#mh sky


Protect Zane At All Cost Productions present:



She wears strength
and darkness equally well,
the girl has always been
half goddess, half hell.

- Nikita Gill

Thank you so much to my dear and talented @nerdferatum for this amazing piece and for your infinite patience, you’re a star. You captured my vision of a more whimsical Sky perfectly and the nod to the Mirrored Hearts colour palette is such a special touch since it’s the first fic where my beloved OC has been featured (but hopefully not the last).


Drama, drama and more drama! It’s seems like our islanders can’t get enough… and after recent events, Sky might have one thing or two to get off her chest. Our viewers can’t wait to hear all about it!

Knowing what you know now about your previous couplings (Gary and Rocco), do you think you would’ve chosen a different boy at the beginning of your time in the villa?

In hindsight, I would have trusted my instincts and I would have picked Noah. We’d probably be in a friendship couple now but at least things would have been different, easier… [laughs] well if you can ignore the whole Clarice-Noah-Zane triangle. I don’t know if I could have handled the situation as gracefully as Zane did.
Anyway, if I’m being honest, only one person has really caught my attention since I’ve been here, but we started off on the wrong foot and now I don’t know if I should give it another chance or if he actually deserves one.

After the Roccogate fiasco, how are you planning on getting back to the game? Any ideas of what to do now? What’s on your mind for the next few days?

I don’t really have a plan, and it makes me laugh to think that in order to find love you have to be so strategic, but maybe that’s why I’m in this mess in the first place [shrugs]. I want to enjoy my time here more, I’ve been constantly worried about something and this first week has drained me both mentally and emotionally…maybe I should just go full “bad b*tch” mode and stop giving a damn if I step on anyone’s toes, I tend to forget this is a game, but it’s clear more than one person is willing to play.

How secure are you feeling about your place in the Villa?

Not very. I try to keep a positive mindset, I know that getting this far is an accomplishment in itself, but you always want to see how far you can go, and being single puts me in a really tough position. Coming into the Villa I was sceptical about finding love—although deep down I kind of wished I was wrong—and seeing how things have gone so far it’s something that might not happen for me. I guess we’ll need to wait and see how long I’ll be able to stay.