

Believe in Me
You and the team were fortunate enough to have defeated Thanos, to see friends and loved ones reincarnated and reunited. All except one. You had awaited Loki’s return to no avail, and these dreams weren’t helping.

After New York, Thor arrives back in Midgard with Loki in tow - he is to serve out his imprisonment in the Avenger’s tower. But do you believe everything that is said about the God of Mischief? Or will you take the opportunity to find out more for yourself?

A Ruse
How will Loki react when he comes face to face with your cheating ex-boyfriend?

Loki has a nightmare and you bear the consequences.

Truth From a Lie
Clint’s young son makes assumptions about how Loki feels about you, but when confronted will Loki finally say those three little words?
