


Light pillars are a rare optical phenomenon in which ice crystals in the atmosphere reflect sources of light in a vertical formation. Long, illuminated beams can form above or below sources of artificial or natural light due to the air being extremely cold.


david tennant as the doctor was such an experience. always smiling but with something so deeply incurably sad in his eyes. you think he’s a soundly good person with all he says and does but then you realise that goodness is a thin veneer holding back this tidal wave of grief and apathy and unending loss for his long, long life that (in hindsight) he’s constantly leaching into the air around him, if you know where to look. it took him a few bad days to more or less reach a god complex and you’re unsure if he’s even wrong for thinking so. all that and he still pranced around like bambi in the fucking forest

kurumayu:Happy Birthday Luffy!May 5thkurumayu:Happy Birthday Luffy!May 5thkurumayu:Happy Birthday Luffy!May 5th


Happy Birthday Luffy!

May 5th

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Saying the quiet part out loud. The west is demanding blood - the deaths of millions of Chinese people - in order to sustain Apple’s stock price a little longer.




A short animation of my cat Merlin begging to be fed. He usually starts this a full hour before food time.

ms-demeanor:allihalavellan: thyrell:bellringerkat: Way too funny not to share
zeldacw: quick color OvO My impression of Hua Cheng from Chinese novel Heaven Official’s Blessing. #


quick color OvO 
My impression of Hua Cheng from Chinese novel Heaven Official’s Blessing. 


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Cr: 地澈天清 Weibo

Chinese hanfu based on the costumes in Cdrama Word of Honor.


don’t listen to them babe just keep opening more tabs in your browser
