#love this community


Big changes in 2021…

Wow. So, I’m still struggling to find the right words for it. But here we go, this is my big announcement:

Photography is now officially my part time job!

It has already been part of my main job and I did some shootings/weddings/events in my free time. But now it’s time to take it to a serious level. I defined price-packages, I invested in equipment and (on a less positive note) I’ll have to pay more taxes.

There is still some paperwork left to do and that whole financial part might be a big challenge to me. But I’m ready to announce my very own small brand!

Asa first step, I can finally share my homepage with you guys: www.schwarzkaeppchen.ch☺️.

Tumblr has been such an important part of my journey as a photographer. I really want to thank you all so very much for your support during these last few years !




You know what …..Thanks to @of-wounds-and-woesand@graphicmedicalstuff I know longer want to be an english speaking person, the real whump is coming from the german,spanish,brazilian, and fucking klingon speaking folks, basically anything non english!!!! I feel personally victimized!!

Hell yeah baby, international drama is where it’s AT!! I’ve barely watched anything without subtitles for the last few years!

Man you guys are holding out on me I wouldnt even know where to begin searching this!! *also hello!!!, long time no chat my dear

Oh this made my day! I still recall the first time I spotted some Brazilian whump and my mind just didn’t know how to cope! I’d be three episodes in and the guy’s still not healing!! Just had to share!
