




“I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense. Elderly humans with long lives I would assume are much happily with their Greatest Hits being played out than younger people. Sometimes I wonder what my mom’s heaven is like, if she’s really happy. But I’m kindda afraid to find out too, you know.” He shrugged then kept walking, slow and unhurried. 

“I always wanted to take Sammy on vacation when he was little, let him experience things like that, but Dad said we never had time.” He smiled as he remembered Sam as a little boy, always so excited about everything. He chuckled. “I remember.. Sam mustta been 5 maybe and we drove up to Vermont so Dad could meet up with some hunters to kill I dont even know what. And Sam saw snow for the first time. His eyes almost fell out of their heads he was so excited about it. I remember we played outside all day, Sam wouldn’t even come in when his lips turned blue, I had to make him. For 3 days we did that. Played, had not chocolate and mac and cheese, and then played out there some more. He cried when we left. Thinking he’d never see it again.” Dean looked over at the angel and gave him a soft smile. 

“Your mother’s heaven is wonderful, Dean.” Michael attempted to comfort the other returning the soft smile. “I’ve been there, I’ve talked to her. It’s full of memories of you and Sam and your father. And when your father died and came to heaven, he joined her. They share a heaven like most soulmates.” The archangel wasn’t sure if that was what Dean wanted to hear, but it was the truth so it must count for something.

Michael chuckled softly at the image of a young Sam and playing in the snow, it reminded him of his siblings when they first created snow. “My sister Sariel created snow. Lucifer was the one to make it so cold, accidentally.” Michael explained with a happy smile as he thought about the memory. Sariel had been so mad. “A lot of the things we created were on accident actually. Gabriel stubbed his toe and started crying and created rain. I sneezed and created nebulae.” Michael scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “It puts a different few on the world I suppose, looking at something and thinking ‘that wasn’t meant to be created’, but you’re happy it was.” The archangel shrugged, glancing at the lake and the boats again before looking back at Dean. “Have you ever been on a boat before?”

Dean chuckled at Michael’s stories about rain and snow and especially nebulae and he was most definitely never going to let Michael live that one down. Anywhere there was a picture of a nebulae he would let Michael know that the angel’s snot was very beautiful. Dean couldn’t help laughing at his mental image. “What? Oh.. uh no.” He shook his head, answering the angel’s question. 

“I haven’t either,” Michael admitted.”I watched humans create boats, they seemed so happy when they finally created it and each civilisation created it differently. But I’ve never actually been on one.” He looked down the lake towards the docks where many different boats were. He wondered if they could use one for a bit. “Now that I think about it, I’ve ever swum before either.” He had been in water before obviously, but there had never been a need for him to swim, he could easily just walk on top of the surface or fly.

Michael frowned slightly as he got onto the boat, instantly thrown off by how different it was from standing on land. The boat wobbled beneath his feet as he shuffled over towards Dean, sitting down next to him. He looked over the side and down at the water, it was pretty, a bright blue-green, obviously clean. Once everyone had boarded, the boatman untied the sailboat from the docks and they headed out onto open water.

Michael looked back over at Dean. The archangel’s wings had disappeared again as soon as he stepped onto the boat, so they wouldn’t get in the way or get wet. God, he hated it when his wings got wet. “So is this how it’s gonna go from now on?” He asked. “I drag you around the world and you make me do human things for the first time; like sit in a car, or ride a boat or eat pie. Maybe we’ll bond over our mutual hatred of demons.”







Michael looked down at himself, fully dressed in multiple layers, he doubted it would be all that comfortable. “Wel, if you want to.” He said as he took off hiss jacket and his shirt, folding them and placing them on his seat once he stood up. The archangel also took off his shoes and socks, glanincg at the water a little warrily, he’d have to concentrae on not accidently walking on top of the water once he jumped in. “But, you have to jump in first. Then I will.” Michael told Dean, crossing his arms over his toned chest.

“Aww. Is the great and powerful archangel Michael scared to jump?” Dean teased good naturally. He removed his shirts and started on his pants. “You might wanna lose the pants too, just dont be naked under. Wear boxers.” Dean stood at the edge and was about to dive when he turned to Michael,“ You can mojo us up some towels right?” He didnt wait for a rely before diving in.

Michael shot Dean a small glare but mostly ignored his comment. The archangel looked around to make sure no one was watching before he looked over at their seats, his eyes flashing blue for a second or two as he made two white towels manifest on their seats. “I do have to try and keep a low profile, Dean.” He said in reference to the towels is voice low so only Dean could hear. “As much as some angels would love, revealing ourselves again could cause mass panic and hysteria.” He shook his head, undoing his belt to pull down his pants, leaving himself only in boxers. Michael walked over to the edge of the boat, looking down at the water with his head tilted like a confused puppy.

“Come on, angel,” Dean taunted from the water sending a spray up at him. “It’s not warm but it’s not too cold either.” Dean chuckled as michael earned a few whistles from the other patrons of the boat. There was one woman eyeing him  up and down. “Apparently you have a fanclub already.” 

Michael chuckled, looking down at himself. “Well, I guess I can’t blame them.” He said. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before jumped into the water, just a normal pencil jump, nothing too fancy. The cold rush of the water caught him by surprise as he made his way to the surface again. He ran a hand through his dripping hair as he placed one hand one Dean’s shoulder in an attempt to help with from sinking without using his grace. “It’s not too bad.”

Dean pulled him along, swimming backwards so he could keep a hand on Michael until he hit the sand bar and could stand. “Yeah swimming’s fun. I guess you don’t get to do it very much, sitting on all those fluffy clouds.” He smirked. “Well now you don’t have much of a choice what with our extended vacation and all.” Dean kicked up his feet so he was floating, still watching Michael. “So how does the whole thing with the wings work? Can you tuck them away fully so they don’t get wet? I’d imagine wet wings can’t feel very nice.”

Michael shook his head in response to Dean’s question. “It’s like wearing soaking wet socks but worse.” He shrugged as his feet found the sand and he could stand. Admittedly, the sand between his toes felt a little weird, but not a bad weird. “I can tuck them away completely, it takes some effort, though.” He shrugged. “Imagine having extra arms on your back, well most angels have only two, but archangels and seraphims and six. So imagine having six extra arms on your back and you have to try and keep them hidden all the time. Even with grace, it can get tiring.”





Michael looked down at himself, fully dressed in multiple layers, he doubted it would be all that comfortable. “Wel, if you want to.” He said as he took off hiss jacket and his shirt, folding them and placing them on his seat once he stood up. The archangel also took off his shoes and socks, glanincg at the water a little warrily, he’d have to concentrae on not accidently walking on top of the water once he jumped in. “But, you have to jump in first. Then I will.” Michael told Dean, crossing his arms over his toned chest.

“Aww. Is the great and powerful archangel Michael scared to jump?” Dean teased good naturally. He removed his shirts and started on his pants. “You might wanna lose the pants too, just dont be naked under. Wear boxers.” Dean stood at the edge and was about to dive when he turned to Michael,“ You can mojo us up some towels right?” He didnt wait for a rely before diving in.

Michael shot Dean a small glare but mostly ignored his comment. The archangel looked around to make sure no one was watching before he looked over at their seats, his eyes flashing blue for a second or two as he made two white towels manifest on their seats. “I do have to try and keep a low profile, Dean.” He said in reference to the towels is voice low so only Dean could hear. “As much as some angels would love, revealing ourselves again could cause mass panic and hysteria.” He shook his head, undoing his belt to pull down his pants, leaving himself only in boxers. Michael walked over to the edge of the boat, looking down at the water with his head tilted like a confused puppy.

“Come on, angel,” Dean taunted from the water sending a spray up at him. “It’s not warm but it’s not too cold either.” Dean chuckled as michael earned a few whistles from the other patrons of the boat. There was one woman eyeing him  up and down. “Apparently you have a fanclub already.” 

Michael chuckled, looking down at himself. “Well, I guess I can’t blame them.” He said. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before jumped into the water, just a normal pencil jump, nothing too fancy. The cold rush of the water caught him by surprise as he made his way to the surface again. He ran a hand through his dripping hair as he placed one hand one Dean’s shoulder in an attempt to help with from sinking without using his grace. “It’s not too bad.”



Michael looked down at himself, fully dressed in multiple layers, he doubted it would be all that comfortable. “Wel, if you want to.” He said as he took off hiss jacket and his shirt, folding them and placing them on his seat once he stood up. The archangel also took off his shoes and socks, glanincg at the water a little warrily, he’d have to concentrae on not accidently walking on top of the water once he jumped in. “But, you have to jump in first. Then I will.” Michael told Dean, crossing his arms over his toned chest.

“Aww. Is the great and powerful archangel Michael scared to jump?” Dean teased good naturally. He removed his shirts and started on his pants. “You might wanna lose the pants too, just dont be naked under. Wear boxers.” Dean stood at the edge and was about to dive when he turned to Michael,“ You can mojo us up some towels right?” He didnt wait for a rely before diving in.

Michael shot Dean a small glare but mostly ignored his comment. The archangel looked around to make sure no one was watching before he looked over at their seats, his eyes flashing blue for a second or two as he made two white towels manifest on their seats. “I do have to try and keep a low profile, Dean.” He said in reference to the towels is voice low so only Dean could hear. “As much as some angels would love, revealing ourselves again could cause mass panic and hysteria.” He shook his head, undoing his belt to pull down his pants, leaving himself only in boxers. Michael walked over to the edge of the boat, looking down at the water with his head tilted like a confused puppy.

Michael looked down at himself, fully dressed in multiple layers, he doubted it would be all that comfortable. “Wel, if you want to.” He said as he took off hiss jacket and his shirt, folding them and placing them on his seat once he stood up. The archangel also took off his shoes and socks, glanincg at the water a little warrily, he’d have to concentrae on not accidently walking on top of the water once he jumped in. “But, you have to jump in first. Then I will.” Michael told Dean, crossing his arms over his toned chest.





Michael frowned slightly as he got onto the boat, instantly thrown off by how different it was from standing on land. The boat wobbled beneath his feet as he shuffled over towards Dean, sitting down next to him. He looked over the side and down at the water, it was pretty, a bright blue-green, obviously clean. Once everyone had boarded, the boatman untied the sailboat from the docks and they headed out onto open water.

Michael looked back over at Dean. The archangel’s wings had disappeared again as soon as he stepped onto the boat, so they wouldn’t get in the way or get wet. God, he hated it when his wings got wet. “So is this how it’s gonna go from now on?” He asked. “I drag you around the world and you make me do human things for the first time; like sit in a car, or ride a boat or eat pie. Maybe we’ll bond over our mutual hatred of demons.”

Dean laughed, how could he not, the idea was hilarious. Traveling the country with this angel and doing things they’d never done before. “Human things have their uses… I mean there’s pie, and… well.. pie.” Dean shrugged then smiled. The boat started picking up speed as the sail caught the wind and Dean almost pitched over, luckily not over the side. He flailed a bit before righting himself. “Well, there’s ntohing better than sitting in my car, but you got the whole wings thing so probably not all that fun for you. But the boat’s not too bad if I don’t fall overboard and there’s nothing better than pie.” 

Michael held back a laugh as he watched Dean flail around a bit to get his balance back, though the archangel was ready in case the hunter fell overboard. He had never swum before, but it couldn’t be that hard. “I’ve never had pie either,” Michael admitted, leaning back in his seat to look at the sky. “But unfortunately all food just tastes the same to me.” He looked over at Dean curiously. “What does it taste like?” Michael asked as he ran a hand through his hair, the combination of the boat’s calm speeds and the winds was enough to tussle Michael’s hair slightly. “It’s hard to explain, isn’t it? At least to someone who doesn’t know what taste is.”

“Have you ever stood on the top of a mountain, like Mr. Everest or something, spread your wings and just dove off? And the wind is in your feathers and in your face and it’s fresh and clean and just unbelievably satisfying? Or walked through an apple grove in spring when the flowers were blooming before the fruit could form fully? And that sweet slightly tart smell that just invades your senses?” Dean smiled at the memory, eyes half closed as he continues talking. “Pie is kind of like that. A rush of joy and fruity flavor bursting over your tongue. Pie makes me happy.” 

Michael couldn’t help but chuckle as Dean tried to explain what pie tasted like. It wasn’t completely clear but he got the picture; something that tasted really good. Heavenly even. “You make it sound like it’s equivalent to Ambrosia.” He commented with a small smile.

The boat started to slow down as the boatman tied up the sail, saying that anyone on the boat could jump off and swim for a little bit. The archangel watched as a few people in swimsuits  got up to jump into the clear blue water. “We don’t really have those.” He said, gesturing at the people’s swimsuits, his mind pulling a blank at what there name was.



Michael frowned slightly as he got onto the boat, instantly thrown off by how different it was from standing on land. The boat wobbled beneath his feet as he shuffled over towards Dean, sitting down next to him. He looked over the side and down at the water, it was pretty, a bright blue-green, obviously clean. Once everyone had boarded, the boatman untied the sailboat from the docks and they headed out onto open water.

Michael looked back over at Dean. The archangel’s wings had disappeared again as soon as he stepped onto the boat, so they wouldn’t get in the way or get wet. God, he hated it when his wings got wet. “So is this how it’s gonna go from now on?” He asked. “I drag you around the world and you make me do human things for the first time; like sit in a car, or ride a boat or eat pie. Maybe we’ll bond over our mutual hatred of demons.”

Dean laughed, how could he not, the idea was hilarious. Traveling the country with this angel and doing things they’d never done before. “Human things have their uses… I mean there’s pie, and… well.. pie.” Dean shrugged then smiled. The boat started picking up speed as the sail caught the wind and Dean almost pitched over, luckily not over the side. He flailed a bit before righting himself. “Well, there’s ntohing better than sitting in my car, but you got the whole wings thing so probably not all that fun for you. But the boat’s not too bad if I don’t fall overboard and there’s nothing better than pie.” 

Michael held back a laugh as he watched Dean flail around a bit to get his balance back, though the archangel was ready in case the hunter fell overboard. He had never swum before, but it couldn’t be that hard. “I’ve never had pie either,” Michael admitted, leaning back in his seat to look at the sky. “But unfortunately all food just tastes the same to me.” He looked over at Dean curiously. “What does it taste like?” Michael asked as he ran a hand through his hair, the combination of the boat’s calm speeds and the winds was enough to tussle Michael’s hair slightly. “It’s hard to explain, isn’t it? At least to someone who doesn’t know what taste is.”


but what about dean in predicament bondage, though?

with his wrists tied together and held above his head, legs spread with a spreader bar wide enough to keep him open for the pleasure of roving eyes and hands but not so far open that he can’t balance on the tips of his toes

and he has to, has to keep his concentration and balance perfectly because beneath him is michael’s angel blade; the blade of it driven into the corner of a table and safely out the way, but the hilt of it nestled cool and smooth (and even shinier than usual with the lube slathered over it) between dean’s cheeks, just nudging his hole

from the corner, michael just watches with dark and hooded eyes from the chair he’s sat in like a throne, watching and waiting with the patience only angels have - because dean’s only human, after all, and eventually his legs will shake and his forehead will bead with sweat and his feet will cramp, and he’ll drop

and michael knows that the sound he’ll make when the hilt of the angel blade pushes into him and fills him up, satisfies the greedy clench of his hole with its thickness, will be the sweetest noise in the whole of his father’s creation


I’m going to bed, but please allow me to leave you with the thought that if Michael were to somehow escape from the cage, heaven, hell, and earth would tremble with the cries of, “Dean Winchester is dead.”

And when he learns that Metatron was the one who stabbed Dean, the scribe disappears from his cell, but angels cower in terror when his screams echo across heaven.

Then, he will visit the bunker and when he sees that the brightness of his Righteous Man’s soul is diminished, tainted by black smoke, the skies will tear open and humans will whisper, “it’s the damn flood. This is bliblical.” across the world.

Michael will hate everyone who caused this but, above all, he will hate himself because he couldn’t make Dean realize that he was able to bring Michael to his knees without a word. Michael had matured under the promise from his father that he would receive another half to make him whole and he had worshipped the other half–better known as Dean Winchester.

Dean is so much more than what he has been led to believe, but now his sins have become physical and Michael will have to carefully worm his grace through the black and hopefully he can clear it away before it burns Dean out.

