#little community




So unfortunately I have to push back the order for the winners of my giveaway as my paycheck was very small this week due to my bills.

Please visit my patreon to avoid such problems in the future. I don’t ask for a lot, only a single dollar. Remember this money goes back into rewards and things for you guys!! I’m trying to do my best for people in this lifestyle!

Please visit my patreon, LittleSpaceReviews, to donate for great rewards. These donations go straight to my review blog to help with paying for the rewards for giveaways as well as reviewing things. I only ask for a single dollar, but you can always donate more!


⚠️Important Info On The Last Giveaway⚠️

So I have to postpone giving out the rewards as I have not been paid yet! I know, I’m very unhappy about it, but I’m transitioning from one job to another so it’s a little weird.

That said, the winner has been chosen!

I will be reaching out to them either today or tomorrow!

Support me on patreon for great bonuses and fun things! My patreon name is littlespacereviews

Don’t forget about my other account guys! Go follow @littlespacereviews for giveaways and all reviews on all things little!

Support me on patreon for great rewards! My patreon name is littlespacereviews
