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Marinette couldn’t understand anything the boys were yelling, except Damian calling the others some rather inventive names. She shot Luka a glare but he just shrugged at her. Yeah no, that innocent act wasn’t going to work. Selina must have told him about the boys being fans of her work. Once the general noise calmed down enough she shot him a withering look.

“You did that on purpose when you knew I wanted to get to know them first.”

“You would have spent the next week freaking out over whether or not they liked you. This way you know now.” She hated it when he pulled his ‘Luka knows best’ routine. Ever since she’d made him a permanent holder he put far more faith in his ‘intuition’ over her wishes. It was good and bad that it was only her he did it with. He felt that he knew her so well and she stressed herself out too much that it was his job to alleviate that stress by forcing her hand. Kagami had agreed with him until he pulled it on her. Luka had gotten her to admit that she was bi where her mother could hear her. No, Mme. Tsurugi hadn’t freaked out and sent her to a boarding school the way Kagami feared but it didn’t change the fact that she absolutely wasn’t ready to have that conversation with her mother. Marinette had actually had to transform to keep her from going after Luka with her sabre. Since then, Kagami had been firmly entrenched on her side of the issue. He also tended to miss the subtleties of what she actually was worried about, which made it more annoying.

“I want them to like me as a person. Not be afraid to get on my bad side because they want me to design something for them.”

“You wouldn’t do that.” She loved him, she really did, she just wanted to strangle him when he decided to be so dense.

“Yes, but they don’t know that because they don’t know me.” She could hear the frustration in her voice and Kagami came up behind her to wrap her arms around her waist. When she rested her chin on her shoulder Marinette glanced over to find her glaring at Luka.

“We’ve talked about this, and you agreed not to interfere unless her anxiety was bad enough to affect her health.” Well that was new. She knew Kagami had been trying to get him to stop but she didn’t realize Luka had agreed to tone it down. Thinking about the last few months, it did make sense.

“Given all that is going on it’s stress that she doesn’t need.” Marinette rolled her eyes and saw Cass do the same. Kagami let out an annoyed huff and Marinette thought Bruce looked like he agreed with Luka. Great, just what she needed. One more person trying to fix things for her.

“You and I will be having a talk later about what decisions are and are not yours to make.” It took Marinette a moment to realize that her Maman’s words were aimed at Luka. Given the woman admitted to tricking Marinette into taking better care of herself she wasn’t certain if that was a good or bad thing. Then again she was fairly proprietary about the roll and she might have a better time getting him to back off. Luka was terrified of Sabine.

The Waynes didn’t seem to know what to make of everything. Damian was eyeing her mother as if trying to put a puzzle together. Tim was just staring at her and Kagami but she wasn’t certain if it was just where his eyes landed or if he was trying to figure out their relationship. Jason was scowling at Luka and Dick just looked concerned. This probably wasn’t the best interaction for them to watch as a first impression.

“How about we eat and switch topics.” Chloe’s no nonsense tone seemed to break everyone out of their stupor. There was also a bit of a bite to it that everyone seemed to catch. It got them all to sit down and stop fussing over them but it also seemed to make everyone afraid of breaking the silence. Not a good way to get to know people. Damian and Selina were the only ones that seemed relaxed and neither one seemed to want to help anyone else ease back into conversation. She figured Damian just didn’t care and Selina was enjoying the show too much.

Cass could obviously tell how upset she was at the way things were going and leaned into her. They continued to eat in silence but all the boys were shooting looks at the two of them, making things even more awkward.

“Honestly if you have something to say just say it. None of you are being subtle with your staring. You’re making me uncomfortable and It’s not even directed at me.” Chloe’s annoyed comment seemed to break the tension. The boys were stuttering out denials but Chloe just glared at them until Dick decided to speak.

“It’s just… Cass doesn’t let anyone touch her, not really. And definitely not for extended durations.” Marinette felt her eye twitch as she fought back her annoyance. Chloe just laughed.

“Mari isn’t just anyone, she is her sister. Not to mention, Mari can get almost anyone to open up given enough time.” The boys all looked miffed at that, Dick especially.

“Or any of you could have just talked to her and helped her get more comfortable with physical affection rather than ignoring the problem and expecting it to go away.” She’d tried to keep it in but their obvious disgruntlement at the fact Cass was opening up to a ‘stranger’ pushed her over the edge. “Not one of you actively tried to help her get over her touch aversion, you just left her to suffer on her own.”

“You can’t possibly know that.” The words came from Damian and Mari gave him a bland look.

“Even if I didn’t before you just confirmed it with your wording. Just because you aren’t that observant doesn’t mean everyone else suffers the same deficiency.” The boy’s face screwed up into an ugly scowl as he glared at her. She honestly expected him to throw a knife at her just for the hell of it at this point.

“That’s enough. The last thing we need is for someone to get Akumatized. Mari, you need to calm down.” Her papa’s voice was not the one she expected to point that out, but it did more to calm her than if it had been anyone else. He rarely got in the middle of things, preferring to let them play out, so he must have thought this would just keep escalating.

“Sorry Papa.” Cass burrowed further into her side and purred silently. When her father reached around Chloe and Cass to give her shoulder a comforting squeeze the boys looked nervous. She had to stop herself from smiling at that. He may be huge but he was the most gentle person she’d ever known. Well, until someone threatened his family.

“Akuma-what now?” She blinked at Jason’s question before mentally slapping herself. She forgot they didn’t know. Cass actually gigged next to her and that just seemed to break all of the Waynes for some reason.

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