#literally he just laughed at me when i said it


When you live in the UK and need to speak to a doctor because your stomach pain is getting worse and it feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach most days and you feel nauseous 24/7 and can hardly eat and you’ve already been to the hospital while sobbing in agony with other very scary symptoms that would probably be too TMI to share and they’ve told you you’re fine and you need to follow up with your GP because the hospital can’t help and you wake up at half 8 every morning to phone the doctors even though your health condition makes waking up early feel like you’re dying and you spend a solid half hour making nearly 400 attempts to phone your GP before giving up and going back to bed

It’s ok, said my dad several years ago while laughing at me when he voted Conservative because I said I was scared of losing the NHS. We’re not going to lose the NHS!

At this point, we might as well have.
