#ma beefy boi


With Shiro I find he is very openly caring and pays attention to everyone in his company. What defines how Shiro feels towards people is in his eyes, when he speaks to Keith in the beginning of season 2 he has a tender expression and often has this tender expression when Keith’s around, but that one look in season two half of him thought he wasn’t going to make it so we got to see some of his raw emotion and that look shows how much Keith means to him. I think Shiro has learned very much how to wall things, not express things as much cause certain feelings or establishments would act as something that would bind him and with having a mission and the universe to save having that with someone could affect the mission causing people to suffer in the long run, so on Shiro’s part it’s a very “I have to do right by the major majority rather than personal feeling”. As I said his feelings are expressed in his eyes and the way he looks at Keith, you can’t hide what’s reflected in them no matter how much he walls.

There is no walls in this expression, this is an example of what I said about raw emotion showing, its very clear to me in this moment. Its very much a reflection to how he feels and that something he always told Keith has been taken into consideration and remembered and even though his unsure if he will make his left something behind with Keith, that he knows that will help Keith.

Keith doesn’t have that much experience with having an extensive amount of people in his life, this is why Shiro is so important to him, it’s the first person he felt an established relationship with. To me I see Keith’s view on Shiro is very conflicting, in order to define what feelings he has for him he needs to have a vast amount of people in his life and feel what friendship feels like and what family feels like, this is why the group is so important for Keith. It helps build bonds he’s never experienced before. I think any labeling from Keith would stand as a basic for how important Shiro is to him and even the label of brothers is the closest thing he can pin point to say how special Shiro is to him even if Keith did have romantic feelings towards him, he wouldn’t understand or be able to express what he’s feeling cause up until now he’s had nothing to compare it to, hence why there are a lot of undertones hinting that Keith and Shiro do have feelings for each other, neither of them would express it due to one of them has got solider mentality, mission comes first, and the other needs to learn other social connections and learn to define one feeling from another. Yet I think how Keith shows his feelings towards him through action, body language and over protectiveness, like “Shiro’s in danger I have to go save him” because the thought of losing someone that meant so much to you again, unbearable right? If Shiro is in danger Keith has a very lock on Shiro mind-set that is very noticeable.

Below is one of many times Keith has been over protective and saved Shiro. 

I’ll be doing more Sheith thoughts while rewatching the show cause I adore this pairing and I really love analyzing there relationship shippy or not, I enjoy it a lot <3 
‘He’s looking a Keith’ *doki doki
