#luke is totally different matter though






Just in case, spoilers ahead! 

It was fun to see Vader (double fun knowing it was Hayden) but good god I’m absolutely against the idea of ​​him and Kenobi having any direct contact with each other between RotS and ANH What was this for? Just for angst and drama? 

The duel itself was pretty good, I laughed how Kenobi decided to run away (it gave Jack Sparrow a vibe), only from the perspective of the story, it just spoils their last meeting aboard the Death Star in my opinion. And if they get together every episode or two, I’ll lose all respect for this show.

Besides, Vader murdering villagers just so is not the Vader I know from movies and other sources. Yes, he is capable of genocide, and he has murdered a defenseless population more than once, but it would have been different if he had demanded an answer / giving him the Jedi. And so, this show of strength was good for nothing other than to make our main hero suffer emotionally. Eh.

Also, I don’t understand how the Third Sister caught up with the escaping Leia. The girl ran through the tunnels half the episode and the Inquisitor still caught her so easily? In general, I don’t like Leia’s involvement at such a young age in the conflict between the Jedi and the Empire. Feels too much too fast, instead of letting her grow up into seeing the flaws and crimes of Empire of her own. Good damn, give Leia a good (safe) childhood, she has the rest of life full of pain and loses to endure, she doesn’t need to witness people dying / see the corpses at such young age.

 On the plus side, little Leia was fun to watch and it was also nice to see stormtroopers acting like humans when they hitchhiked. Admittedly, I am surprised that of all the planets they mentioned Jabiim, because it’s a planet where some indigenous peoples thought Jedi were eating children, and after what happened during the Clone Wars, it’s one of the last places I would send a Jedi.

 I’m not going to stop watching this show just yet, but it hasn’t impressed me so far.

Yeah, I’m really not into Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan having any sort of direct conflict after Revenge of the Sith and before A New Hope.

Sadly, I’m really not surprised that the writers of the Kenobi series turned Darth Vader into more of a cartoon villain. Making him a deeply horrifying, but simultaneously deeply tragic, villain, who is just as much of a victim, would take away from their attempts to woobify Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It’s also just been the writers of Disney SW’s general modus operandi to turn Darth Vader into more of a cartoon villain, and to normalize the ways of the old Jedi Order. Never mind the fact that the movies, TCW, and the old EU repeatedly make it clear that, for as dark as Anakin Skywalker became, he wasn’t Satan incarnate, but also a lifelong product of systematic abuse, oppression, and manipulation under corrupt authority who compromised his agency by exploiting him as a tool or weapon for their own ends, while the overall Jedi Order and Republic were already failing themselves and the galaxy at large, long before Anakin or Palpatine even came under their radar.

Not to mention the fact that 90% of Obi-Wan’s arc involved him deliberately disregarding, deceiving, gaslighting, isolating, and manipulating everyone he cared about after Qui Gonn’s death in his attempts to fit in with Yoda and the Jedi Council. I’m not saying he deserved to see Order 66 or deal with Anakin going dark, but the fact that Anakin grew to distrust and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the first place is 100% something that Obi-Wan brought on himself in their relationship, not the other way around.

Disney is writing a story solely for children, while Star Wars was originally a morally gray tale of hope and how good intentions don’t necessarily equal good deeds, which was relevant to both adults and children.

Since it’s Disney Wars, though, I’m happy to continue denying the parts of its canon that don’t make any sense and feel out of character.

It’s so weird to see them turn Darth Vader into basically Dio Brando without the fun of Dio Brando (ie: flamboyant personality, true villain status because we constantly cycle between Vader being an evil monster and a innocent victim of Sidious, god complex, etc).

Dio is an anime villain so he just evil for hell of it and it works with his character. Cut and dry, he’s the antagonist, they never debate this in the series.

Dio the kind of dude to just kill people for fun, but it works with his character. He is what I would consider chaotic evil.

Vader —up until recently—was what I would consider lawful evil. Yes, he does immoral things. But he wasn’t like Dio Brando who just kill people for fun—like he does now.

You can argue that he was lawful evil/lawful neutral even as a Jedi. It’s why Anakin killing the tuskan raiders is still debated on.

Because is it evil? That depends on your own personality morality.

Was it lawful? Yes.

Even when Anakin did that, it wasn’t like he did it for fun. He didn’t sought out the tuskans to kill them—an act that would have made him evil—he did it to save his mother who was being brutally tortured and killed. 

That’s the beauty of Vader’s character, because while maybe being a villain in the story, nothing he did was unlawful. So when I see him murdering innocent villagers or something for fun it don’t make sense.

Because you have people saying “oh no Vader doesn’t understand that he’s on the side of the evil” but also they make him murder innocent civilians for no reason

So when I see Vader killing random people (not political terrorists because in the politics of Star wars’ universe, that’s what the rebels are) I keep saying “this is something that Dio Brando would do”.

I could understand them taking this angle if Anakin was shown to be a psychopath who kills for fun but even as a Jedi, he never does that.

Anakin/Vader isn’t Dio Brando, he doesn’t do bad things for fun. Anakin/Vader is someone who does things people would consider evil if it means achieving his idea of goods

I don’t know who Dio Brando is, but yes, all of this.

Can I also just say that I really don’t think how they’re having Obi-Wan treat little Luke and Leia is really at all “cute,” but manipulative. He’s not interested in being friendly with Luke and Leia out of the spontaneous and selfless kindness of his own heart. He’s doing it because he wants to groom them to be weapons to absolve himself and ultimately kill off the monster of a man he and Yoda inadvertently helped influence for their biological father to become in the first place. He gives Luke a toy spaceship because he wants to try and recreate a mini-Anakin in him.

For Obi-Wan and Yoda, they just want Luke and Leia to use as a means to redeem themselves and the old Jedi Order, and it always bothered me how the OT basically let them get away with the very same thing that Anakin was consistently framed as wrong for doing and actually atoned for in the end. The prequels actually make this better by holding Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the other adults involved in the old Jedi Order and Republic accountable for the shit they did to Anakin, their recruits, the clones, the working class, and the outer rims, while also making it clear that they were victims who deserved better than mass murder. However, now this series is trying to paint Obi-Wan as “sweet” and “sad” for trying to appeal to little Luke and Leia, while getting no where, but he’s really not coming across as sympathetic to me for getting shot down by them every time because he deserves it for not being able to fully admit that he and the old Jedi Order and Republic were deeply fucked up, even before Palpatine came into the picture.. He’s being arrogant, manipulative, and kind of self-centered still.

Yeah, it’s necessary for Obi-Wan to be annoyingly static in his denial, judgmental-ness, lack of self-awareness, and pride in order for Anakin’s and Luke’s stories, the main characters stories, to actually be able to happen/have impact, but it also means that Obi-Wan doesn’t come off as a particularly compelling or relatable character in his own right either.

I’m not familiar with Dio Brando either but the comparison of these characters sounds like a good example of why Vader is not a typical villain. Why he shouldn’tbe treated as a typical villain. 

As for Kenobi, I wouldn’t go so far to call him manipulative toward little Luke or Leia, at least not at this early stage of the story. And especially not toward Leia, since he didn’t even want to get involved with Anakin’s daughter in the first place. That itself doesn’t sound as oh lets make her our weapon against evil Sith, here little girl, let me tell you about the great Jedi Order! It is Leia herself, who was curious about Jedi (and Obi-Wan still tried to cut down this topic because knowing/using Force is now a crime) and we can’t forget Bail’s nostalgia for Jedi Order and Republic that definitely were influencing the little girl in one or another way.

To be honest, Obi-Wan never seemed interested that much in Leia? In Old Trilogy, his main focus was solely on Luke, while it was primary Yoda himself who considered Leia as the hope for Jedi  in case of Luke’s fail:

BEN: That boy is our last hope.

YODA:  No. There is another.

[The Empire Strikes Back]

The matters with Luke were different though and yes Kenobi jumped at the first occasion to talk Luke into “great adventure” but that happened when Luke was already what? 19 years old? Which was a pretty long time. If Obi-Wan truly put his mind to it, he could groom Anakin’s son much earlier with or without Owen and Beru permission. He could mind trick them or get involved in their life in a more forceful, tangible way. Yet so far, the only thing he did was to leave a toy at the door of Lars’ house at night, so that no one could see him. A gesture that Owen could so easily turn as his own gift for nephew and Luke would not be any wiser (understandably, Owen wanted nothing from Jedi which is why he threw the toy back at Kenobi). 

Giving the toy in that manner - not to Luke in person and thus without the feeling of I’m giving you something and wanting your attention in return - doesn’t feel to me as manipulative or at least doesn’t look like there was a hidden goal beyond Obi-Wan’s guilt / desperation / holding onto the last remains of Anakin he thought died on Mustafar.

Is Obi-Wan selfish in his desire to protect / teach Luke? Of course. Does he look at the boy and see not Luke, but Anakin? Definitely. It is not healthy, it is not fair to Luke and it speaks a lot about Kenobi - the supposed great perfect Jedi - and his emotional state. But so far, with so little focus on Luke, at this point of the story, I would rather call Kenobi thestalker rather than manipulator.

(and to be honest, if not for the context in which we know Kenobi was there to protect the boy, his constant lurking and watching the little Luke from a distance would give much worse vibes, wouldn’t it? Okay, it gives a creepy vibe which is probably why Owen is so paranoid about Kenobi’s intentions I guess?)

Of course, at some point Kenobi’s attitude is gonna change, and who knows, maybe the show will go into that direction? So far, though Kenobi wished to train Luke, he still respected Owen’s objection. He does buy the toy because Anakin would like it but he does not use it as a way to lure the little Luke to himself. Obi-Wan did not yet know Vader survived (so at least up to the second episode, there was no idea of using Luke against Anakin, like it was in Old Trilogy) and although killing Sidious could be the main end goal for Kenobi and Yoda, the Jedi for now kept their (safe) distance and frankly, Kenobi doesn’t strike me as that much interested in resurrection of their Order, at least so far. He turned down other (less experienced) Jedi’s pleas for help choosing Luke’s safety over his own people, he even had problems with connecting to the Force(?). Dunno, right now, he feels more like a broken man living in the past, clinging to the little crumbs of Anakin he sees in Luke rather than some mastermind planning to destroy the Empire while using Anakin’s children as the tools of doom..

It is most likely gonna change soon of course, with the all plots kicking and mixing and forcing him to face his “past mistakes” in the form of Vader (or at least I’m hopeful for that) though Kenobi lived in the denial about Anakin and Vader, separating them as two different people from a certain point of view so, yeah. It is too early to tell how Disney is planning to deal with that aspect of Kenobi. The denial, the lies, the emotional manipulation (a.k.a. getting killed by Vader in ANH while Luke was watching). But for now I feel he isn’t yet at this level of manipulation. 
