#luke my beloved


it takes exactly one second for luke to realize that it was the dumbest joke he had ever made. his lips part to mumble out an apology, the tips of his ears turning red in embarrassment, a hand moving to scratch the back of his neck, but something stops him in his tracks. you’re laughing.

and it wasn’t just any kind of laughter. it’s the kind of laughter that had you throwing your head back, the kind of laughter that had you squeezing your eyes shut, the kind of laughter that had other cafe guests looking over to your table wondering what all the commotion was about. 

then your laughter dies down and you smile. the kind of smile that made his heart flutter. a feeling once familiar, but was once caused by somebody else. luke wanted to smile back, but it falters just as soon as the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

“i don’t think i can do this,” he breathes out, “it’s just-i was…in love with someone…for a really long time.”

luke waits for your disappointed words, to hear your wooden chair scratching against the tiled cafe floor, but instead he feels a warm hand enveloping his own.

you’re reaching across the table, your head tilted to the side, a gentleness to the sound of your voice, “i understand, take as much time as you need. when you’re ready, i’ll be here.”

his eyes widen, looking up to meet yours. there’s not a single trace of anger in yours, finding a reflection of himself instead. there’s a small jolt of electricity that shot through his veins, noticing the comfort that came with the way you smiled. part of him knew, he was going to fall in love with you. maybe not now, but someday he will. that much he knew for certain. 

so luke places his other hand on top of yours, letting your warmth envelop him entirely, “thank you.”  


from elle !  yes luke i will wait for you. as long as you want bb ;-;
