#lmao if dean pushes him in i stg




Michael looked down at himself, fully dressed in multiple layers, he doubted it would be all that comfortable. “Wel, if you want to.” He said as he took off hiss jacket and his shirt, folding them and placing them on his seat once he stood up. The archangel also took off his shoes and socks, glanincg at the water a little warrily, he’d have to concentrae on not accidently walking on top of the water once he jumped in. “But, you have to jump in first. Then I will.” Michael told Dean, crossing his arms over his toned chest.

“Aww. Is the great and powerful archangel Michael scared to jump?” Dean teased good naturally. He removed his shirts and started on his pants. “You might wanna lose the pants too, just dont be naked under. Wear boxers.” Dean stood at the edge and was about to dive when he turned to Michael,“ You can mojo us up some towels right?” He didnt wait for a rely before diving in.

Michael shot Dean a small glare but mostly ignored his comment. The archangel looked around to make sure no one was watching before he looked over at their seats, his eyes flashing blue for a second or two as he made two white towels manifest on their seats. “I do have to try and keep a low profile, Dean.” He said in reference to the towels is voice low so only Dean could hear. “As much as some angels would love, revealing ourselves again could cause mass panic and hysteria.” He shook his head, undoing his belt to pull down his pants, leaving himself only in boxers. Michael walked over to the edge of the boat, looking down at the water with his head tilted like a confused puppy.
