

Hello Lunter fandom, please accept this peace offering from me, a Huntlow and Lumity shipper. ✨

Once in a blue moon Lunter content from me lmao. Whether you see their relationship and dynamic as platonic or romantic, you’re all valid. I personally think their dynamic would work well platonically I just drew this for fun and I may have taken some inspiration from @deep-in-mind67.

“bUt It TaKeS aWaY lUmItY aNd SaPpHiC rEp” …Does it though? Lumity is like THE most popular TOH ship and literally overshadows Lunter. Not only that, LumityIS CANON, no amount of Lunter content can change that. Oh, and friendly reminder that Luz is canonically BISEXUAL and Hunter remains UNLABELED. Don’t like it? Simply ignore, block, and don’t harass the shippers. Have a nice day.

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If you liked this post, go check out more here on Tumblr and on my other social media accounts:


Okay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagraOkay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” “Hunter…. this is pentsagra

Okay google: “wyd when ur sworn enemy is really annoyingly cute?” 

“Hunter…. this is pentsagram”

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“lunter is a heteronormative ship”


You probably still have doubts, that’s why I made two versions!

Have some Huntceda fluff to counterbalance the angst I will most likely be slapping yah all with soon. :)

Also. Gotta love when you have a backstock/wips you can share as finished drawings. :)

The lunter server said the fankids should share expressions that the two nerds have made. So.

Cisco and Antonio making the faces.

Have more Huntceda nerds being cute and doing human date things. Plus, bonus au art.

Don’t mind them, they’re just hanging out.

“Hey, hunter. What do you see as you drift away?”


Some more RPG Au, Tried my best to make the third image look like a story board. XDSome more RPG Au, Tried my best to make the third image look like a story board. XDSome more RPG Au, Tried my best to make the third image look like a story board. XDSome more RPG Au, Tried my best to make the third image look like a story board. XD

Some more RPG Au, 

Tried my best to make the third image look like a story board. XD

Post link


Hunter as wybie was to hard to resist!

Shall we jump into an RPG?Luz 100% took one of hunters lives with a fire spell. Whoops~Shall we jump into an RPG?Luz 100% took one of hunters lives with a fire spell. Whoops~

Shall we jump into an RPG?

Luz 100% took one of hunters lives with a fire spell. Whoops~

Post link

Holaaaa!! Estaba intentando hacer un video de esta pareja, aunque no salió como planeé jeje :”(

La canciones de Miranda son lo mejor!! Change my mind! >:)

Pd: Se me fue la inspiración, puede que ya no suba más seguido. Seguiré subiendo, pero lentamente

Holaaaa!! Hace días que no publico sobre este shipp <3!!

Un dibujo especialmente para @motziblue !! Espero que te guste!!

Si hablas español puedes leer su libro de “Incorrect Quotes [Lunter]”! Es muy divertido!!! Este dibujo fue inspirado en su diálogo del capítulo “También me gustas” ☺️ No pude evitar dibujarlos… de nuevo jeje

Hola de nuevo!! Complete este dibujo ayer y quería publicarlo antes de que se me olvidara. No me odien!!solo estaba pensando en esta escena del capítulo 6 de Luz y Hunter fue un poco divertido jeje.
