#lokius rights



Lokius supremacy

My humble contribution :

Collab with @rins-love-wins


A beach getaway, crabs, Croki, a jetski, a dolphin and lots of love… that’s the life of Loki and Mobius.


Rins came up with the first beautiful half of this story, which was inspiring and allowed me to write the rest! Another joyful collaboration.
When the love and respect for the characters is the same… what can go wrong?


RAting G - 1411 words

Clothes lay on the sand, and the surf almost brushed Mobius’ uniform jacket.

A curious crab circled the sand castle and ran toward them before stopping. The agent had been watching it for some time, though his main attention was on Loki.

The trickster stood knee-deep in the surf, the wind ruffling his hair.

Barely five minutes earlier, he’d touched the water with his toe in feline disgust, but Mobius had coaxed him like a little one.

“Come on, baby! Walk on the sand! You’re a god, you’re not afraid of anything.”

With a few kisses and promises of rewards, he had finally gone and Mobius was happy to see that now Loki was clearly enjoying himself. He looked at the waves with wide eyes, he stopped, watching the water come and go again, as his feet slowly sank into the sand.

Mobius stood up and approached him from behind, slipping his arms around Loki’s waist.

“It’s so good here…” whispered Loki. He squeezed Mobius’ fingers and tilted his head back.

A scream carried by the wind reached their ears from behind the dune.

Loki didn’t even turn his head, nor did he react to the sound. But Mobius sighed and asked cautiously, “Baby, are you sure he’s not going to eat someone?”

Loki shrugged.

His eyes were closed, he stood in the surf, the sunlight warming his face. At that moment, absolutely nothing in the world worried him, not even the antics of his four-legged, eighty-toothed variant.

“He’s just having fun, Moby. Let him play. He likes people a lot, you know…”

Mobius rubbed his nose against the trickster’s neck and kissed him behind the ear. His skin was warm and salty from sweat and sea salt. Mobius breathed in the scent of his beloved and hugged him tighter.

“Yes, he loves people,” the agent replied. “As far as I know, one of your Variants now walks with a prosthetic arm instead.”

They heard the same screaming, to which was added some sniffling.

“I hope the Midgardians don’t offend him,” Loki said thoughtfully. “He’s so vulnerable. Remember when Casey called him ‘the lizard’?”

Mobius rolled his eyes.

He remembered.

The case went down in TVA history as the “statue incident” because Casey had to be removed from the pedestal he had climbed up to escape the alligator.

“He didn’t call Croki a lizard,” Mobius noted. “He only asked what kind of creature it was and suggested it was a big lizard. After all, the encyclopedia you gave him had pictures of geckos and fish.”

The little crab walked away.

The two of them stood in each other’s arms and looked to the horizon, where the sky and the sea merged.

Loki felt happy.

They often spent weekends somewhere in nature, but he especially loved the sea. It always reminded him of his home, his childhood and his youth.

His carefree life.

“Moby, what if we catch a crab?”

“Why, sunshine?”

“I’ve never caught a crab … ” replied Loki. “They don’t seem to exist in Asgard at all. Can you imagine? Even one.”

“Oh gods, how could you live there … No candy, no crabs, no jet skis,” Mobius said, suppressing a smile. “Was there anything good at all?”

“Certainly! ” replied Loki. “Me!” as he said this he spread his hands from his body, smiling wide in that cheeky stance so familiar, triggering a giggle from Mobius.

Then he waved his hand and Mobius saw a plastic bucket appear in it.

He was a god, the same god who almost took over New York. The same god who was able to challenge Thanos.

Yet at that very moment, Mobius saw the carefree child he had once been and was glad that he had regained that mindset.

He looked at him fondly, playing on the beach like a teenager. He had built a sand castle and decorated it with seashells. He was sincerely concerned about the fate of the rabbits in the book, which Mobius had been reading aloud to him as they sunbathed, Loki in the shade under a sun umbrella.

“Let’s get the most beautiful crab,” Mobius agreed. “And you’ll give it to Casey.”

He could already imagine Casey’s surprise when he received another specimen to add to his bestiary.

But Loki looked at the agent and shook his head with a smile.

“No, I won’t pick it up on the beach. I’ll give Casey a shell. Or a dead starfish, I saw a small one lying there… But the crab is alive and I don’t want to take it, you know? This is his home.”

Each time Mobius thought that Loki couldn’t be more adorable and each time he proved him wrong.

Mobius looked at the crab who was again digging near the sand castle.

He couldn’t help but insist, “But look at this one, he’s all alone. Maybe he’s looking for a new family.”

Loki didn’t answer and the bucket fell to the ground, catching Mobius’ eye and he saw that his trickster had turned into a crab. An adorable crab, with an iridescent shell, which reflected green and gold of course.

Crab Loki came and tickled Mobius’ feet, making him laugh out loud.

Then his trickster went to the lone crab.

He watched them, Crab Loki waving its claws, then after a few seconds, the two crabs moved towards a group of three other crabs.

Mobius saw Crab Loki push the little crab towards the group, and for a few moments nothing happened, then one of the crabs moved towards the little crab, dragging it into their circle.

Loki Crab looked at them for a moment before leaving and as he walked towards Mobius, he morphed again.

He hugged Mobius and whispered into his hair, “This little crab had a fight with his family over some nonsense and didn’t know how to get back to them. He was afraid they wouldn’t forgive him. They’re his adopted family and he finally convinced himself that he wasn’t part of them.”

Mobius looked up at Loki and pushed a damp strand behind his ear as he replied, “And you helped him get back to them then?”

A veil of emotion passed over Loki’s face as he replied, “I did for him what you did for me. I helped him reconnect with those he loves.”

Mobius had never loved Loki as much as he did at that moment. He took his face in his hands and kissed him deeply.

They remained embraced for many minutes on the beach.

Then Loki stepped back and said to Mobius, “I haven’t forgotten what we came for in the first place, you know.”

He pulled him toward the end of a pier where a jetski was swaying with the waves.

Mobius slowed him down saying, “But Loki, I don’t want to leave you alone.”

Loki smiled at him as he replied, “I have every intention of coming with you.”

Mobius shook his head, “I know you don’t like it so I certainly don’t want to force you.”

A glint of mischief appeared in Loki’s eyes as he replied, “Who says I’m going on the jetski with you?”

Mobius looked puzzled and let himself be dragged towards the jetski. Loki made him put on a life jacket, because it was out of the question that his agent put himself in danger. Then he made him climb on the jetski and, giving him a last kiss, he said, “Go my love! Have fun!”

Mobius started the jetski and sped off toward the horizon, reveling in the spray, the wind and the sun on his face. He made a turn to look where Loki was and didn’t see him on the jetty anymore.

Suddenly he heard a shrill cry and was sprayed with droplets as a beautiful dolphin jumped over him, landing in a big splash showering Mobius when he hit the water.

The dolphin raised its head towards him and Mobius knew without a doubt that it was his trickster.

He leaned over and stroked the tip of its muzzle, the dolphin leaning into his hand.

Mobius whispered, “You are really amazing you know.”

The dolphin flicked its tail to spray Mobius, making him laugh.

Mobius straightened up, put his hands on the handlebars of the jetski and looked at Dolphin Loki, “Ready?”

Loki dolphin yelled in response and Mobius turned on the engine. They set off towards the horizon, the image of freedom and happiness.

Drawing by @rins-love-wins


Mobius asks Loki if he can braid his hair and Loki suspects that there is a meaning behind this particular request.


As always me indulging myself with some fluff


Rating G - 354 words


“May I braid your hair?”

Mobius was asking this out of the blue.

He was sitting against the headboard and Loki was coming out of the shower drying his hair.

Loki sat on the edge of the bed and asked curiously, “I don’t mind, but is there a reason?”

Mobius shrugged. “Because I like to touch your hair.”

Loki sensing there was more, looked at him and said, “Yes, but you don’t have to braid it for that, and most of the time you don’t ask. So I wonder if there’s more.”

Mobius blushed slightly, before replying softly, “I read an article that in some cultures, hair braiding is a special tradition. You only braid the hair of your loved one. When you braid your consort’s hair it’s to show others who your consort belongs to.”

Loki smiled broadly and asked, “So that makes me the consort.”

Mobius laughed a little to mask his embarrassment.

Loki added as he sat down in front of Mobius between his spread legs, “Please love, braid my hair so everyone knows I am yours. That I belong to you.”

Mobius lifted Loki’s hair and gently kissed the back of his neck before murmuring, “Thank you.”

He first ran his fingers through Loki’s hair taking care to get rid of any knots. Loki, who was clearly enjoying it, leaned back into Mobius’ hands. Mobius grabbed a thick strand of hair above Loki’s ear and separated it into three small strands before starting to braid.

When he reached the end, he realized that he had no tie and was wondering how to do it when Loki made a small leather tie that Mobius attached to the end of the braid. Once finished, his hands continued to brush Loki’s hair and play with it. Loki let out a groan of appreciation and leaned his head even more into Mobius’ hands, closing his eyes to enjoy it better.

Then he whispered, “You know Mobius, even without a braid everyone knows I’m yours, just like you are mine.”

Of course it was no secret.

Loki and Mobius belonged together.

For all time.



Still not beta’d

Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here

I’m walking on sunshine


Loki comes home and discovers something incredible about Mobius…



Prompt :
Person A is doing some domestic chore while singing. Person B is secretly listening to that beautiful voice… until person B needs to sneeze. The secret is out. Maybe a little talk about singing more often after that.


Rating G - 685 words

I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it’s true.

And I don’t want to spend my whole life, just waiting for you

Loki stopped suddenly when he heard the voice singing, realizing that it could only be Mobius.

Mobius singing.

In all the time they had been together, this was the first time he had heard it.

Loki quietly put down his things and listened as he walked in silence.

Now I don’t want you back for the weekend

Not back for a day, no no no

I said baby I just want you back and I want you to stay

Loki arrived in front of the half-open door of their bedroom where the noise seemed to come from and approached again.

He thought he was going to melt in front of so much cuteness, Mobius was not only singing but dancing. He danced while folding clothes and putting them away in the wardrobes. He swayed his hips in rhythm while singing.

Not only did Mobius have a lovely voice, but it was probably the most adorable thing Loki had ever seen.

I’m walking on sunshine, wooah

I’m walking on sunshine, woooah

I’m walking on sunshine, woooah

And don’t it feel good!!

Loki leaned against the door and continued to watch him. It was so good to see him like this, free to dance and sing.

Loki just wondered why he never did it in front of him.

He nearly laughed, because Mobius had now bent down to put something away in the dresser drawer and was swaying, still singing.

Loki wondered how he managed to be more and more adorable.

I feel alive, I feel the love, I feel the love that’s really real

I feel alive, I feel the love, I feel the love that’s really real

I’m on sunshine baby oh, oh yeah

I’m on sunshine baby oh

Loki was about to enter and sing along.

He opened his mouth, “Achiii!”

He put his hand over his mouth and Mobius turned around abruptly and seeing him, giggled, “The way you sneeze. You’re so cute!”

Then realizing the way Loki had surprised him, he began to blush as Loki replied, “Look who’s talking.”

Mobius hid his head in his hands and muttered, “Haveyoubeenherelong?”

Loki reached over and pulled his hands away from his face, “Say that again without your hands on your mouth, I didn’t understand.”

Mobius looked away, “Have you been here long?”

Loki replied smiling at Mobius’ embarrassment, “Since ‘ I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it’s true .’”

Loki was still holding Mobius’ hands which made it impossible for him to hide again. 

Loki shook his head, “Why are you hiding love? Why don’t you ever sing when I’m around?”

Mobius shrugged, “Because I don’t like my voice. I find it ridiculous.”

Loki just smiled softly and replied, “Mobius, I think that even if you wanted to make a fool of yourself in my eyes you couldn’t. And I assure you that many words about you came to mind when I saw you singing, but ridiculous? Absolutely not.”

He kissed Mobius gently and continued, “Wasn’t it you who told me to show you everything, even what I find most hideous in myself?”

Mobius nodded.

Loki held him close and whispered into his hair, “Then show me. I’m not asking you to give me a concert, but don’t stop yourself from singing if you feel like it even when I’m around.”

Mobius raised his head and kissed Loki back. Then he drew his head against his own and as Loki tightened his arms behind his back, he whispered against his ear, “I’m on sunshine baby oh, oh yeah

I’m on sunshine baby oh.”

Loki continued, also humming, “And don’t it feel good, Oh don’t it feel good, don’t it feel good?”

Mobius put his head on his shoulder and whispered against Loki’s neck, “Yes, it does feel good.”

They stayed like that for a few minutes, entwined in the middle of their bedroom, swaying to a music that belonged only to them.


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Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here

Where do we go from here ?


« And now ? »
They ended up at the TVA but Loki is asking himself lots of questions and the first one is, where the hell is he going to live

Notes :For@loki-is-my-kink-awakening
Prompts request
Imagine Your OTP #2

Person B: *comes into Person A‘s room in the middle of the night and wakes them up" w-wake up 
Person A: mmmm… what do you want… 
Person B: I… ummm… 
Person A: You could’ve chose someone else to wake up and bother, ya know? Just tell me what- 
Person B: I love 
Person A: ….. I love you too now get in m
y bed


Rating G - 661 words

“And now?” asked Loki.

They had finally met again, but the urgency of the situation and the chaos around them had not allowed them to talk very intimately.

There was a space between them filled with unspoken words, but at the same time neither of them felt able to fill it. For the time being.

Loki’s question was both figurative and pragmatic.

What were they going to do?

Where should Loki stay?

And the most important question for Loki, what to do with his feelings?

Mobius answered, looking just as uncertain as Loki, “We’ll figure it out as we go along. But for now, what is sure is that you come to my house, I have a guest room. If you agree, of course.”

He reached out to touch Loki’s arm, almost shyly, and seeing that Loki didn’t seem to reject him, he did so more forthrightly.

They looked at each other at that moment. Both of them were amazed that a simple touch like that reactivated the feelings of that day. From their first contact as equals.

They smiled at each other and Loki replied, “Yes, I would love to.”

That’s how their cohabitation began. 


The complicity that had blossomed between them before their separation had grown with their life together. Adversity had strengthened their bond.

They had not yet admitted anything, but their behavior, their way of being with each other spoke for itself… or almost.

Loki needed to know.

He was still sleeping in the guest room and even though he had already shared a bed with Mobius, he was afraid that for Mobius it was only temporary.

He needed to know.

Only Loki found it hard to ask things directly.

But he had to try.

For his sake.


They were sitting on the couch, Mobius was reading and Loki was snuggled up against him.

He decided to stop procrastinating, “Mobius?”

“Yes, sweetheart.”

“We are a couple, right?”

Mobius turned his head towards him with a confused look, “Yes of course, why do you ask?”

“No, it’s ok, it’s nothing.”

So much for being straightforward.


Mobius ran a hand through his hair, “Hey, you okay?”

Loki nodded and buried his face in Mobius’ shoulder.

Mobius saw that he would not know any more and continued to read.

A little later, they were sleeping in their rooms.

Well, only Mobius was asleep, Loki was turning in his bed without finding sleep.

Suddenly he had enough and got up, striding into Mobius’ room.

He shook him gently, “Mobius! Wake-up. Please!”

Mobius turned and muttered in a sleepy voice, “Loki… what do you want at this time of night?”

Loki, dancing from one foot to the other replied, “Uh… Here goes… I…”

Mobius, a little annoyed, interrupted him, “Loki, you never mince words with me, so please don’t start.”

“I love you.”

Loki closed his eyes, exhaled a deep breath and continued, “I love you and I don’t want to sleep in the guest room anymore.”

At Mobius’ silence, he opened his eyes and saw that he had lifted the comforter beside him.

“Took you long enough. I love you too, now come here. I’m tired.”

Loki, too shocked to say anything, hurried over to him. He lay down next to Mobius who hugged him and after a few moments of silence, Loki couldn’t help but whisper, “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

Mobius kissed his hair, “Because you’ve been denied the right to decide far too often. From the moment you agreed to come live with me, I promised myself that I would wait for your decision.”

Loki pressed himself a little closer to him, “But I could have taken forever.”

Mobius smiled against his hair, “It’s worth it. You’re worth the wait.”

Loki kissed Mobius’ chest against him and whispered, “Mobius…”

“Loki, can we talk tomorrow? I’m really tired.”

Loki quietly nodded. 

The questions could wait.

He loved Mobius, Mobius loved him, the rest was detail.


Still not beta’d

Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

You always save my day


An ordinary morning, with coffee and love… and a bit of sap


Amazing drawing by @rins-love-wins

On AO3

Rating G - 381 words

It was one of those mornings.

One of those mornings when the nightmare of the night clung to Loki like a leech.

Where he felt his shadow hovering over his head.

He arrived at the kitchen where Mobius finished preparing the coffee and the scent tickled his nose pleasantly.

He said with a yawn, scratching his head, “Morning…”

Then he pressed a kiss to Mobius’s hair as he walked past him and jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter.

Mobius looked at him with a smile and replied, “Good morning sweetheart.”

He walked over, two cups in hand and handed one to Loki who took it gratefully, inhaling with delight his fragrance.

He put down his cup beside him and turned Mobius between his legs, his lover letting him do it with indulgence.

Mobius leaned against Loki who wrapped his arms and legs around him, resting his chin on Mobius’ shoulder.

Mobius took a sip of coffee and said softly to Loki, knowing exactly how Loki felt.

“Aren’t you drinking your coffee, sweetheart?”

Loki hummed against Mobius’ ear, “It’s you I need right now, not coffee. May I stay a while just like this ?”

Mobius nodded, “Sure.”

After a moment, Loki moved his head forward, “I could use a sip now.”

Mobius chuckled and moved his cup up to Loki’s mouth, who took a sip, before saying, with a mischievous smile on his lips, “It’s like an indirect kiss.”

Mobius rolled his eyes, “That was cheesy! Don’t tell me you’ve been doing weird google searches again?”

Loki chuckled into his neck, fully aware of the thrill he caused Mobius.

“I know you like it, so don’t act like you don’t… I’ll tell you something even cheesier. You know I love coffee, and I love you even more. But do you know why?”

Mobius shook his head, curious as to what nonsense Loki would come up with.

“Coffee makes my day bearable, but you make it enjoyable." 

Loki’s propensity to say profound things when Mobius least expected it never ceased to amaze him.

He remained speechless, blushing slightly as Loki whispered in his ear, "I knew you would like it.”

Loki was delighted at Mobius’ embarrassment and hugged him a little tighter, feeling the shadow of his nightmare finally fade away. 


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Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here

Now, I know


When you are used to what people say about you, in the end you believe them, until one day someone helps you to see further.
That’s what Mobius did for Loki

On AO3

Rating G - 425 words

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

Loki knew long ago that he would never tire of Mobius praising him with that soft voice.

“You’re a talented Liar, brother. Always have been.”

Defined by his faults.


Why bother trying to do better, since others know better than he does who he is anyway.

Fated to lie.

Fated to do evil.

“Is the throne really worth what you’ve done? What you would become?”

It had never been about throne, power or dominance.

Just recognition.

Being recognized for who he was, not for who he should be. 

But it was so easy to reduce him to a simple struggle for a crown, a kingdom.

So much easier to see only what you wanted to see, to scratch no further than the surface.

“You may be God of the Storm, and Jane may be at death’s door… But listen up, my friend Thor… It’s not too bright to trust Loki.”

“It’s not alright to trust Loki!”

“It’s just not right to trust Loki!”

Of course.

Let’s not trust the god of malice and lies.

Let’s not give him a chance to prove that he is better than the sum of all his mistakes.

Everyone had the right to make a mistake, had the right to be forgiven.

But not him. Not Loki.

Not until Mobius.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

Before, he didn’t know that.

His mother may have told him as a child, but that had been erased by years of reproach and mistakes. Loki had come to believe what everyone else said about him.

Until mobius.

“You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good.”

Mobius, who had seen everything about him, had told him that.

Despite everything, Mobius could see the good in Loki. The good that he could achieve.

Mobius who, by giving him his trust, had allowed Loki to trust himself again.

“You are amazing, you know that?”

The sense of accomplishment and adequacy that came over him at those words whispered against his neck, erased all disappointments, all wounds from the past, in one fell swoop. 

Loki turned over in the arms of Mobius, losing himself in the eyes that the man posed on him. The same eyes as the first day.

The eyes that saw him.

The eyes that didn’t judge him.

The eyes that loved him.

Loki knew he belonged. 

Thanks to the man who was holding him in his arms right now. 

He pressed a lingering kiss to Mobius’ forehead and whispered, “Thank you Mobius. Now I know.”


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Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here

New memories


Loki insists on making new memories of their separation on the void, Mobius plays along…


Inspired by this amazing fanartby@rins-love-wins


Rating G - 494 words

“Looks like you got away in the end.”

Mobius found it strange, they were both in the nothingness, on a hill, near a tree, exactly like a year ago when they had had to part in the uncertainty of seeing each other again, a time door summoned near them.

He had given in to Loki’s begging to create new memories of that moment.

But that didn’t stop Mobius from finding the situation odd.

Loki looked at him with a mischievous smile and replied, “I always do.”

Mobius smiled as he did that day. Over the past year, Loki had already shown him that he was capable of getting away from any difficult situation.

Loki resumed with a serious expression, “What will you do at the TVA?”

Mobius replied simply, “Burn it to the ground.”

He hadn’t literally burned it to the ground, but what was certain was that they had rebuilt something new, something great and right.

He smiled again and repeated the same words as that day, “Thanks for the spark.”

Loki laughed softly, and smiled that same smile at him, the smile that Mobius liked to think was only for him. He remembered that at that moment he had wanted to take Loki with him, to keep him safe, to preserve that smile. He couldn’t help but swallow as he thought back to the emotion he had felt at that moment, then replied, his throat tight as he reached out, “Well, see you later, Loki.”

Mobius knew what was coming, but this time Loki didn’t wait as he looked at his outstretched hand and took him in his arms right away.

This time the feeling was not new.

But it was just as intense because this hug was now nourished by their feelings, by their indestructible bond, by the love they were sharing for almost a year.

Loki whispered in his ear, “Thank you, my love.”

Mobius, who had his head nestled in Loki’s or, opened his eyes wide and gasped.

Loki whispered into his hair, “Remember, new memories.”

Mobius smiled into Loki’s neck and whispered back, “You’re my favorite. You Loki. From all time.”

Mobius felt Loki gasp in turn before tightening his hold on him. 

Then they were about to part, but this time Mobius saw the tear that ran from Loki’s eye and wiped it away with his thumb, letting his hand linger on his cheek. 

Instead of letting him go, Loki grabbed him by the tie and pulled him to him, whispering against his lips, “Don’t leave." 

Mobius replied, "Never.” before capturing his lips in a tender kiss in which there was no sadness. A kiss that spoke of all the love and joy of being together.

When they parted to catch their breath, Mobius took Loki’s hand and said, “Let’s bring this new memory full circle together,” and then he led Loki behind him to the time door, which they walked through. 


For all time. 



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Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here
