#long term denial



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This has definitely been the case for me. Once locked up, I have spent more time servicing my Goddess’s pussy with my mouth and strap on than I ever did with my cock, and I love it. I love to worship her pussy!

lessthanthreebaileyjay: I would rather lick You to orgasm than be let out of Chastity to cum <3 O


I would rather lick You to orgasm than be let out of Chastity to cum <3

Of course! I will always choose my Goddess’s pleasure over my own. If she wants to use my mouth for her pleasure, it’s hers. If she wants the strap on, I’m happy to give it to her. Her pleasure is all that matters to me, and keeping me denied and locked in chastity drives my submission, obedience, and eagerness to pleasure her.

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Men don’t deserve to cum, they deserve to be in chastity, teased and denied till their balls are blue

I know I don’t. I know I don’t deserve orgasms. My orgasms exist to make a baby or to be denied so I can be controlled. My orgasms is forbidden by my Goddess in our house. She receives all the pleasure. I only receive denial and frustration. This makes me a better, more loyal, more devoted and attentive slave.

mrs–edge:@that-tom-allen I don’t want anything to interfere with your perpetual desire for me.


@that-tom-allen I don’t want anything to interfere with your perpetual desire for me. ❤️

Yes, I agree, I am a much more loyal, devoted slave to my Goddess when I am denied and kept locked in chastity. I know only she can decide what’s best for me and for her, but I feel like permanent denial would be best. I would gladly accept having no release ever if it meant she was served better. Her pleasure and satisfaction is all that I care about.

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Women Are Now The Dominant Gender And It’s Turning The World Upside Down

Since the beginning of time, men have ruled the world. But now women are speeding past men in schools, at home and in the workplaces. In the past men had an advantage because of their size and strength,but in the industrialized world, brains are valued over brawn. The shift is also revealed in the workplace, where 12 of the 15 fastest-growing industries are primarily occupied by women.

Our society slowly turning into a matriarchy, with men increasingly absent from the workforce and from home, and women making all the decisions. The story was no longer about the depths men had sunk to, that dynamic had been played out for several decades. The new story was that women, for the first time in history, had in many ways surpassed them.

Woman have always been the dominate gender, even if they had to rule their marriages in secret in their homes. Fortunately, times are changing and it is now acceptable to openly have a FLR. I love that my marriage is such. My Goddess wife makes better decisions than I do and through her training I have become a better man. I am happy to serve and obey her and I live to please her.
