#tears of themis imagines


“funny seeing you here, stranger.”

artem’s eyes widen, finding himself frozen at the sound of your voice. your teasing tone reminds him of long nights in his dorm room, your laughter echoing across the blank walls as you joked about how much he threw himself into his studies. he meets your gaze, your eyes reminding him of afternoons in the library. he remembers looking across the wooden table to find you already looking back at him, a small smile playing on your lips, making his chest ache. you reach a hand out to gently shove his shoulder, reminding him of the times it accidentally brushed his own on early morning walks to class. 

“you’re back in town?” he asks, thought it seemed more like a statement than a question. an observation. you were actually right here. in front of him. in the very place you met all those years ago, the campus park. 

you look down, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “are you…seeing anyone?”

artem’s mouth parts in shock, not expecting that you’d ask him that question. you’ve lost touch, and that’s the first thing you ask? still, he furiously shakes his head in response, “i’ve never been…”

“neither have i.” you grin, raising an eyebrow at him, “so you won’t mind me asking you out…on a date?”

“really?” he tilts his head to the side, unable to believe your words. you were asking him out? you had never been in a relationship? but you were…well, you. the most wonderful person he’s ever met. 

“i was waiting for you to ask me for years,” you roll your eyes, but the way you chuckled through your sentence suggested anything but anger, “figured i should help you out a little now.”

“i’d…” he trails off, his cheeks turning pink and heart threatening to beat out of his chest. artem sighs – somewhat wistful – you never lost your effect on him. “…really like that.”


from elle nothing can convince me that artem didn’t have some sort of pseudo-s/o while he was in uni?? like yeah, okay i can see him never being in a relationship bc of acads buttt i mean he looked like that,, no way in hell that someone didn’t fall for him. and no way did he never experience love at the time >_<


it takes exactly one second for luke to realize that it was the dumbest joke he had ever made. his lips part to mumble out an apology, the tips of his ears turning red in embarrassment, a hand moving to scratch the back of his neck, but something stops him in his tracks. you’re laughing.

and it wasn’t just any kind of laughter. it’s the kind of laughter that had you throwing your head back, the kind of laughter that had you squeezing your eyes shut, the kind of laughter that had other cafe guests looking over to your table wondering what all the commotion was about. 

then your laughter dies down and you smile. the kind of smile that made his heart flutter. a feeling once familiar, but was once caused by somebody else. luke wanted to smile back, but it falters just as soon as the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

“i don’t think i can do this,” he breathes out, “it’s just-i was…in love with someone…for a really long time.”

luke waits for your disappointed words, to hear your wooden chair scratching against the tiled cafe floor, but instead he feels a warm hand enveloping his own.

you’re reaching across the table, your head tilted to the side, a gentleness to the sound of your voice, “i understand, take as much time as you need. when you’re ready, i’ll be here.”

his eyes widen, looking up to meet yours. there’s not a single trace of anger in yours, finding a reflection of himself instead. there’s a small jolt of electricity that shot through his veins, noticing the comfort that came with the way you smiled. part of him knew, he was going to fall in love with you. maybe not now, but someday he will. that much he knew for certain. 

so luke places his other hand on top of yours, letting your warmth envelop him entirely, “thank you.”  


from elle !  yes luke i will wait for you. as long as you want bb ;-;

ˊ˗ ꒰꒱ If Only

in which luke realizes it’s ok to be selfish for once. (requested)


It’s been two years, and even then, Luke thinks that you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever laid his eyes on. 

You’d finally taken and passed your senior attorney exam, and your co-workers took it upon themselves to throw you a celebration. He watches as you, along with your new, golden badge neatly pinned onto the lapel of your jacket, laughed along with Kiki and Celestine. Out of nowhere, Artem and Marius pop up from the crowd, the younger male seemingly having just arrived. Luke figured that was the case, as he handed you a neatly wrapped package along with a tight hug, one that you surprisingly welcomed and returned. 

You know, you could go and talk to her right now.” He gave a small smile of acknowledgement to Vyn, who joined him in leaning against the function room’s back wall.

I could, but should I?” Seeing you, happily mingling with your friends was definitely a sight to behold for him, so much so that even from the distance, he could feel the warmth your presence emits. “She looks happy.

Both you and I know she’d be happier with you around.” Turning to look at the newly arrived person, Luke’s wide irises met Marius’ surprisingly soft gaze. “It’s been confirmed that you’re fully cured already.Be selfish for once,SherlockTheir happiness has always been entwined with yours, it always has been, always will be.” 

Distracted by the two men’s constant attempts to convince him, he didn’t notice you frantically navigating yourself through the crowd. As much as he’d tried to disguise himself, you’d always recognize him. How could you not, really? After all those years of being with him, you have already memorized his familiar build, from the tufts of bright hair sticking out from the haphazardly-placed hat to his unconscious habit of fiddling with scraps of metal he -for some reason- carries around.

Luke! Luke… is that you?” 

His head snaps up in record time, frantically looking around before his eyes finally settled on your heaving form. It was like time stopped outside the little bubble enclosing the two of you, the other only focusing on the other’s presence. After months of longing, of wondering how the other was doing, of thinking about how it would feel like to embrace their beloved once again— if only for a moment. But now… maybe now that if only could finally happen in reality.

I… I’m sorry.”

He had so many words to say, yet that was all Luke could really say. You stood there, motionless for a while, before walking closer and taking his arm, bringing him to a more secluded area. As soon as you got there, he barely had time to prepare himself before you slapped him. Hard.

Luke closed his eyes, letting you release all the pent-up anger you felt towards him. It’s what I deserve, he thought. All the while, your hits eventually become weaker and weaker, and only then does he realize that you’d been sobbing uncontrollably. He engulfed you in a hug, ignoring your protests that were growing weaker the closer he held you, until you eventually gave up playing tough and held onto him for dear life, with him doing his best to quell your tears as he dealt with his. You may have an anger towards him for disappearing on you for the second time, but your love for your Sherlock was greater.

Three minutes later, two hushed voices were heard from the area.

You’re an asshole.”

I know.

You could have told me about everything.”

I know.

Another bout of silence.

I love you.” 

The confession rings in the air, and while you had your ear pressed to his chest, you could hear the rapid beating of his heart. If you craned your head up right then and there, you would have been greeted with the sight of a flushed Detective Luke Pearce, and even with his tear-stained eyes and messy hair, he still looked as stunning as ever.

And I, you, my Watson.”

He knew the both of you had a lot to talk about, and he knew that he needed to earn your trust back bit by bit, but he knows your longstanding love can handle more than that. He’s faced death way too many times to count on one hand, and a few days ago only did he escape his latest encounter, but with you by his side, he’s never felt more alive.

ˊ˗ ꒰꒱ Fluffy Mornings 

in which you are easily flustered, and vyn thinks that’s adorable. (requested)


Good morning, did you have a good rest?”

Rubbing your eyes, it took a while for your fuzzy brain to register what was going on in front of you.

Good mornin- wait, what?” You didn’t know why, but somehow you failed to realize that your boyfriend of five months slept over for the first time last night, and he was standing in front of your stove in a loosely-tied robe and frazzled hair, flipping the fluffiest pancakes you’ve ever seen as you try to keep your gaze on anything but the silver of his chest peeking out from the top of the robe. It was a far cry from his typical polished look, but man, what a sight to behold.

While you were in your own little world, Vyn deduced what was going on from your red cheeks and wandering eyes. With a barely noticeable smirk, he decides to have a littlebit of fun this early in the morning.

When you eventually come to your senses, he asks you to set the table as he finishes up the last of the batter. Vyn sits in front of you, subtly adjusting his hair, very much aware of your eyes following his every move. He continues on with conversation with you as usual, distracting you just enough for him to set up his plan.

You reach for a napkin to dab at your mouth when he follows along with his own hand, picking up one before you. 

Allow me, dearest.” He gently brings it to your mouth, leaning over and dabbing away at the crumbs surrounding your mouth as your brain goes into overdrive.

He’s so close- oh gosh how does someone smell so good? He looks even more ethereal up close how could I not have noticed this earlier??

Vyn just chuckles at how you look right now as he leans back into his seat- your flushed face, mouth opening and closing repeatedly, trying to form a coherent sentence. He absolutely loves it when you get flustered so easily. 

We’ve been together for this long, and yet, you still get flustered over the tiniest things, darling.” He himself turns a lovely shade of pink, moving over to ensnare you in his arms, giving you the sweetest peck on the cheek and relishing in the reaction that followed, coaxing you to remove your hands from your face. After all, he wanted to see his pretty baby’s bashful face once again. If this is what it would be like waking up early, he’d give up his afternoon sleep-ins without a second thought.

© natsuhikous, 2021

Stay In Bed

Summary:Taking care of the boys when they’re sick

Fandom:Tears of Themis



Warnings:mentions of pain and vomiting ig..?

(A/N: IM IN URGE TO WRITE THIS PLS- I want to make something for this fandom and why not start with some fluff… ehe, hope you enjoy this. My request box is open for this too :))



  • ((Both of you aren’t living together yet))
  • Y'all know that he’s an absolute workaholic
  • He’s probably fallen sick due to the fact that he didn’t rest enough
  • Artem probably just going to ignore it or call you
  • He would just hope that tomorrow will be okay
  • And today… yeah he couldn’t walk :“
  • The heat spreading through his body, couldn’t breath well, and the dizziness
  • He also remembers that he had a plan to meet with you, now he feels bad..
  • Artem wants to cancel the plan but both of you barely seen each other because he was so busy
  • He was almost drifted back to sleep when he heard a doorbell
  • How would he suppose to do it… he lost all of his strength
  • Artem collected all of his strength and stand up, holding to the nightstand
  • And because he’s cold, he put the blanket on his body and proceeds to walk, leaning against the wall
  • When he opened the door, the light from outside came and his dizziness grew worse and he almost fall
  • But then he could feel something holding him, it was you
  • "Artem!” you panicked, you put his arm around your shoulder and rest him on the couch
  • You put your palm on his forehead.. oh dear he’s really warm
  • “I’ll head to the kitchen for awhile, stay here.” you said to him and ran to the kitchen
  • Artem could only nod and closed his eyes and wait for you to come back
  • You boil some water to make a warm honey water to sooth his throat and grab a small cloth and damp it with some cold water
  • After a few minutes, you came back to him and give him the drink
  • Artem sat up and take drink from your hand, the drink makes his body feel warmer and his throat feel much better
  • “Sorry… I can’t go..” he says weakly, resting his head on your shoulder
  • “It’s okay Artem, besides, I can still be here with you for as long as you like..” you responded, putting your hand on his head.. he felt really relaxed and his eyes started to grew heavier
  • You noticed it and told him to go back to his bedroom, you have to help him walk tho :’
  • Finally, after arrived in his room, you gently rest him and put the damped cloth on his forehead
  • You were about to leave the room to get some supplies until he suddenly grabs your wrist, “Stay….” he mumbled
  • “Artem I’ll be quick, I’m just getting you some things.” “No… later..” he answered
  • Your face turned slightly red at his attitude and gave in
  • You walk to the other side of the bed and sit besides him, he puts his head on your stomach, arms wrapping around your waist
  • You’re not going to leave his side until he wakes up again
  • Let’s just say he become a bit cuddly when he’s sick
  • Artem is happy to have someone like you to look after him <3
  • He’ll be healthy again in 3 days :)


  • Rarely falls sick actually
  • Vyn knows how to take care of himself properly even if both of you already lived together
  • The factor is probably because the unexpected changes of the weather
  • One moment is raining and the next is sunny
  • And yes the weather this week is like that..
  • It was 4 a.m… you woke up because there was a sound came from the bathroom
  • You checked to the other side of the bed and Vyn wasn’t there
  • You rubbed your eyes and gently walks to the bathroom, “Vyn… are you okay?” you speak softly
  • Vyn didn’t answer and you started to worry, so you opened the door softly and saw Vyn throwing up
  • You walked towards him and gently rub his back, “it’s okay… just let it out.” you softly speak
  • He then put his head on your shoulder, his breath was uneven, his hair sticking to his forehead and his face was really red
  • You gently rub his arm to sooth him and he leans closer
  • You then help him up, he brushed his teeth and wash his face
  • Then you gently rub his face with a warm towel and put him back to your shared bed
  • Vyn drifted back to sleep not long after and as for you, you went back to the bathroom to get a damped cloth and get a thermometer
  • You then take his temperature and it beeps after a few minutes, “38,7 degrees…” you quietly spoke to yourself as you looked over at him, poor Vyn..
  • After that you put the cloth on his forehead and went to get a book from the shelves since… well, it’s a bit late to go back to sleep especially when your boyfriend is in a bad condition
  • You get 2 glasses of water, one for him and one for you
  • Sitting down next to him and gently opened the book and start to read it
  • It is 7 a.m. now… ig reading the book speeds the time lmao
  • Since it’s almost breakfast, you decided to cook something for the two of you
  • You then made some soup for him and a simple omelet for you
  • And you also brew some tea to accompany it :3
  • When you’re about to finish plating, someone came behind you and hugged you, it’s Vyn
  • “Vyn, dont scare me like that.” you said that as you chuckled, “Sorry… i was a bit… lonely..” he said
  • You gently looked at him, he was wrapping himself with a blanket and his eyes were glossy
  • “Go back to bed alright, I’ll be right back..” you gently cupped his face and he nodded, he walks back to the room.. you smiled to yourself
  • Not long after Vyn went back to the bed, you came back with a tray on your hand
  • You gently put it on the bed as he slowly tries to pick it up, “Don’t burn yourself, it’s hot..” you warned him
  • He nodded and both of you started to eat, you two have a small chat too
  • After you two are done, you went back to the kitchen to put the dishes away and get his medicine
  • Vyn takes the medicine then you sat next to him and tuck him in
  • He suddenly grabs your wrist and put in on his head, it looks like he’s in so much pain :(
  • “It hurts..” he complained, “I know… close your eyes, you’ll feel better.” you softly coo at him
  • He then drifted to sleep not long after.. aww..
  • You’ll be in this condition for 3 to 4 days :^


  • This little sunshine is a bit clingy when he’s not well
  • But sometimes he would force himself to go to work like Artem
  • Luke tries to hide it from you cuz he didn’t want to bother you and yet he knows how busy you are lately
  • Well today is that day.. he’s really busy but yet he has a cold
  • But he think it’ll brush off when he works, after all.. his work rarely acquires him to go outside
  • Hours go by his head gets more and more painful and his eyes grew heavier
  • So he decided to close his eyes a for awhile so dizziness could go away..
  • While he’s asleep, you arrived at his place
  • You figured out since he’s busy, you want to have lunch together with him
  • Since you have the access to his place, you immediately come inside
  • You think that he’ll be at his desk and you’re right
  • But you’re confused why he’s sleeping on his desk
  • You gently tap his shoulder, “Luke… wake up..” you said, he slowly moved and you saw how tired he is
  • “Oh… I didn’t know you’ll be here…what’s up?” he asks as he rest him self on the chair
  • “Eh, I just wanted to eat lunch with you.. but..” you fall silent for a moment, “Are you okay..? you don’t look so good.” you said
  • Luke just nodded at you as his eyes began to close again
  • As observant you are, you gently put your palm on his forehead.. he’s sick
  • “sigh… Luke, why didn’t you tell me you have a fever?” you frowned at him
  • “I thought that it’ll be gone in a few hours and thus.. i didn’t want to bother you…” he said
  • You silently sighed and walk closer to him, “You’re never going to bother me.. now let’s get you do bed, alright?” you said
  • Luke slowly rises from his seat and hold your wrist for support
  • When you finally reached his apartment, you bring him to his room and he changed his clothes to something more comfortable
  • While he’s changing, you prepare some tea and heat up the lunch that you bought earlier
  • Luckily, the lunch you bought wasn’t too heavy
  • Once you’re done, you went back to his room and saw him already lying on the bed
  • You smiled gently at him and put the tray on the nightstand
  • “Here, you need to eat so you could feel better..” you said, but he refuses, “noo.. I’m not hungry.. can I eat later..?” he complained
  • You frowned at his words, “sigh.. Luke, you haven’t eaten since morning, haven’t you?.. it’s not good for you especially with a fever like this..” you tell him, “here how abt this, I’ll feed you?” you offer
  • He kinda lights up a little inside, so he just gave in and you started to feed him
  • Ngl after you feed him, he felt his appetite coming back
  • “Can I have a cuddle?” he ask, you blushed a little
  • “Luke.. I don’t want to get sick.” you complain, he frowned at you, “aww please…?” he asked again with those eyes
  • Ugh… you can’t say no to those eyes, so you nodded and he pulls you down to lay with him
  • “Don’t leave..” he said, “alright alright, I’ll stay..” you say
  • Then he drift to sleep, but you cant escape cuz everytime you move his hand subconsciously thights around you
  • Luke will be fine in 1 or 2 days since he has a good immune system


  • 10x more clingier than Luke omg
  • Marius sometimes will tell you if he feels unwell, but it’s rare for him to hide it
  • Or either you’re the one who found out before he says it
  • He’s that type of person who will get sick at.. some time of the year
  • Idk, there’s a particular day or moment when he’ll fall sick :/
  • You didn’t memorised it since it always changes ofc
  • Morning has just come by and you opened your eyes and the sun was shining to your room
  • You check the clock, it was 7.30.. it’s normal for you to wake up at times like this since you had a few days of
  • Then you check the other side of the bed, there your boyfriend still asleep
  • You didn’t wanna wake him since he looked so peaceful
  • You got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee and some breakfast
  • Eating breakfast and reading a book kinda speeds up the time, now its like 9.12
  • Now you realised Marius haven’t woke up yet
  • He never woke up this late, usually he’ll wake up a few minutes after you or before you
  • You went back to your shared bedroom, the blanket covers him until his ears
  • Then you slowly opened the cover and reveal his complexion
  • He looked horrible :(
  • “Onee sann.. it’s too bright..” Marius complained
  • “Marius, you have a fever.” you said as you putting your palm on his forehead
  • You then put your hand through his hair and gently rubs it
  • His eyes felt heavy again, it feels really nice
  • “Be right back-” “Nooo, one sann.. stayy” he grabs your wrist
  • “Marius, I’m just getting you some supplies, it’s not that long.” you respond, he just sighed in defeat
  • You pre-heat some water to make tea and get some medicine, cloth, and a thermometer
  • Once you’re done, you went back to the room, Marius was looking over at the window
  • “Onee sann what took you so long?~” “Marius I was gone for like 7 minutes, not 7 years.” you joked and he just pouted
  • You put the tray down and slowly hand him the tea
  • Marius took it and gently sips it, the tea soothes his throat
  • When he’s done, he suddenly pull you into a hug, “Marius!” you yelped, “No leaving me.” he simply says
  • “I-” you didn’t know what to say, Marius then kissed your nose and your cheeks, “Marius, stop, I don’t wanna get sick.” you said
  • “Onee san, don’t be like that~ you’re such a meanie~” he pouts
  • You rolled your eyes playfully at him and silently chuckle, “Go to sleep von Hagen, you need it.” you jokingly said it
  • “If you stay, then I’ll sleep.” Marius commanded
  • This baby… welp you kept his words, you don’t leave him if you wanted him to sleep
  • You hope that he’ll be better soon, although it’s cute seeing him like this lmao


A/N: Can’t believe I’m writing for Artem.

Warnings: NSFW, PWP, reader can be not Rosa

Hardworking, diligent, Mr. Senior Attorney Artem, who doesn’t know when to stop working. Always going so far to bring home work despite your disapproving and worried stares. But lately he’s not bringing home as much work anymore nor staying at the office for unnecessary overtime.

Celestine and Rosa chalks it up to Artem finally using his time to spend time for your relationship and promptly congratulates you. Well, they’re not entirely wrong. You and Artem have been indeed spending more time together; but instead of the dates his co-workers expected, you spend the nights at Artem’s with his cock down your throat and your cunt on his face.

Pussy-drunk is the best word to describe Artem as he settles your hips over him, inhaling the scent of your cunt, anticipating your juices on his tongue. It’s his best way of destressing – you sitting over his face, all of his senses only focused on you, drowning away any thoughts he has left. If he can speak, he’d be singing praises about how you’re so wet and taste so good, but he can barely breathe as it is. All he knows right now is how to curl his tongue inside your cunt.

Artem’s so focused on you that he can’t even string any thoughts on how good you’re making his cock feel. As you bend over his leaking cock, stroking and swallowing hungrily. “Oh, you like that, love?” you’d sometimes ask, but all you get in reply is another twitch of his cock. You lift your hips momentarily over his face, letting Artem gasp in lungfuls of air. But his large hands are already grabbing you back down. “No, no, no, please, more. I need more.”

When you finally orgasm, Artem makes sure to get as much of your nectar on his tongue, the wet noises of his slurping disgustingly lewd and incredibly out of his usual composed demeanor. At this point, you’d be slowly stroking his cock, your hand already messy with his precum as you amusedly huff at how Artem bucks his hips in the air. If he could cum from just eating you out, he would. But as it is, you move off his face, straddling his hips instead.

Teasing him with a smile, running the tip of his cock over your still-sensitive folds that has you shivering. Artem can only look at you, panting, pupils blown wide in lust, a strangled groan from his throat as you finally sheathe him inside you. “We still have the rest of the night, love,” you whisper; and all Artem can do is nod, that yes, spending nights like this is definitely better than working overtime.

Warnings: NSFW, PWP, Thirst Drabble

Despite his “kingly” stature and basically being a modern royalty, Marius isn’t fully comfortable when you service him. He wants to do the servicing, the pampering. He wants to be the one to give you the world and worship you until his last breath. But you insist, and he’ll never deny your wishes. So you’d get on your knees, already naked, situating yourself between his thighs as Marius’ breath hitches. He can’t take his eyes off you as your dainty hands unzip him and free his already hardening cock. He can’t even breathe, afraid to ruin the moment, taking in the sight so he could remember it forever.

It’s only when you kiss the head of his cock that he lets out a shuddering exhale. The way you give kitten licks at his cock, teasing him until he is fully hard. He can’t even complain, too busy trying to regulate his breathing. If anyone else saw him, they’d see a powerful king and his bitch; but you both know who holds the real power here.

His harsh grip on the arms of his opulent chair makes the wood groan when you finally take more of him down to your throat, moaning seductively at how thick he is on your tongue. “Jie…ngh…sh-shit,” Marius groans, all he want to do was throw his head back and lose all of his thoughts; but his eyes are glued to you – your plump lips around his cock, the drool staining your chin, your teary eyes as you look up at him, taking him until he hits the back of your throat. “Sh-shit, so good. Wanna f-fuck your throat, jie jie. So warm a-and tight. Ngh!” 

There are times Marius can’t take it anymore, relieving himself by fucking your face, hips harshly thrusting as he bruises your throat, hand still gentle and yet firmly gripping your hair. His eyes would never look away from yours, as if seeking apology for his rough treatment, but he’s lost his will to pleasure. “Fu-fuck! You’re so filthy, jie jie. Letting me fuck your face like this. You getting off on this, jie jie? I can see you squirmi– ngh!” When your hands clearly move down between your legs, he nearly loses it. “You– shit– you must be so fucking wet, baby. I can hear your sloppy cunt from up here.”

And when he unloads his cum on your face and chest, painting you with his seed, Marius wastes no time in pulling you up and putting you on the chair – or rather, throne. He’s immediately on his knees, spreading your legs wide on the armrests. He dives in on your cunt, licking and slurping, making sure he gets every drop of your nectar on his tongue. “Taste so good– fucking exquisite. I could be on my knees all day for you.”

Marius is shameless in eating you out. Manners all gone, he’s as loud as he can be, moaning into your cunt, sucking at your clit and using his fingers to make you leak more. “Squirt on my face, baby, want to taste you.” It’s not long before you succumb to the pleasure, screaming out his name as you release all over his waiting tongue. You whine weakly as he cleans you up, not letting any of your juices go to waste. When Marius looks up at you, messy hair, smirking and satisfied at the state you are in; it’s not long before the hunger in your gut settles in again. And for him, on his knees looking up at you – Marius would never deny you more, thinking how fitting you are to be hisqueen.

A/N: No thoughts. Just Lu Jinghe. Buy me a ko-fi?
