#ludivine sagnier


Ludivine Sagnier in “Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes” (dir. François Ozon - 2000)

Ludivine Sagner Nude Scene in Lily Sometimes

The beautiful blonde French actress Ludivine Sagnier seems to be nude in 80% of her films…which is fine by us. She started with the erotic thriller “Swimming Pool” playing a young nymphette, and now she’s playing femme fatales in “A Secret”, a French thriller so popular that they’re making an English version. Click here to instantly watch A Secret on Amazon.com

8 Women is a movie where 8 women kind of seem like they want to bone each other.  Firmine Richard admits she has the hots for Fanny Ardant.  Fanny Ardant indulges her in some lady loving before having a fight with Catherine Deneuve that turns into a makeout session.  Emmanuelle Beart shares some brief tension with Isabelle Huppert before shifting her subtext focus to Catherine Deneuve.  She also carries around a photo of her old boss, which is actually just a photo of Romy Schneider’s bisexual character from The Lady Banker.  Ludivine Sagnier has a suspicious haircut.  And Danielle Darrieux and Virgine Ledoyen… well, they don’t really do anything very gay, but 6 out of 8’s not bad.

Revoilà My French Film Festival et donc l'occasion de se mettre quelques film français nouveaux sous

RevoilàMy French Film Festival et donc l'occasion de se mettre quelques film français nouveaux sous la dent virtuelle. En l’occurrence “Tristesse Club” de Vincent Mariette, l'histoire de deux frères censés enterrer leur père en mode comédie douce-amère. Le ton doux-amer est bien réussi, par contre ça coince & grince niveau scénario, comme si le réalisateur n'avait pas su quoi faire de ses personnages. Belle esquisse. On attend le prochain. 

“Tristesse Club”, de Vincent Mariette, 2014.

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lelaid: Ludivine Sagnier by Mert & Marcus for Visionaire #52


Ludivine Sagnier by Mert & Marcus for Visionaire #52

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