#love this for them













Bucky, coming in and closing the door: Um. We have a problem.

Steve: *sighs* Which is?

Bucky: *opens the door to let seven ducklings inside*

Bucky: They imprinted on me.


Steve: You have to get rid of them Bucky. We can’t live with-

Bucky: No! I’m a mom now, Steve

[1 week later]

Steve: How could you spend our money like this??

Bucky, putting tiny raincoats on the ducklings: We’re going for a walkand it’s raining, Steve.

[at night]

Steve, sighing: Are we ever gonna have the bed for ourselves again, Buck?

Bucky, cradling six ducklings while one is sleeping on his head: Shhh

[next morning at breakfast]

Steve: How are you babe

Bucky, tired and grumpy: I’m evil. Full of darkness. I strike fear into-

Steve: There’s still a duckling sitting on your head Buck

Bucky: That’s Charles he’s my second in command in my army of darkness

Bucky: Okay Steve you’re in charge of the kids while I’m gone

Steve: *salutes* I’ll do my very best!

Bucky, whispering to Charles: you’re actually in charge

Charles: quack!

Charles: Quack!

Bucky: *gasps* no way

Steve: What’d he say?

Bucky: He said you’re gay

Steve: We’re literally marr-

Bucky: Don’t worry he’s an ally

Bucky: *lifts his shirt* use this image whenever you want *puts Charles on his head and leaves*

Steve: How many pancakes do you want babe

Bucky: quack

Steve: Did you….just quack at me?

Bucky: I’m multilingual, Steve! It’s stressful!

Bucky, knitting seven little blankets: *sighs* I’m such a dummy

Steve: Stop that. You’re very smart, Buck

Bucky: No, I’m a dummy, Steve

Bucky: A duck mommy

Steve: Why are there tiny muddy footprints all over the house?

Bucky, to Charles: Why are there tiny muddy footprints all over the house?

Charles: QUACK

Bucky, to Steve: Because his feet are tiny, Steve

Steve: Babe, please. A day at the beach. Just the two of us. Sam can take care of the ducklings. PLEASE

Bucky: Okay. Let’s do this :)

Charles in front of the door:

I love Charles buck and Steve. That’s all


Wake up babe new fish dropped


How come templars got their rehabilitation facility but no updates on Tranquility or how the mages are adapting?

I have to do everything around here

My new headcanon is that since my Anders is alive, and my Hawke is really involved in all of this. They just made a new clinic where he can heal tranquils and also help mages who have been trapped all their lives adjust to their new lives

Mage Hawke can do this independently or involved Bethany if they’re not the mage one

But don’t just leave me starving for some closure omg

wispforever: naruto reaches everybody oh no im so soft for them


naruto reaches everybody

oh no im so soft for them

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