

IRL Ritsuka took a candid pic of IRL Haruki asleep on IRL Akihiko’s shoulder. Just the look on that man’s face! Just suspend reality for a second; Akihiko at the moment he opens his eyes, and realizes someone’s taking pics of him and Haruki…but then realizes it’s Ritsuka

Kawakami is suuuuch an Aries! But if you’ve ever seen the guy speak for more than 3mins, you know he has a soft, gentle charm about him, and charisma for days!

Sunaga is just a beaming, giggling ray of sunshine, poppin from one snarky prompt to the next; the boy knows how to sell you! While his not so subtle, almost cringeworthy but it’s too sincere, crushing over Miyauchi Iori has been a thing of wonder, throughout pre and post production; his IRL admiration and friendship with Kawakami has been a source of sheer joy for Given fans.

While Funaki and Miyauchi hammed it up pretty damn good, during production; Kawakami and Sunaga have continued to feed the gvntwt moe in really sweet spoonfuls. Often posting twinning pics or call and response banter. Stuff like this; just kinda in the know for the fans. Sunaga plugs the live production and its merch like a personal mission He’s all in! And I love that so much, as a Given fan, and as an Arts Science major. The IDEA of falling asleep on Akihiko’s shoulder, and it was Ritsuka who caught the pic. But idt it was staged, like usual. It’s just magic!

Also. Just read the thread back and forth between Shibuki and Sunaga ah hahahaha!! But what I love the most about their off stage comeraderie, is not the allusions to the characters they played, so much as just the comeraderie itself. Guys being accommodating and sweet to eachother, because that should be an aspiration damn it, and esspecially when they’re two very different and very dominant personalities. They still make space for one another.

If you need some more Yano Shogo gorgeousness to celebrate his birthday

I got you covered

In the upcoming Fanfare For Adolescence anime; Yano will voice Yu Arimura, in a story about two boys attending an Equestrian school

The character just honestly LOOKS like an anime avatar of Yano Shogo !!

Happy Birthday Yano Shogo; one of the sweetest voices we’ve ever heard ❤ and a fellow Pisces ♓

What!? Even in his post, he’s straight up like…What am I doing!!?? Why that face!? Ah haha!! Still…he has a tail! Omigosh it’s too dorbs!!

Side M ->

I’m not certain who the other seiyu are, but this is the full cast of the live iDOLMASTER Side M

MUH GUH !! FAM !! They’re so beautiful!!

There’s so much to share!! And I know I’m a day behind, but I lost a day watching Funaki’s play It was well worth it! I’m still absorbing all the thought provoking feels and antics The encore performance got a standing ovation!! I’ll do separate posts for each of the Given live stage cast members, and he’ll be one of them.



yeah yeah…it was yesterday, in Japan…but I get to be fashionable (late) since I’m a Pisces, too. Plus !! Western-Hemi Otaku’s just get to celebrate everything twice So there!

See Kizu’s ok widit!!

They put up this adorable piece, for our best boy’s BDay and why do I feel like it’s a lil shout out to Sunaga Futa…? If you follow him you get it

K if you don’t follow him….whyyyy? He’s a huge fan boy, and doesn’t that just make you feel warm and fuzzy!? HE’S ONE OF US!! Saying he’s really into Pokémon, is an understatement. Like that might be the only thing he’s into more than Given….and maybe…

Miyauchi Iori

^^^This needs a lil explanation…but I think Miyauchi has accepted it, so it’s ok We’ll get to that later

Seriously though! Sunaga just kills me!! With his long posts, and his shutter bug creepin, and his tear stained eyes!! We would be besties 100%

I miss all of you

I miss all of the inspiration I got from this blog, and connecting with all of you, through shared inspiration.

The fact of the matter is; this blog used to be an escape from stress. A touch board for writing, to pursue my passion but now I’m so consumed with STRUGGLING I dont have the stamina, to try to participate in anything. Just focusing on getting by. And you don’t wanna hear about that, like I’m not trying to add to an already stressful world.

Like so many of us in the US; were being pushed out of our homes, due to cruel level rent increases. Working sometimes 2 FULL TIME jobs, just to keep the lights on and food in the fridge. No money for Dr apts, no money to do anything to take care of yourself. Like I’m not broke, yet even I’m broke, if that makes sense. It’s bad, here. We don’t want to talk about it, when there’s war going on, and our colleagues in China have been locked in their homes for 40 days.

I can’t write, without a computer. So believe me when I say; there’s so many fun things going on, in music, fandoms, anime/manga that I want to share with you. I’m sorry, I don’t have a way to do it rn.

On a positive note; my bestie and I have determined that Woosung from The Rose, is the official representative for all us Pisces go check him out; he just dropped a mini album “Moth” and recently announced The Rose should be back in the studio again, soon!


You can find him on Insta #IWoosung

He had the most Pisces day, yesterday

And I’ve been dying to tell you about these guys ->

NORD just placed 3rd in the Redbull 400m Men’s Relay !! The most difficult relay, in the world; with a 37degree incline!!

They’re also a band.. and ambassadors for Hokkaido…and a bunch of other seriously cool ish like regular TV spots and broadcasts and local student productions YOU NAME IT !!

Eventually, I’ll be able to get ahold of a computer, and start blogging again. Until then, I miss you all so damn much ❤
