

a 30-second short story about creatively “misusing” language

Want more from voice guest Danielle C Ohi? Listen to her read from her forthcoming novel “The Lionhead Prince” here.


tradwife for Jesus and Jesus only


“The Italians have a word for the store of poems you have in your head: a gazofilacio […] in its original language it actually means a treasure chamber of the mind. The poems I remember are the milestones marking the journey of my life. And unlike paintings, sculptures or passages of great music, they do not outstrip the scope of memory, but are the actual thing, incarnate.”

Clive James, ‘The poems I remember are the milestones marking the journey of my life,’ The Guardian (26 September 2020)


modern au stede,, ik im right


I cannot believe i put on this stupid fucking firefighter show once for background noice and now it is all consuming me


okay i’m only on the 5th episode of macgyver (2016) but my favorite thing has to be how mac will go “i was bad at being a boy scout and failed 7th grade. anyway here’s how to make a car from sand and dental floss” and then It Works.


going ghost on all social media except for tumblr is the move


multiple mental health professionals: that was a traumatic event for you

me: ok but that’s a stupid thing to be traumatized by so

Bungives you a new slant on things


gives you a new slant on things

Post link


Me: “fuck all authority no gods no masters”

A hot girl: *tells me to do anything in a commanding tone*

Me: “yes miss i love to obey”

No Gods, No Masters… except in bed…


being in small fandoms really is like *some of the most creative, visually stunning fanart you’ve seen* (41 notes)



btw being excessively nonconfrontational is NOT a positive trait. it does not mean u are “too nice” or just too kind to hurt people, it means u have a problem communicating and you need to work on it.


remember when Kris Deltarune ripped their heart out of their chest for some unknown reason and toby fox was like well have fun wondering what that was all about! see you later! and we’re still wondering


If there’s one thing I will never understand it’s Lord of the Rings fans wanting to be an elf in Middle Earth. I mean, sure they’re graceful and pretty but they live too damn long and having to witness an eternity of stupidity from the species around them. Like, imagine being Elrond and basically witnessing a cringe compilation of the human race. Nope. No thanks.



not to sound like your dad but if your not having a great time rn you might legitimately be playing too many video games or being on that damn phone too often, or at least without any necessary activity buffers

may i suggest coloring with physical materials? or some chores you’ve been putting off? hell go outside with a bucket and make mud soup like you’re five again. take a break. you can bring your whatever for music and stuff but like don’t play with it



Not me just casually walking past my mom talking to her friend on the door while carrying my cat on my shoulders, a cup of water on one hand and a faceless doll head, hanging from its hair on my fingers


trying to hiiii my way into someone loving me


stimming isn’t enough i need to fucking explode
