#loki fanf


Plot:Phoebe is a normal student with a crush on her professor Loki Laufeyson and she doubts her fantasy could ever become real, but then she sends him a fake file and suddenly everything changes between them….

PL Masterlist here!

Chapter 10

The next few days passed in a blur for Phoebe and she couldn’t bring herself to go back to the university. She couldn’t see Loki. It was too painful to see him again after the meeting with his wife and what good would it do anyway? He would just lie to her again and she would end up warming his bed again. On the fourth day she decided she couldn’t stay here forever, so she put on a dress and did her best to put on makeup so Loki wouldn’t see that she had been crying; she didn’t want him to think she missed him. But when she went into the lecture hall, Loki was not standing at the lectern as usual, preparing for class. She took a deep breath and prepared for the lesson. After the bell rang, he still hadn’t shown up and, although she didn’t want him to, she was worried about him. The dean stepped into the lecture hall and she looked at him in confusion.

“Dear students, unfortunately Professor Laufeyson resigned this morning and thus will no longer be teaching at this university. We will immediately organize a replacement, but for today the class will be cancelled,” he explained. The students rejoiced and they quickly left the lecture hall. “Miss OConnell, please stay.”
She froze and looked at him with wide eyes. Did he know about her affair with Loki? She swallowed and walked to him. “Dean Barnes, I-”
“I didn’t want to talk to you, as Dean, I wanted to talk to you as a friend of Loki’s, Phoebe, so call me Bucky,” he said kindly and sat down- “Loki told me about your relationship this morning.”
“Did you fire him?” she asked quietly.
“No, I wanted to forget the whole thing”-he smiled and shook his head-“He said he didn’t want to keep your relationship a secret any longer. The reason I wanted to talk to you, though, was because I wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me?” she asked, becoming even more confused about the whole thing.
“I’ve seen him happier in the last few weeks than he’s been in a long time, especially when he broke up with Sigyn six months ago-”
She quickly interrupted him when she understood what he was saying. “He’s not married anymore?”
Bucky frowned and shook his head. “No,” he said slowly. “They’re living in divorce; didn’t Loki tell you?”
“No…I just found out a few days ago and I thought they were still married, his…” she explained absently.
“Oh,” he said. “So you’re not a couple anymore?” She quickly grabbed her things.
“Sorry, Bucky, I have to go” Without another word, she sprinted out of the hall. God, why didn’t she let him explain? She had to clear this with him. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks as she wondered why he had quit. Did he even want to talk to her anymore or did he hate her for not even giving him a chance to explain him and not trusting him one bit? Either way, she had to try to fix it. Phoebe found Sophia with a few other students and pulled her aside.
“Sophia, I need to borrow your car,” she spoke quickly.
“Um…yeah, sure, but what’s up?” she asked, handing her the car keys.
“I need to talk to Loki,” she said. Her friend looked at her with wide eyes, but she shook her head. “I’ll explain later, Sop.” Hastily, she got into the car and drove off to his house. What should she say when she saw him? I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you? She took a deep breath as she pulled over in the driveway before getting out and walking to his front door. Phoebe closed her eyes as she rang the doorbell and it wasn’t long before the door opened.
“Thor, I still have to pack, so what did you forget this time?” said Loki quietly, and Phoebe saw that he didn’t seem to feel any better than she did. He suddenly saw her and looked at her in confusion. “Phoebe…I…you…”
“May I come in?” He stepped aside and let her walk past him. There were already several boxes in the house, empty or half-filled. “You’re moving?”
“I’m going back to Tønsberg, after all, there’s nothing keeping me here,” he said sadly. She turned to him.
“I don’t want you to go,” she said, stepping toward him and putting her hand on his chest; he raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Bucky told me the truth, Loki. I should have trusted you.” He looked away from her and she couldn’t gauge what he was thinking.
“If I’d told you about it, you wouldn’t have assumed the worst.” She bit her lip and leaned up to kiss him slowly. Loki wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him.
“I want to be the reason that keeps you here, if you still want me,” she said as she leaned her forehead against his.
“I’ll always want you,” he declared, kissing her again….
