#lux hæresis


‘Of the Watchers’

“Ancient inscriptions record a story of certain angelic dissidents who, in transgression of Astral Law, descended to the earthly plane and there made their abodes. Each among their number served as a luminous benefactor, giving unto man a specific bequest of Light. The ancients called these magnificents "Watchers’. Why were they so named, and what did they watch?

Some say their eyes were captivated by the sight of mortal women, who were fair to behold. Upon seeing them, their desire was roused, and so they courted them, and embraced them as wives. From their union sprung the Giants or Mighty Ones, as well as the great houses of the Art Magical. Such is the Fascinum of Beauty, the Great Encircler, whose quality of Light binds Seer with the Seen, lures stellar power unto Earth, and serves as Mother of the Generations of the Wise.

Others assert that their stations were set on high to observe the progress of Man, and assist them who, humbly entreating the Fire of First Reckoning, aspire to transcend the shell of mortality and be as gods’. This is the power of dream-foretelling, which looks upon all things and perceives their apotheosis, even when their present forms are shackled by temporal constraint.

Adherents of the Doctrine of the One Image maintain that the Watchers were supremely potent shards of the Mirror of All Things, and that their means of observation is eternal:- it is forthis reason they are also known as ‘Vigilants’. According to this teaching, the Watchers cast their sight beyond time and mortal reckoning to the moment The World is at last reassembled, and the Mirror of All Things made whole. In that distant and shimmering reflection, them who watch on high behold in simultaneity all eventuality between the present moment and the instant the final shard of the Mirror is restored. As a result of their ever-open eyes, present and future are bonded, and a sacred trajectory is established.

The knowledge of the Witch, or Heretic, is that the Watchers are their especial patrons, who have bestowed upon them peculiar gifts of power or knowledge. Chief amongst these dispensations is a Hidden Fire burning at the nexus of Flesh and Spirit. Through the light and heat of this eternal pyre they may glimpse the veiled contours of Sheol and the New Jerusalem, and a thousand dominions beyond, even as the common man walks hoodwinked amongst a great labyrinth of illusions. The light of this fire, in addition to the revelatory properties it instills in the eyes, may also be formulated, by way of the Art Magical, to create and destroy.”

Lux Hæresis:

The Light Heretical

I: ‘Eye of the Lamia’

by Daniel A. Schulke
