#love triangles are mt absolute favourite


donghyuck’s footsteps come down the hallway in that cheerful manner they always do, familiar. you try not to let the sound scare you away too much. “hey princess! what do you-” he practically hurls himself to your side upon noticing the tears marking the heat of your cheeks. “are you alright?”

“im tired, donghyuck.” you practically whimper, teeth pulled into an ugly bite as you gulp down every sob making it’s way up your throat. all scratchy and too heavy to be carried by just a breath.

“let’s go to sleep early th-”

“i love him,” you cut donghyuck off, rudely but too exhausted to care. feeling too pathetic to drag the day on. “i love mark, i do. i love mark so much.”

“mark…?” he whispers, the name like poison dripping from his lips. donghyuck’s fingers unconsciously pull themselves from your shoulders and he curls into himself, still by your side but inched away the slightest.

“im in love with him but he loves her and it-” a sob finally racks itself from your chest, all gross pain and no softness around the edges that usually has donghyuck’s ears melting, “it fucking hurts, hyuck. it hurts so much.”

the boy huffs, pulling you into his arms with closed eyes and his own tired sigh. with a tight smile, he whispers into your hair quietly, “wouldn’t you like to know, princess?”

your fingers twist the cotton of his shirt angrily.
