

Why My Toddler Loves His Dockatot- And How It Gets Mom More Sleep

Every morning my 3-year-old wakes up with the sun. It started with the time change months ago and got a little better over time after I tried every sleep tip I had in my arsenal.

After switching bedtimes to later, to earlier I’ve come to terms with the fact that I have an early riser. But, I haven’t quite adjusted to that either and neither has his younger brother that he shares a room with!


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Mahé Lounge SetThis amazing outdoor pool lounge set comes with 4 different pieces! Functional, styliMahé Lounge SetThis amazing outdoor pool lounge set comes with 4 different pieces! Functional, styli

Mahé Lounge Set

This amazing outdoor pool lounge set comes with 4 different pieces! Functional, stylish and designed to bring calmness to your sim’s surroundings!

You can have it by the pool, ocean, patio, or in your backyard! The choice is yours!

Set includes: Lounge chair, accent table, ottoman, sunbath and towel set (decor item).


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I’ll just wait til you get out… #adorable #affectionate #big #black #barncat #cuddly #c

I’ll just wait til you get out…
#adorable #affectionate
#big #black #barncat
#cuddly #cat
#dominant #docile #domesticated
#extra #eager
#family #favorite
#master #mouser
#longtime #lounger
#kitty #catsofinstagram

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