#time husbands



Lokius supremacy

My humble contribution :


Mobius asks Loki if he can braid his hair and Loki suspects that there is a meaning behind this particular request.


As always me indulging myself with some fluff


Rating G - 354 words


“May I braid your hair?”

Mobius was asking this out of the blue.

He was sitting against the headboard and Loki was coming out of the shower drying his hair.

Loki sat on the edge of the bed and asked curiously, “I don’t mind, but is there a reason?”

Mobius shrugged. “Because I like to touch your hair.”

Loki sensing there was more, looked at him and said, “Yes, but you don’t have to braid it for that, and most of the time you don’t ask. So I wonder if there’s more.”

Mobius blushed slightly, before replying softly, “I read an article that in some cultures, hair braiding is a special tradition. You only braid the hair of your loved one. When you braid your consort’s hair it’s to show others who your consort belongs to.”

Loki smiled broadly and asked, “So that makes me the consort.”

Mobius laughed a little to mask his embarrassment.

Loki added as he sat down in front of Mobius between his spread legs, “Please love, braid my hair so everyone knows I am yours. That I belong to you.”

Mobius lifted Loki’s hair and gently kissed the back of his neck before murmuring, “Thank you.”

He first ran his fingers through Loki’s hair taking care to get rid of any knots. Loki, who was clearly enjoying it, leaned back into Mobius’ hands. Mobius grabbed a thick strand of hair above Loki’s ear and separated it into three small strands before starting to braid.

When he reached the end, he realized that he had no tie and was wondering how to do it when Loki made a small leather tie that Mobius attached to the end of the braid. Once finished, his hands continued to brush Loki’s hair and play with it. Loki let out a groan of appreciation and leaned his head even more into Mobius’ hands, closing his eyes to enjoy it better.

Then he whispered, “You know Mobius, even without a braid everyone knows I’m yours, just like you are mine.”

Of course it was no secret.

Loki and Mobius belonged together.

For all time.



Still not beta’d

Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Lokius masterlist : here

Lokius drabbles collection : here


“I’m here for you, love… Just breathe with me.”

Hello, I need some of your testimonials for a work !

It’s about how you live your queerness through the lack of representation in media. Your help will be very appreciated !!

  • Specification : I use the word “queer” as how our community reclaimed/appropriated it. Not as the pejorative definition, but as a good thing to be different, as a strength.

Some of you know, I am a film making student, (that’s why I don’t have very much time to draw sometimes aha). I am currently working very hard on a new scriptwriting for my next short-movie I hope to direct.

It’s a movie about loneliness, and my characters would be queer, simply because I can’t write/project myself into a heterosexual relationship/character. Being queer is also a way to be, I think, and a way to live love that is different. BUT LONELINESS AND BEING LGBTQ+ WON’T BE RELATED IN THIS FILM. I SIMPLY WANT TO DO THE REPRESENTATION. BEING LGBTQ+ ISN’T THE THEMATIC !

To support my pitch presentation, I’m also doing a whole-ass sociological/philosophical essay about what is loneliness and what is queer love. This will helps me to explain to the producers why I want to make a movie about it, and why lgbtq+ representation is so important.

So, if you have an experience you want to share, and if you are comfortable enough to talk about it, I would be very happy to read it. It can be when you realised that you were queer after watching a piece of media talking about it, or how long it took you to realise it because you never saw it on TV, or if you had problems in your life in general about it. you can also talk about the whole Loki bisexual representation things too, and how you received it personally. Of course, it can also be how the lack of representation created loneliness in your life.

Or it can be a positive story, how you always felt good because you knew you were represented in some media you consumed. Anything at all linked to media !

I also made polls on my Instagram story with specific questions about all of this, which might helps me even more !!

->my Instagram


If you are not comfortable enough to share it in comments, you can send me a private message of course

Thank you for your time and you help !! You are so very sweet ♡


They shoud’ve fought together until the end

Mobius: You are the God of Stories, why do you always want me to tell stories to you?

Loki: You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice, love.

I couldn’t find a GIF with this WONDERFUL moment, so I made it myself

Holding hands because I wanted to they are in love✨
