






The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I

Word Count: 2,715

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

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um HELLO!!!!

the way that literally everything about this is just perfect,,,


i’m gonna go sob rq hold on-


The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I

Word Count: 2,715

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

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um HELLO!!!!

the way that literally everything about this is just perfect,,,


The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I

Word Count: 2,715

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

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lost & found

there’s a couple things i wanted to fix in my last round of edits & i spent maybe three hours on this after not doing digital art for over a month and uh. i kinda just didn’t wanna touch it anymore lmao

anyways, you should read the actual ficby@braiawrites, it’s super cute and extremely well written :)

do not repost





Lost & Found - Chapter 5

Summary:Cardan decides to explore. Jude tries to piece together the clues she’s been given. || Inspired by this promptby@newblood-freya



Warnings:Mentions of blood, death, violence. Just skip Pellia’s part if you don’t want to read these.


A/N:I’m so sorry this is a week late y'all. It’s a big chapter and I didn’t want to rush it!


There was a saying in the mortal realms that Cardan had heard from an indentured servant once—when the cat’s away, the mice will play. The first time he had heard it, he’d wanted to know what happened to the cat. While the mice were playing and basking in their newfound freedom—where had the cat gone? It was something that he’d puzzled over, idly, wondering what had drawn the cat out.

As he leapt from Jude’s balcony to the neighbouring tree, Cardan thought he might know.

When Jude’s away, the cat gets bored and decides to explore, he remarked wryly, inching his way down the trunk. He may or may not have fallen the last metre, but a quick glance around told him there had been no witnesses to his disgrace.

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i mean,, “it was a childish delight, to commit relatively harmless crimes and evade the consequences. it was a first for him.” okay,murdering me would be simpler but to each their own

okay wait are you,, are you trying to make me cry????

“he gave her a slow blink.”

you’ve already murdered me idk what you’re saying

omg???? ash,,, babe,,,,, bro,,,,,,,



Lost & Found - Chapter 5

Summary:Cardan decides to explore. Jude tries to piece together the clues she’s been given. || Inspired by this promptby@newblood-freya



Warnings:Mentions of blood, death, violence. Just skip Pellia’s part if you don’t want to read these.


A/N:I’m so sorry this is a week late y'all. It’s a big chapter and I didn’t want to rush it!


There was a saying in the mortal realms that Cardan had heard from an indentured servant once—when the cat’s away, the mice will play. The first time he had heard it, he’d wanted to know what happened to the cat. While the mice were playing and basking in their newfound freedom—where had the cat gone? It was something that he’d puzzled over, idly, wondering what had drawn the cat out.

As he leapt from Jude’s balcony to the neighbouring tree, Cardan thought he might know.

When Jude’s away, the cat gets bored and decides to explore, he remarked wryly, inching his way down the trunk. He may or may not have fallen the last metre, but a quick glance around told him there had been no witnesses to his disgrace.

Keep reading



i mean,, “it was a childish delight, to commit relatively harmless crimes and evade the consequences. it was a first for him.” okay,murdering me would be simpler but to each their own

okay wait are you,, are you trying to make me cry????



Hi babes, just wanted to update you all on Lost & Found chapter 5 (can’t believe we’re on chapter 5 already!!)

I don’t think I’m going to get it done for my usual time. Currently at 2k words, but we’ve got a lot to cover in this chapter so it may take me a bit! It will be posted some time in the next few days. Thank you all for your support and your patience with me as I navigate this fic writing business <3

@stardustsroses@nahthanks@jurdanhell@my-one-true-l @thefolkofthefic@greenbriarxrose@bookavert@queen-of-demons-and-hell@theviolettulip@lysandra-ghost-leopard@playlistmusings@black-like-my-soul @localgoof @garnet-babe @iamaprincessallgirlsare


perfection can’t be rushed

Alfhajdks shut,,
