#lu wolfie


Weird thought, but I feel like if Flora met Twilight, she’d know he was the Old Wolf on sight. No input from Wild or anything, she just takes one look at our lovely Country Lad and just knows.

Like, I’ve got nothing to back this up with other than vibes, but just imagine:

Flora: “Grandpa Wolf??”

Twilight: *chokes* “—Pardon, ma’am?!



One of those “If you’re cold, they’re cold, bring them inside” animal welfare posters, except it says “If you’re hungry, they’re hungry, make sure they’re fed” with an absolutely pathetic looking Wolfie on it

Weepy little baby



One of those “If you’re cold, they’re cold, bring them inside” animal welfare posters, except it says “If you’re hungry, they’re hungry, make sure they’re fed” with an absolutely pathetic looking Wolfie on it

Ok but who in the chain has 110% resistance to the puppy eyes and who is shovelling their meal right into Wolfie’s mouth?

I think those who know Wolfie is Twi would be much less affected (though both Time and Wild are both weak to the puppy dog eyes)

Wind nearly gives Twilight his whole dinner before Warriors stops him.

Warriors pretends to not be affected but secretly sneaks Wolfie bits while no one’s looking. (Warriors is flabbergasted that Twilight somehow knows about this despite having not even been in camp at the time.)

Sky feeds him little bits, but he’s used to animals trying to manipulate more food out of you (his loftwing) so he doesn’t give as as much as some of the others.


@link-up-the-universes like this?

Excellent Twilight hands them out to the other members of the chain to guilt them. Wild, Four, Legend, and Time are all torn between disapproval and amusement. (It works, and Twilight getsso much food that night.)
