#mad men marathon

 Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.    Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.    Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.    Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.    Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.    Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.  

Take a trip down memory lane before tonight’s series finale at 10|9c.  

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 “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don  “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don

“Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.” – Don

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 Peggy wears the pants!

Peggy wears the pants!

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 Feeling nostalgic? Keep watching the Mad Men Marathon, season six starts now.

Feeling nostalgic? Keep watching the Mad Men Marathon, season six starts now.

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 Catch up on Mad Men before the series finale tomorrow at 10|9c.

Catch up on Mad Men before the series finale tomorrow at 10|9c.

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 Spend the night reliving season five – the Mad Men Marathon continues now.

Spend the night reliving season five – the Mad Men Marathon continues now.

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 We’re reminiscing about season four during the Mad Men Marathon – it starts now on AMC.

We’re reminiscing about season four during the Mad Men Marathon – it starts now on AMC.

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 Keep watching the Mad Men Marathon for more Sally and Betty moments.

Keep watching the Mad Men Marathon for more Sally and Betty moments.

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