

Another evil is of the day, and would that it were sufficient unto it. We repair the daily deteriorations of the body by eating and drinking, until the day when You will destroy both the belly and the meats, for you will kill our emptiness with a marvellous fullness, and You will clothe this corruptible with eternal incorruption.

But for the present time the necessity is sweet to me, and I fight against that sweetness lest I be taken captive by it. […] This You taught me, that I should learn to take my food as a kind of medicine. But while I am passing from the pain of hunger to the satisfaction of sufficiency, in that very passage the snare of concupiscence lies in wait for me. For the passage is itself a pleasure, yet there is no other way to achieve sufficiency than that which necessity forces us to travel.

–Augustine, Confessions, Book 10

Demand - Need = Desire
