#living with sma video contest


Living with SMA Video Contest - My Not So Normal Normality

December 1, 2018

“My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” -Stephen Hawking

Greetings from the girl sitting at her computer writing to you all. I have some important information to share with all of you. So sit back, and please read this all the way through. I understand that all of you have busy lives, however, this is extremely important to me.

A week or so ago, I sent out a post promoting a video I have created for a contest. This contest’s main purpose is to bring about more awareness to my disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The winner of this contest will be decided by how many likes each contestant has on their video. I am competing against five other people who also have SMA. Now, my video has 72 wonderful likes, thank you so very much to those who took the time to click the like button on my video and not just my post, but 3 of the other contestants have likes in the hundreds. I noticed that my video, compared to the rest of them, is extremely different. My competitors simply did a video of themselves speaking, while mine is a narration with music accompaniment. Speaking for 3 minutes straight is not an easy feat, therefore I attempted to make my submission a bit more creative and entertaining on this topic that hits so close to home.

So, please, click or tap on the link below to my video on YouTube and click the like button, if you haven’t already. Every “like” and every “share” is so important to get this video out to more and more people. Let’s make this video go viral and show the world that, yes, living with an impairment is difficult. But it makes us who we are, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.  Always Keep Fighting. Be Well Be Strong.

Thank you all in advance.

