#love you dad rip







Say it with me folks:

  • “Eat the rich” means 1%ers and billionaires
  • middle class is closer to poverty than being a multimillionaire
  • “The rich” does NOT include children of billionaires (come on we’re at least slightly better than the plagues of Egypt)
  • Upper middle class children SHOULD NOT feel guilt over having money
  • Being aware of privilege and using your privilege to help others IS NOT a guilt trip
  • Constantly feeling guilty helps no one
  • Billionaires, however, should feel guilty over hoarding wealth.
  • Upper middle class is NOT rich
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Trans rights are human rights

My uncle was one of the top surgeons in the country. He was upper middle class definitely. When he got cancer, his insurance didn’t cover all the treatments he would need and after 5 years he drained his savings on cancer treatments (while still working most of that time) and eventually died because he couldn’t afford the expensive treatments that might have saved him.

If you are upper middle class and you get sick, it will likely bankrupt your family. It’s fucked.

For all of the idiots in the notes ^

Honest to god - even if you make 6 figures a year? you’re closer to poverty than true wealth. Check your shit and remember who your real allies and enemies are guys.

A 6 figure income is a lot right?
That’s say: 223,000 dollars a year
Which is 112 dollars an hour.
Most people would consider that upper middle class. That’s enough money to have a nice house, go on fun vacations. That’s slight more than the average doctor makes.

223,000 dollars is what Jeff Bezo makes in a minute

the well-off and the rich are not the same. 
