#litg mirrored hearts



Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Nine: Pride and Heartache

“Do you think you can really trust him? He might just be taking advantage of your situation to stay in the game. He practically oozes calculating fuckboi.”

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates


Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Eight: Missed Connections

All eyes were suddenly on her. Nervously, she looked up at Noah first—as she felt him tense up by her side—before turning to face Levi. They both looked stressed, as expected, and she heard someone scoff like they couldn’t believe it. There was no need to look however, she knew who it was. She cautiously glanced over towards Milly, and all that met her was utter annoyance and anger.

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates

 Introducing: Gourami Full Name: Gourami FaezAge: 23 | Birth Date: 15 December 1997Occupation: Twitc

Introducing: Gourami

Full Name: Gourami Faez

Age:23 | Birth Date: 15 December 1997

Occupation:Twitch Streamer


Reason for joining Love Island: “I’m just here to have fun. I’ll make no secret of it; won’t make it any more complicated than that. I think it’s important to be totally honest about your intentions. I expect people to fall in love with me, but it would take a miracle to tie me down. I guess we’ll see if any of them are up to the challenge.”

Visit Gourami’s Character Profile Here

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Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Nine: Pride and Heartache

“Do you think you can really trust him? He might just be taking advantage of your situation to stay in the game. He practically oozes calculating fuckboi.”

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates


She wears strength
and darkness equally well,
the girl has always been
half goddess, half hell.

- Nikita Gill

Thank you so much to my dear and talented @nerdferatum for this amazing piece and for your infinite patience, you’re a star. You captured my vision of a more whimsical Sky perfectly and the nod to the Mirrored Hearts colour palette is such a special touch since it’s the first fic where my beloved OC has been featured (but hopefully not the last).

The Beach Hut wants your questions

In between chapters, we love sharing these little tidbits on what the Islanders are thinking. How do they find the experience of being on Love Island so far? And what do they actually think about the other Islanders? We have plenty of questions we want to ask them ourselves, but we’re always open to hear from everyone here too!

Below, you can see who’s coming up next with their confessions so you can send us and ask with a question for them if you feel like it. Additionally, you can see who’s already answered some questions and check out the answers in the links provided.

Coming up next:

Rocco and Venus

Previous confessions:

Bobby – One

Clarice – One

Noah – One

Sky – One

Zane – One


Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Seven: Lonely Hearts

Almost immediately, she sprang up, lifting her sunglasses to show the concern on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Have you ever done drag?”

Her face lit up brighter than he’d ever seen it.

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates

Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Five: Rookie’s mistake

He took a deep breath and, with a smile back on his face, knocked a happy tune on the door. The room grew silent and he opened the door. All his new friends were looking at him like deer in headlights.
“You seemed to be having fun,” he broke the silence.
“We still are, do you want to join us?” Este asked.
“Actually, I have a surprise for all of you.”

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates


Which Mirrored Hearts Girl Are You?

Before publishing Chapter 5 of our fic, we thought it could be fun to put together a little uquiz for you all. So, which Mirrored Hearts girl are you?

Find out here

Each of our original characters correspond to one “feminine archetype”, and this quiz tells you yours based on which of our girls you’re most similar to. The results include all the girls already included in the fic, but also some that have yet to make their entrance… We won’t tell you the name of your OC at the end of the quiz, but send us an ask with your guess and we’ll tell you if you’re right or wrong.

Have fun!


Songs that remind us of our OC

Music is a big part of fic writing, and has provided us with endless inspiration when creating our characters. There are some songs that resonate more than others however, so here is one song for each of our OCs that we found really fit them. Let us know which songs MH makes you think of!

Clarice – Paint It Black, by Ciara

Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts // It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black

Este – Symphony Of Blue, by Kate Bush

I spent a lot of my time looking at blue // The color of my room and my mood // Blue on the walls, blue out of my mouth

Milly – Get You High, by Harbour

‘Cause I just wanna get you high on me // I just wanna make you wanna make me yours

Sky – Go Easy, Kid, by Monica Martin

I commit myself to sabotage // See, I can get what I want // Then I’ll make it hard to hold on

Venus – Amoureuse, by Clio

Amoureuse pour vérifier // que j'ai le cœur bien accroché

Zane – Late Bloomer, by Mereba

Like the slowest growing flower // She’s the century to your hour // And she’s taking her time

The MH playlist - more songs to be added as the story unfold


Mirrored Hearts ♡ Chapter Four: Sweet treats and bitter decisions

“It’s no easy situation, guys. I’ve been trying to figure out if I should give it another try with Clarice or pick someone else,” Noah confessed, “but I really don’t know what to do.”

“By someone else, do you mean Zane?” Levi promptly asked.

“Why the sudden interest?” Gary couldn’t miss the opportunity to tease the water polo player.

“It isn’t interest,” Levi rolled his eyes. “It was a polite way to ask if we should be concerned.”

There’s nothing like a summer romance. Or that’s what our Islanders thought when they signed up for Season 2 of Love Island. Mirrored Hearts follows an original cast consisting of: Este, Milly, Sky, Venus, and Zane, along with many other characters (new and old) in their search for love… or money. Will they survive the Villa or will they go home empty-handed?

link to fic playlist here – more songs to be added with chapter updates


We have Zane here with us today, ready to spill the tea on her first days in the Villa. To say that her beginning on Love Island has been full of twists and turns is an understatement and we can’t wait to find out more with these burning questions from the audience.

Do you think Noah and Clarice have a future together?

“I am not really sure to be honest, everything is possible here — or seems to me like it is. They do feel like exact opposites, in terms of their personality and I do feel like that could work in their favour. Although I think I would be a little disappointed if they turned out to be enjoying being with each other, more than I’d like to admit actually, but if that makes them happy in the long run… I think that’s what matters the most. Not my or anyone else’s opinion.”

So, who do you feel the strongest connection with so far, Levi or Noah?

“Uh… That’s- I- I don’t think it’s that easy for me. Noah is such a sweet and lovely person, and he is the one I feel the most comfortable with, between the boys. But I think we are both a bit confused about being here, also a bit about each other. And Levi… he seems to be really happy with Milly — I couldn’t simply just come between that… don’t think there is even a place for me to have a connection with him there.”

How did you feel when Milly stole Levi? Did you expect it?

“It was really unexpected in the moment but looking back, I guess it only made sense for it to happen. We could not not have drama in Love Island out of all places. I was and still am obviously very sad and disappointed about it happening, since it kind of also led me to being the first single girl and that hasn’t been very easy for me, to say the least.”

How are things between you and Milly now?

“Well, I think we still have a coldness between us that neither her or I try to get rid of. I am not really sure what she thinks of me but for me, she is intimidating. It would have been naive of me to think we would all be getting along but I guess I didn’t expect to be reminded of the fact that this is a competition so early on as I was. I think, as easily anxious as I am and as fearless and competitive as she is, this is the best way things can be between us.”

Hello, and welcome to the first instalment of Mirrored Hearts: Beach Hut Confessions! Today, we’ve got our very own Noah with us, to answer a few questions about his first days in the Villa… If you have any more questions yourselves for our usually so quiet librarian, feel free to send them our way and we’ll make sure they get to him.

What did you expect coming in to Love Island? Did you have some sort of plan or idea of what your stay would be?

“Hm, let me think for a moment. I wouldn’t say I had a plan or set expectations, but maybe an idea? Or a hope more like it. It feels naïve now, but I actually hoped I’d find love, and it’s early days still so who knows.”

What was your first thought when Clarice said your name?

“Good question, and I’m not sure what my first thought was… I think maybe I worried about Zane for a moment. I don’t know her that well yet, but she seems nice and kind, and I’d like her to stay. But I also know I wasn’t her first choice, and that we’d probably be nothing more than friends even though I’d be willing to give it a go maybe. So in that sense, I guess I also thought that I’d have to give Clarice a chance too. She’s new, which can’t be easy, and I’m looking forwards to getting to know her.”

Did you expect to be the first boy stolen by a bombshell so early in the game?

“No at all! I’m not sure how one could ever expect something like that to be honest. I mean, the other lads are all amazing and Clarice seems great – if a bit intimidating. I knew there was always a risk of course, but I went onto Love Island with no expectations really and that’s true for being stolen by a bombshell too.”

Since all this journey was your siblings idea, what do you reckon they think about your first days in the villa?

“I can see my brother rolling his eyes at me not being more proactive, but my sister would be more understanding. I think, maybe. Actually, probably not. I think they’re also arguing over which girl they think I ‘fit’ best with, as they have, uhm, very different ideas when it comes to that sort of thing… Actually, I think I could’ve done with their advice, as it’s only been a couple of days and I’m already a bit lost.”

Mirrored Hearts Presents: Beach Hut Confessions

Hello everyone from us Mirrored Hearts writers! By now, all the original islanders have been posted, but there are a few more surprises to come as the story progresses.

In the meanwhile however, we have something else planned, and that’s to post a few “Beach Hut Confessions” from our fic Islanders. The Beach Hut won’t feature much in the story itself, but we thought tumblr would be the perfect place to feature some bonus content.

First up we’ve got Clarice, Zane, and Noah, and while we’ve got questions ready for them you’re all free to ask them questions too though tumblr asks or dms.

That’s all for now, but there’s a new chapter coming on Friday, which we all hope you’ll enjoy!
