


Utsukushii Kare the novel: English translation

Hi everyone,

Since I kept receiving asks about an English translation of the novel, I decided to pick it up.

You can read it here: My Beautiful Man (Utsukushii Kare) ENG TRANSLATION

Fair warning: Updates are likely to be slowas I’ll be doing this in my free time.

I hope you all enjoy and I’d love to hear what you think along the way.

Updated with a second chapter of Part One because I know I likely won’t have too much time anytime soon. Finally got to introduce Kiyoi and let you all have the novel version of two of the scenes that were also in the drama!

I’m sorry if the grammar is a little rough here and there, but I figured I’d rather update now than postpone until I have time to proofread, ahaha.

Utsukushii Kare the novel: English translation

Hi everyone,

Since I kept receiving asks about an English translation of the novel, I decided to pick it up.

You can read it here: My Beautiful Man (Utsukushii Kare) ENG TRANSLATION

Fair warning: Updates are likely to be slowas I’ll be doing this in my free time.

I hope you all enjoy and I’d love to hear what you think along the way.

utsukushii kare: full series [ENG SUB by lollipop] (masterpost)

hello gays and theys and (future?) utsukare enjoyers!

I have finally finished/revised subtitles on the entire series of Utsukushii Kare and am hereby making a masterpost with links to all episodes and bonuses as well as my notes on some episodes/translations.

disclaimer: i’m not a native speaker in neither English nor Japanese. My subtitles may contain minor mistakes.

All episodes are password protected to prevent people from sueing me. All episodes share the same password.


All of these are free fansubs made to help others enjoy the show as much as I did. However, if possible, please support the show via the official channels.

Watch on GagaoolalaorViki

And follow and support the actors on their official social medias:

The show’s official TwitterandInstagram

Yagi Yusei (Kiyoi)’s instagram

Hagiwara Riku (Hira)’s Instagram

Okay! Let’s get to it. Here we goooo.

Click here for EPISODE 1

(me @ how handsome kiyoi is)

Click here for EPISODE 2

(also me)

Click here for EPISODE 3

(this episode has been revised and edited from the first version to improve the translations!)

And if you’re really invested, here’s a post with notes and explanations about why sometimes my subtitles may seem less fluent or differ a lot from other subtitlers, and why I have chosen to do so:

Click here for EPISODE 4

Watch this bonusclip before episode 5 to add an extra layer to the story!

Click here for EPISODE 5

A post with another translation note that I thought might be interesting to understand how layered this show is:

Click here for EPISODE 6

The final episode!!

Last but not least are two bonus clips that are scenes from the novel that didn’t make it into the TV series. They are very fluffy and adorable :D

and at the very last we have this incredibly cute little scene where they go on a date:

And that concludes this extremely long post :)

I hope you enjoyed this great show!!!
