#literally saw someone admitting to being a terf



Honestly Amber baffles me.

She divorced Johnny and won a seven million dollar settlement, won the UK trial and had everyone believing the allegations against Johnny. But instead of donating the money like she said she would and moving on, she decided to write an article (an article that has officially been proven false because all the evidence is against her).

Truly the mind of a narcissist.

I think a lot of people are misinterpreting this to mean that I fully support Johnny and think he did nothing wrong when that’s not the case at all. I definitely think the relationship was toxic from both ends and neither of them are innocent in how bad it got between them.

However, as someone who went into this trial with no opinion or bias and just followed the evidence presented by both sides, I feel like it’s important for me to point out that it was the evidence that pointed to Amber lying.And the thing that’s pushing the me too movement back and getting a bunch of misogynistic idiots to attack actual survivors is the fact that she lied, because now those idiots will always be able to say “but remember Amber Heard? Everyone believed her and she turned out to be lying”.

And as a survivor it’s disgusting to see the ammunition Amber gave those people to use against actual survivors in the future.
