#love this for us


This blog most liked posts are about Mondstadt’s lesbians, I am so proud of you

⬆️ ⬆️Me viewing Will Ransom swimming in a fit of angst and floating artfully all the while trying to not scream⬆️ ⬆️

Who wants to make a gif set of the magical swimming?

I beg of you.

The neck. The legs. The hair.




honestly i’ve stopped caring if media is good. all that matters is that Me, The Most Important Person, is having a good time.




love wins actually

This works as an answer to the metaphorical problem because the key is for the hedgehogs and prcupines to be a bit flexible about how they position themselves and keep thier spines pointed in such a fashion to minimize poking, just like how in human relationships you have to be a bit flexible and concious of your position relative to others, and to manage your sharp bits to minimize the harm you do to others.
