#look ma im alive



MC Monday 27

This week’s is all about eyes!

Reblog with your MC’s eyes!

Keep reading

Brooke’s eyes are on hazel side of green, maybe D40 or D60, but she was annoyingly unaware of that, and used to just tell people she has “brown-ish” eyes.

Ethan was the first one to say she had green eyes and not even in a complimentary way. Here, let’s watch:

THE SCENE: Sometime in the middle of Book 1 (pre-Miami) Brooke sits in the cafeteria filling out a form. She sits alone, but out of nowhere, Dr. Ethan Ramsey comes and sits beside her.

Ethan: [without preamble] Did you finish the release paperwork for—what’s this?
Brooke: [side-eyeing her boss, but continuing to do non-work related work at work] Passport application.
Ethan: [blinks, then—] You don’t have a passport?
Brooke: Er, I did.
Ethan: Elaborate.
Brooke: [sighs] I had one, it needed to be renewed, I did not renew it, and now I have to fill out an application for a brand new one. It’s all very annoying.
Ethan: Ah. But a well-deserved punishment, befitting the crime.
Brooke: [stops, sits up straight, then tosses her pen down] Are you trying to imply that not renewing your passport is a crime?
Ethan: General neglect of your responsibilities should be illegal, even if it’s not.
Brooke: [appears to be mentally reminding herself that this is her boss, bites her lip and picks up her pen. Commences writing, silently.]
Ethan: [after a beat,while he continues to watch her write] Perhaps neglect isn’t a crime, but lying on a federal form is.
Brooke: [stops again to shake her head exasperatedly, throwing her hands up in the air] What are you talking about??
Ethan: [points] You wrote brown here for eye colour. Your eyes are green. Perhaps hazel in dim light, but assuredly not brown.
Brooke: [turns to fully look at him for the first time since he’s sat down] …Huh?
Ethan: [rolls his eyes and gets up from the table] Get that release paperwork done for Mr. Platt and save your personal endeavours for your free time—outside of this hospital. [He leaves]
Brooke: [bemused, crosses out “brown” and tentatively writes “green”. She puts her pen down afterwards and rests her chin on her hands, contemplatively.]


There was also this moment:

From the Not Yet Wed asks, which you can read HERE.


