#lonely hooves

 Let it be known that, buried in my Google Docs, is an entire draft-up of a magic system for unicorn

Let it be known that, buried in my Google Docs, is an entire draft-up of a magic system for unicorns in MLP.  It effectively comes out looking like math formulas had a baby with a really unhelpful scripting syntax. And yes, I absolutely did refer to it when jotting down the diagrams and symbols in the ol’ tome there.

Maybe someday I can get it to a presentable state - I wanted to make a whole interactive thing out of it, but it’s hard to do that with something so… messy - but until then enjoy random glimpses of instruction on how to properly employ that thing on ya face.

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Here’s the covers for chapter 4! Hope y’all like things spoOoOoOoky!Here’s the covers for chapter 4! Hope y’all like things spoOoOoOoky!

Here’s the covers for chapter 4! Hope y’all like things spoOoOoOoky!

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And with that, all the key players are (finally!) on the board, Chapter 3 is over, and with it the first act.

The mysteries of Ed’s past and identity are solved, but the reason for his arrival in Equestria remains unclear, as do the motives of the Osiris and their minions!

Where do we go from here? That’s a surprise, but with these equines’ luck it’ll be quite the trip! ;)
