#loki x ofc


A/N:  This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast,@lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you. 

Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)


Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  


Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged. 

“Tom, I’m going out. Watch the kids.” Jae tugged on a glittered thigh high boot to complement her short sequined dress, before grabbing a short black feathered jacket to go over the entire ensemble. 

Tom’s head popped out from his study, his one safe space in their sprawling New York apartment. “That’s the third time this week. I have papers to grade.” He frowned at his wife as he glared at her outfit. “Where are you going?”

“Out. With a friend.” She didn’t even bother to glance up at her husband. Jae smiled at him. “Are you saying you can’t handle your own children? I could always have my Ma come over to babysit while you work.” She tilted her head to the side, the same smile plastered on her face as she waited for his response. Jae already knew what it would be. 

Tom glanced into the living room to see the children. The twins, Frigga and Magnus, were currently fighting over the last package of fruit snacks, while LJ was doing something in a corner that appeared to involve fire but no matches. And his oldest, William, sat curled up in a beat up leather chair, glasses slipping as he read the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Again. His ginger curls a stark contrast to his siblings’ darker looks. 

“No, I’ll handle it. Have a good night. And I will see you later.” he sighed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. 

“Oh, Lucy and I will probably just get a hotel room.” A smirk came across her face. “And don’t forget dinner with my family on Friday night.” She walked over to pick a piece of lint off his sweater with disdain. “Daddy is looking forward to seeing you.”

“BUT FRIDAYS ARE MY NIGHT!” Tom’s voice boomed. The children not even pausing at the outburst. It wasn’t the first time they overheard this argument. “I‘ve had to cancel on the boys the past three Fridays.” He whined. 

“Then one more won’t make that much of a difference. Unless you want me to tell my father you couldn’t bother to come.”

Tom gulped. The last time he “missed” a family dinner with her family, his car was sideswiped and nearly totaled. “It’s not necessary to involve your father. I will be there.” He forced a smile. A skill he had perfected over the last ten years of marriage to Jae.

This is not what Tom imagined marriage to be. He imagined a wife that loved him. And he loved. That dream went out the window with two pink lines. Too much scotch at a bachelor party led to Tom grinding against Jae on the dance floor at a club he would normally never go. Which led to one drunken night of some wild sex in a hotel room. Tom didn’t realize that Jae was Jae Nicole Birichinata, only daughter of the infamous mafia boss, Michael Birichinata. Fast forward and Tom was stuck in a hellscape, which included a wife who could barely stand to be in the same room as him and three more children he knew weren’t his, despite his name being on the birth certificates. 

“Good to hear. Aren’t things better when I get my way?” There is a knock on the door. “Lucy’s here!!” She goes skittering to the door and opens it, blocking most of Tom’s view. 

“Ready to go, darling?” asks a deep voice belonging to someone not named Lucy. 

“Fuck yes I am. DON’T WAIT UP!!” she hustled out the door. 

Tom leaned over and swore he got a glimpse of a fine Italian suit. Men’s suit. He sighed and headed back to his study, and stared at the stack of ungraded English essays from his students. With a heavy heart, he pulled out his phone to text. I am sorry, but I am going to have to cancel our Friday date again, princess. He set the phone down and waited for the response. 


Loki grinned as Jae came bouncing out of the apartment, closing the door before her husband or kids could see who was behind it. 

“Ready for some fun, Jae? I’ve already booked us the VIP table at Marquee for later, and dinner tonight is sushi at Nakazawa.” Loki knew that would excite her. And she did not disappoint with an excited squeal and dance. 

He put his arm around her, always loving the way her boots clacked on the sidewalk. It was a reminder of her spark, her fire. The light that had almost been extinguished by domestic “bliss” thanks to her wet towel of a husband and the child they accidentally made together over a decade ago.

Well, he did what he could to rectify her situation. Making sure she still got to enjoy all the finer things in life. 

“I’m SO ready, Lucy.” She giggled a bit cruelly. Though who could blame her? “And I organized family dinner or Friday so Tom can’t go see his little ‘princess’… ugh, like I don’t know he’s not seeing ‘the boys’. What boys?! What FRIENDS, even?”

She laughed, and he joined her. Verbally beating down her husband was one of her favorite pastimes. He found it was best to let her release that pressure valve early in the night.

“Of course, darling. You deserve so much better…” He leaned over and kissed her cheek, grinning as she giggles and squeals. “And I plan to give it to you, husband or not.”

She leaned over and kissed his cheek back, not caring they weren’t even out of the apartment building. Her father paid off all the employees, anyway. “And I plan on taking it.” She grinned and throws her head back as they climb into Loki’s black town car, heading off to dinner.

Tom sighed as he glimpsed the town car pulled away from the building. “She could at least have the decency to walk around the block.” He muttered to himself. Just then, his phone buzzed. 

THAT FUCKING BITCH! I swear, Tom, she does it on purpose! It’s like she knows exactly how to make our lives miserable.

A small smile crossed his face. He always enjoyed Maddie’s spirit. Her fire. It was one of her many qualities that made him fall in love with her. While his wife’s eyes reflected only contempt and disappointment, Madison’s shone with compassion and devotion. Their stolen pockets of time, clandestine dates at her cramped apartment in the Bronx, dinners at restaurants no one ever heard of; they were the lifeblood of the past four years for Tom. 

Of course she knows, darling. That is the entire purpose of this. To make my life miserable. Why else would she force me to raise kids that are not mine?

It takes several minutes before his phone buzzed again. 

I can’t, Thomas. I need to tell you something important. I was going to tell you in person. But since the hag won’t let that happen…

Tom inhaled sharply, and he shook, tears welling up in his eyes. This is it. She’s leaving. She has finally had it. His mind raced and what to say, how to cope.

I’m pregnant. 

And with two words, Tom realized he had to get out. 

I’m coming over.

Pairings:Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)

Summary:When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  

Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive. 

Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  

BEFORE I FORGET!!! Writing credit also goes to @fadingcoast@lokifae42​ and @emeraldrosequartz​ Not only did they help write certain parts of the stories, this series would never have been written without them.  They know why.  They have been invaluable to me over the past year. And this story is as much mine as it is yours.  

Also chapters are a little shorter than usual, about 1800 or so words. 
