#lizzy hail


Accountability post, because the procrastination is hitting me hard!

Working on the rewrite of Chapter 5 from Andric’s PoV today. Hopefully I can get that one done, and Chapter 6, since I missed all my words yesterday.

New allergy meds mean I slept all day, so now I’m behind and trying to catch up… Writers life, I guess!

But I’m loving getting this insight into Andric’s first impression of Lizzy and Booker, it’s a lot of fun to hear his internal thoughts, because he doesn’t actually say all that much.

He communicates with and relies on facial expressions and body language a lot, which will be fine, later, when Lizzy has a read on him, but this early on she mistakes and misunderstands a lot of the minutia in Andric’s reactions…

Snippet that’s pictured above, can be found in text form beneath the read-more…

“Come on, follow me, I’ll drive you up to speak with Thomas Walcott,” he told the pair, not giving himself a moment to second guess the decision, and quickly moving to step past the pair and lead them towards where he’d parked his car for the evening’s hunt.

“And what if we refuse?” Lizzy demanded, voice sharp and reluctant, and Andric bit back a laugh before turning to meet her electric blue eyes.

“Lizzy,” Booker groaned softly, but the girl never wavered and Andric admitted himself impressed. She’d just watched him dispatch a kavian, but had no fear when staring him down, challenging him.

She was going to be trouble.

Accountability post, because the procrastination is hitting me hard!

Just completed the rewrite of chapter three of Changeling and it’s gone from 2096 to 2637 words.

I have *consistently* added about 500 words to each chapter so far, and I’m really liking just the extra layer of descriptives I’ve been able to slide in this way.

But, chapter four is going to be a huge overhaul. I want to rewrite the entire chapter, currently in Lizzy’s PoV, and change it to Andric’s PoV. This will let us into his head much earlier in the story, and I’m going to be happier about that I think.

It’ll let me reveal his motivations earlier, and his thoughts on Lizzy and Booker. By the time I show Andric’s internal thoughts at the moment, we’re too far into the story for me to devote much time to his first reactions.

Onward and upward!

Snippet that’s pictured above, can be found in text form beneath the read-more…

“Are you going to introduce yourself?” Lizzy demanded, and for a moment there was almost a smile on his lips, before it vanished and she was left wondering if she’d imagined it.

“Are you?” the stranger shot back quickly, but before Lizzy could snap at him, Booker answered instead.

“Booker Reed,” he offered, placing the hand that wasn’t still curled around her own against his chest, “and this is Lila Isabelle—”

“Lizzy,” she corrected quickly, “Lizzy Hail.”

“Andric Roche,” he introduced, “Kavian Hunter.”


so because my last reblog pissed me off, reblog this and give me the elevator pitch of your WIP. i’ll go first:

inbeauty is a beast after wandering into a cursed forest, twenty year old rowan herself becomes cursed and has to find the witch who can reverse it

Tumblr just felt I needed to see this tonight. Okay then lol

When Lizzy Hail heads to the mortal realm to look for her missing mother, with nothing but a single bag and her best friend at her side, she must quickly learn to navigate a world of rabid vampires or risk losing her only opportunity for closure.
