


macden on twitter part 2: but add a cat


sometimes i think i’m crazy for looking too deep into the who pooped the bed show but RCG keep making it clear that they care about things like their character’s motivations. which is why it’s insane that there was no discernible motivation for one character to randomly start having resentment toward his gay best friend that he used to be so codependently attached to. unless there was a motivation and it’s yet to be revealed.. NO they’re not smart enough for that… we could tell a love story for the ages a gay gay ass love story…NO STOP it’s not happening it was just inconsistent lazy writing they’ve done that before… or you could just find one guy fall in love get in a relationship and shut the hell up about it… VISION GOING BLURRY THERES A RINGING IN MY EARS IM GETTING DIZZY. WHICH IS IT WHICH ONE IS IT


never getting over this


montero (call me by your name)



i dont think we talk often enough about the macdennis joint doctors appointment. why are they both in hospital gowns??? why did they schedule a singular appointment for the two of them???

The Great Recession is a great example of MacDennis. It really displays how patient Dennis is with Mac even though he thinks he’s stupid, even though he gets frustrated by him. People say Dennis is cold and unfeeling and a sociopath but if he were all of those things then why would he keep hanging out with Mac? Why does he choose to be with him 24/7? Why?????


mac and dennis would both separately cry about each other at the same time in their own rooms


begging for ryan reynolds on sunny isn’t enough i need to do it myself


♪ Let’s ride on a horse, making love out in the fields ♪ ♪ Out in the fields ♪ ♪ Let me be your guy ♪ ♪ Never mind them flies ♪

“they were fucking in season 5” this “they were fucking in season 5” that…..bro they were fucking season 1 episode 1


small macdennis moment that speaks volumes for a reacher like me is in the ponderosa wedding massacre right after mac is sooo concerned about making dee vomit up the poison she just sucked out of franks head and dennis gets really annoyed with how things are getting fucked up for him so he leaves and mac just drops everything to follow  


only gay things happen on mountains haven’t u watched brokeback


my favorite worst guys in the world

i feel like this episode is gonna be a “what if?” episode. “what if they never met?” maybe? dennis would be classic white suburban dad, mac influenced by his father and charlie.. exactly the same. at the end of the episode they’ll probably run into our little irish pub and reunite.. i know we’ll get our cutesy little sitcom what if episode but with a little bit of always sunny spice

happy birthday to my sweet child sunny, you don’t make me proud so much but when you do you don’t
