#lynda carter

lynda carter

Today we celebrate women and girls from all walks of life… And yes, that includes our trans sisters!

To be a woman is to be a wonder, but it’s no wonder that we are so strong and full of possibilities. Happy International Women’s Day!

I learned that the original artwork for this was by @sketchy02. Everybody go follow Sarah’s incredible work!“



Lynda Carter

Lynda Carter

Lynda Carter

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“Wonder Woman isn’t gay” the inspiration for her character literally came from creator William Marston and his wife Elizabeth’s polyamorous wife, Olive Byrne. the bracelets she wore (representing commitment to the couple in place of a singular wedding ring) inspired the Bracelets of Submission.

“she isn’t a queer icon” even if you wanna argue that becoming canonically queer 46 years after her conception doesn’t make her queer, you can’t argue the impact she’s had on the queer community. you don’t need to be gay to be a gay icon. wise up.

anyway, stan lynda carter and happy pride

lynda carter




She is a gift ❤️

Wonder Woman was literally inspired by bisexual, feminist women. The writer who created her and his wife were in a dedicated, polyamorous relationship with another woman in the FORTIES. This woman, Olive Byrne, is said/thought to have been the inspiration for WW’s looks.

(He was also really into bondage and it’s super evident if you look at the original stuff. )

Queers are everywhere. Queers create and influence so much of media and always have!
