day being vanilla. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Clear the Path.

You can’t hear your spirit guides or feel any connection to your Higher Self until you dig yourself out from under the dead energy that comes from holding onto what no longer serves you. Everything has a vibration that either uplifts and aids your soul’s growth or bogs you down and interferes. Let go if everything that doesn’t lend a positive, uplifting vibration regardless of its material value. Never mind the rationale that you must keep it just in case you’ll need it someday. You won’t.
Clear it all out-your purse, your wallet, your car, your closet, your garage, your personal phone book, and your desk. Higher energies are trying to move in, but they’re blocked at the door. It’s a brand new day for a brand new, higher vibration! As my teacher Charlie once told me, “You cannot reach for the new until you let go of what is in the hand.

Have a magical full moon Friday clearing your paths beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet everyone and a Happy Full Moon to everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour o

Merry meet everyone and a Happy Full Moon to everyone! It’s Woden’s day and the colour of the day is white, with the incense of the day is honeysuckle. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Exercise your Vibes.

There’s too much static in the air to move ahead right now. Get back to the earth and her grounded. I mean sweat! A good dose of physical exercise gets your energy flowing in one direction - upward - to higher levels of vibration, and it keeps you from getting in your own way. Your brain is working overtime, and your spirit has been spotted leaving the premises of your body. By exercising, you quiet your mind chatter and call your spirit back. Only then can you begin to hear your angels and guides who are waiting to offer you guidance for your present challenges. Shifting your energy from a mental to a physical focus through exercise will jump start not only your psychic sense, but your creativity as well, especially if you’re stuck.
So if you want to access your vibes, give your mind a break and get the lead out. Once you do, notice how negative energy leaves your body and your ideas
Aha! Solutions suddenly leap to your mind! The Universe is always broadcasting creative and positive good vibrations to you. Exercise changes your frequency so that you can access this source of inspiration better and put it to use.

Have a magical full moon Wednesday beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet everyone! It’s Tyr’s day, and the colour of the day is grey, with the incense

Merry meet everyone! It’s Tyr’s day, and the colour of the day is grey, with the incense of the day being basil. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Decide.

Two of the most powerful words to raise your vibration and gain the support of your higher celestial forces are “I decide.” The moment you truly decide on a particular goal and fully commit to a course of action, the Universe can step up and assist you. But until you decide, the only thing the Universe and all your Divine support systems can do is respect your free will and patiently wait. Not even your angels or guides can override your lack of decision. Once your intention is set, however, all sources of Higher Power are ready, willing and able to assist you. So ask yourself: “What have I decided, and what is my intention right now?” Once you name it, all systems are go.

Have a magical Tuesday deciding, beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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Merry meet all, it’s the Moon’s day and it’s been a few weeks since I last posted

Merry meet all, it’s the Moon’s day and it’s been a few weeks since I last posted my card of the day. I decided to take a few weeks away from them as I was picking up on all the crazy energy and I felt out of sorts for a while. But it’s ok, I’m back now all energised! Today’s colour of the day is white, with the incense of the day being clary sage. Today’s Trust your Vibes oracle card is Call on Your Joy Guides.

Your situation at this moment may feel critical, but don’t allow it to become too serious or you’ll lose your way. Remember, on a soul level, this too shall pass, and it will pass much easier with the help of your joy guides to lighten your mood and elevate your vibration so you can move on to better times. Learn to recognise when your joy guides are on the scene. They like to play games(and sometimes practical jokes) with you to keep you from taking things too personally. They’re good at getting your attention with their antics - they may hide your keys, move your things, and steal one of your socks out of the dryer. Are the joy guides getting your attention? Where or how are they getting you to laugh at yourself? Let them.

Have a magical Monday calling on your joy guides, beautiful witches!
Blessed be
Lady Aphrodite ❤️

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You only have 3 more days to claim your FREE tarot reading from me. Check my last post on it for details ⏱


as much as i think stereotypes can be a great starting point to build upon… when can we just,,, let go of them?

i’m really tired of alphas being perceived as 100% masc, actively seeking a mate, and aggressive.

  • alphas breaking stereotypes is totally okay
  • not all alphas are frat boys, and that’s totally okay
  • being a feminine alpha is totally okay
  • being a shy alpha is totally okay
  • not all alphas are gym monsters, and that’s totally okay
  • being an alpha with insecurities is totally okay
  • being an alpha who doesn’t want a mate is totally okay
  • not all alphas have a short temper, and that’s totally okay
  • being an alpha who isn’t seeking an omega for a mate is totally okay
  • not all alphas want pups, and that’s totally okay
  • not all alphas are abusive yandere control freaks seeking to completely dominate their partner into submission and seclude them from the rest of the world by using their genetic abilities
  • give me SOFT alphas!
  • give me mtf alphas!
  • give me ftm alphas!
  • give me chubby alphas!
  • give me alphas who knit and sew!
  • give me alphas who want to carry their own pups!
  • alphas don’t always have to be assholes who solely exist to be plot devices for your omega main character
  • add some pizazz, i am beggingyou

and i don’t mean to shit on people who do write alphas like this. they can totally be like this, and it can totally be beneficial to your story, but that’s all i’m seeing.


a very frustrated alpha and omegaverse reader


So, Photoshop has a price and even though there are several torrents going around sometimes they just don’t run in your computer. Well I found how to make amazing gifs without photoshop that will make your life a lot easier.

Things you will need:

  • A computer
  • A video (Either a youtube url or a downloaded one, the higher the quality the better)
  • Instagiffer

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Just a few applications and websites I’ve found useful. 


  • SESSION MANAGER—this application allows you to save websites, shut down your computer, and then open all your tabs again with the click of a button. Just a warning—when the old tabs reopen, it will shut down any others. Websites can be added and deleted from the list far easier than with bookmarks. 
  • TOOMANYTABS—For when you have a ton of tabs open, this app helps organize them.
  • RECENTLY CLOSED TABS—click on the tab for a drop-down list of the fifteen most recently closed tabs.
  • AWESOME SCREENSHOT—allows you to take a screenshot of the screen and edit it right in the application.
  • MEASUREIT—you can measure the pixel size of anything on the web. 
  • STRICT POMODORO—a time management application that blocks you from certain websites and then allows a five minute break. 
  • CONVERT CASE—website that converts lowercase to uppercase letters and vice versa. 
  • CLEARLY—if text on a page is difficult to read, simply click the icon to show the page in Clearly, with colors, font size and line heights that you decide. Then click the arrow to return to the page. 
  • GOOGLE DICTIONARY—Just double click on a word for the definition.
  • DOWNLOAD MASTER—If there are a bunch of files to download on one page, this app can help download them all at once, or pick and choose which ones you want.
  • REALPLAYER—a media player that comes with a download extension for the web, useful for downloading videos straight from the page. Also does conversions for you, including video to mp3.
  • SPEEDDIAL—sets you up with a start page that you can customize to have linked to your most frequently visited websites. easily customizable. 
  • TIMESTATS—More for fun than anything, this app lets you keep track of how much time you spend on the web and where you spend it. 
  • EXTENSIONS MANAGER—Can help manage all your nifty new extensions. 


  •  STYLISH—lets you set up themes for different websites, including your dashboard.
  • MISSING E—just get it okay? Allows for one click reblogging, as well as tons of other useful features. 
  • TUMBLR SAVIOR—you poor soul if you’ve survived without this. Blacklist certain things so you never have to see them on your dash. 
  • TUMTASTER—download audio posts from tumblr.
  • TUMBLR EDIT TAGS—edit your tags right from the dashboard.
  • TUMBLR CUSTOM PHOTOSETS—allows you more options for arranging photosets. 
  • ASK MANGLER—lets you have paragraphs in asks.

I’m sure there are tons more, but I just felt like sharing the ones that I use the most on a day to day basis. Hope you find these useful!


In general:

-Feedback that says “this is good” or “this is bad” without giving a reason why. This doesn’t give any useful information.

-Feedback that vastly misses the point of the story. The exception is when everybody misses the point, in which case you probably need to make your point clearer.

-Feedback from close friends or family members. They are more invested in you than in the story, and that will influence their feedback.

Negative feedback:

-Feedback from somebody who “couldn’t get past more than five pages.” I see reviews like this for books on Amazon all the time and I ignore them because the reviewer hasn’t read enough of the book to form a good opinion. If it doesn’t offer anything useful for me as a reader, it won’t offer anything useful for you as a writer.

-Feedback from somebody you were just in an argument with.

-Feedback attacking you rather than your story.

Positive feedback:

-Feedback obviously more meant to cheer you up than to help you become a better writer.

-Feedback from somebody who only ever gives out positive feedback. Who knows what they really think of your story?

Bad reasons to ignore feedback:

-It’s not worded nicely.

-It criticizes the parts you put the most effort and emotion into writing.

-It comes from somebody who isn’t as good of a writer as you are. Often, finding the good and bad in somebody else’s writing is easier than finding the good and bad in your own writing.


Medical Facts Ref of Things Authors Botch Up a Lot


Hospitals are not magical / They do not operate like a Pokémon center in the games.

Doctors are not magicians. They can mess up, there are wounds they cannot treat, complications can arise during treatment, there might not be enough doctors available at any given…

Request Guidelines

Here’s a little guidelines video if you’re thinking of dropping a request for speedpaints. Don’t worry, it’s all pretty standard stuff, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows what to expect from my videos. You guys are amazing and I’m super excited to take on some requests from you all. If you have one in mind, feel free to drop a comment on this video, here on tumblr, my deviantart, facebook, instagram, or twitter! :)

#guides    #guidelines    #speedpaints    





normalise being bad at roofs in minecraft. normalise not being able to make an aesthetically pleasing roof to save your life in minecraft.

Normalize just digging into the side of a mountain to avoid making roofs in Minecraft

yall need me to tap the sign?

here’s a roof guide that i use because i used to be shit

i dont remember the source, b/c ive had this for like years, but i suggest messing around with these roofs with different shapes/sizes of buildings

in fact, you can mix and match and have one roof with a side room with a different roof on it

honestly, have fun

I’ve had these saved for a long time and unfortunately don’t know the source either, but here are the other tutorials from this artist if anybody is interested!

ashtonofrp:nxlie-deactivated20170103: Often, when portraying characters with certain cases that



Often, when portraying characters with certain cases that you don’t have, or might not have encountered personally I find that people tend to follow the myths found within society. This leads to a completely false portrayal and representation of your character, and can in certain cases offend people. Thus, under the cut is the basic knowledge you must acquire when playing an introvert.

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