#lost and found fic



Lost & Found - Chapter 2

Summary:Cardan recounts the exact number of mistakes that began his unfortunate predicament. A messenger brings urgent news to Madoc’s manor. || Inspired by this promptby@newblood-freya



Warnings:Death mention


A/N:  So many of y'all kept requesting a continuation, so I’ve plotted out a full story starring Angry Knife Girl, Catboy, and an OC! Sorry y'all had to wait so long, I do hope that this is worth it! <3


Cardan Greenbriar did not know a lot of things. But what he did know, in this moment, as he curled his fluffy black tail around his fluffy black body and shivered against the pounding of millions of cold crystal raindrops, was the exact number of mistakes that had brought him to where he was now.

Only a few hours prior, Cardan had been standing with Locke and Valerian and Nicasia, listening to his friends talk and downing precarious amounts of wine from a golden goblet.

Right now, his circle was discussing the odds of… somethinghappening…at some point between… someone and someone else. Or perhaps they were placing bets on how much more faerie wine he could take before he tripped over his own feet. (He probably, definitely, absolutely should have stopped about three glasses ago, but honestly, who was keeping track?)

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Lost & Found

Summary: Admittedly, taking in a strange stray cat is not the brightest idea one might have when one lives in a world of faeries and magic and mythical creatures straight out of old wives’ tales. But no one told this to Jude Duarte, and so taking in that cat is exactly what she does… || From this promptby@newblood-freya

Genre: Soft, Feel Good Fic

Words: 1862




Admittedly, taking in a strange stray cat was not the brightest idea one might have had when one lived in a world of faeries and magic and mythical creatures straight out of old wives’ tales. 

But it had been cold and rain had been pouring down in sheets, and the poor scrap of a cat had been huddled in a pathetic little ball among the trees of the Milkwoods, its pelt growing soggy in the onslaught. 

And if that weren’t pitiful enough, dawn had been creeping ever closer, and—while darkness was dangerous in the human world—nighttime in Faerie was quiet and as generally peaceful as it could get in a land where a wrong turn might spell death-by-endless-dancing. Yes, in Faerie, the darkness meant safety, whilst daylight brought dangers from stories untold. 

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Lost & Found - Chapter 5

Summary:Cardan decides to explore. Jude tries to piece together the clues she’s been given. || Inspired by this promptby@newblood-freya



Warnings:Mentions of blood, death, violence. Just skip Pellia’s part if you don’t want to read these.


A/N:I’m so sorry this is a week late y'all. It’s a big chapter and I didn’t want to rush it!


There was a saying in the mortal realms that Cardan had heard from an indentured servant once—when the cat’s away, the mice will play. The first time he had heard it, he’d wanted to know what happened to the cat. While the mice were playing and basking in their newfound freedom—where had the cat gone? It was something that he’d puzzled over, idly, wondering what had drawn the cat out.

As he leapt from Jude’s balcony to the neighbouring tree, Cardan thought he might know.

When Jude’s away, the cat gets bored and decides to explore, he remarked wryly, inching his way down the trunk. He may or may not have fallen the last metre, but a quick glance around told him there had been no witnesses to his disgrace.

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i mean,, “it was a childish delight, to commit relatively harmless crimes and evade the consequences. it was a first for him.” okay,murdering me would be simpler but to each their own

okay wait are you,, are you trying to make me cry????

“he gave her a slow blink.”

you’ve already murdered me idk what you’re saying

omg???? ash,,, babe,,,,, bro,,,,,,,
