#maes 2k follower event


Prompt 6: “I don’t care what I have to do. You’re not going anywhere. I would go to the ends of this earth to keep you by my side.”

Pairing: Yandere!AFO x Fem!Reader


Warning: 18+, minors dni // kidnapping, manipulation, Nomu fucking, noncon, violence, yandere

55 Prompts Masterlist


You’ve gotten used to coexisting with the Nomu, and a plethora of other science projects, during your time as All For One’s woman. You’ve grown accustomed to the way they looked — often grotesque and lifeless beneath layers of bulging muscle — and the way they leered at anything before them. Their grunts and groans still unnerve you, particularly when they were left alone to supervise you, but you know they won’t kill you. Their master would never command such a thing; you were far too precious for him to destroy.

Your face is blank as the Nomu drags you back to your bedroom, where you had escaped from mere minutes ago. It had been foolish of you to believe he left the door unlocked absent-mindedly. On the other hand, if you hadn’t taken the initiative to flee, he would have mocked you for a wasted effort. Didn’t you want to go home? Had you been lying when you said you hated him? There’s no winning when it comes to the most devious piece of shit Japan has ever seen.

The creature enters its destination and leaves you in the centre. It doesn’t linger. When it shuts the door, you’re engulfed by darkness. There aren’t any windows down here. He doesn’t trust you enough to bring you outside, either. You can’t recall the last time you’ve seen real sunlight, or been able to tell what time it is from the sky, alone. The only light he permits you to have in this space is from an oil lamp, which he only ignites if he thinks you’ve been good enough to have the privilege of sight. After all, he knows you don’t necessarily need your eyes to thrive; he’s living proof of that fact.

You wrap your arms around yourself on the floor, not daring to get up. He’s due to address you any minute, now, and you’ve found him to be far more lenient when he thinks you look pathetic. You’ve lost everything since he took you away; what’s a bit of your pride, too?

As if on cue, the screen at the opposite end of the room flickers to life. Your head zips up to stare at the shadowy image. It’s your captor, for sure. He hasn’t shown you his face since he was gravely injured by All Might, many years ago. When he meets with you in person, he wears a heavy mask. He’s gotten to a point wherein life support is less necessary at all times; nevertheless, you can tell he isn’t as strong as he used to be. That means nothing to a civilian like you, though, who was only granted an anti-ageing quirk to ensure you live as long as your master. He’ll always be more powerful than you.

“Back, I see,” All For One purrs, and you can practically see that wide grin of his as he appraises you. “That didn’t take very long, did it?”

You purse your lips. You had been caught by one of his Nomus. He had sent the monster to your bedroom knowing you were going to run as soon as you discovered the door was unlocked. Foolish, foolish, foolish.

You sit up, getting onto your knees to give him a better view. You’re wearing a sundress he bought for you. It’s a bit too short, and it dips a bit too low, but it’s better than nothing at all. You either wear what he gives you, or walk around bare; there is no compromise. You hope seeing you in one of his favourite dresses will brighten his poor mood, if only slightly. Maybe he’ll be more inclined to be merciful if he thinks you’re pretty.

“And look what you did to your dress,” he chides, clicking his tongue softly.“Ruined.”

You gaze down at the garment. There’s dirt caking the front part, and grease staining the collar, from being tugged back here. You gulp. He doesn’t like messes.

“Honestly, what were you thinking, (f/n)? You’ve been so good lately. I’m shocked!”

He’s grinning. You can’t see, but you can tell that he’s most certainly wearing a smug expression. He’s not at all surprised; he knows you. Years have gone by, and you still don’t love him. He tried to manipulate you into thinking otherwise, though his efforts have been grossly unsuccessful. Stockholm syndrome be damned, you don’t think you’ll ever wish anything aside from death upon the villain.

“’m sorry,” you mumble, averting your eyes to truly sell your lie. “I… I shouldn’t have left.”

He pauses for a moment. The silence is deafening. Your ears ring loudly, filling the stillness in the air as you await. You aren’t sure if you said something wrong, or if he’s thinking of how to discipline you; perhaps both. He won’t buy your half-assed apology.

“You understand that you’re not going anywhere, right?” He inquires, at last. “That you’re mine, even though I can barely move in my current state?”

You nod. It’s obvious. He has a collar for you and everything. You’re like a glorified house pet that’s meant to keep him company as he rehabilitates.

“Then, how do you not understand that I would go to the ends of this earth to keep you by my side?”

You’ve had dreams of escaping. You’ve had dreams where you burst through the door to this place and stumbled into the full moon’s glare. Monsters are chasing you. All For One is shouting. You keep running until you’re well away from the property, tucked away from the Nomu, and completely undetectable. But then, one finds you, and you’re taken back to your master kicking and screaming.

You shudder. Based on previous attempts, you think you have an idea how he would punish you. Back in his prime, he had been able to fuck you himself; now, however, all he could do was watch as others had their way with you. Not just anyone, of course, but some of his own creations: the Nomu.

You pray it won’t come to that today. You pray for shock therapy, or getting tied down and edged, or getting flogged until the whip cuts through your skin a dozen times over. You don’t think you can handle taking another Nomu.

I don’t care what I have to do,” All For One continues. “You’ll stay mine until the day you die. Do you understand me?”

His tone is stern. He wants you to acknowledge his declaration. He wants to hear you damn yourself. You take a deep breath and fulfill his wish.

“Yes, sir,” you grumble. “’m sorry.”

Throwing in another apology is good practice. It shows him you mean it to some degree, that you’ll be more careful in the future.

“Good girl,” he croons. “It’s so nice to see that beautiful face of yours twist when you submit to me.”

You wrinkle your nose. You wish you had the gall to spit at him. You would have loved to see a glob of your saliva trickle down his cheek. He deserves to feel like shit; not you. What you wouldn’t do to wipe that blasted smirk off his lips.

“On that note, I bet you’re wondering when you’ll see my face again.”

The statement comes across as invasive. It’s as though he can read your mind. You perk up, refusing to confirm or deny. You don’t want to make him think you want to stare at him. You just want to witness a range of emotions when you go against his will.

“Very soon, my dear,” he chuckles. “Though, I’m afraid it won’t be anything like my old one.”

Flashes of his handsome visage flash through your head. In his youth, he had been attractive. You wonder what he’ll manifest when he recreates himself, or how he’ll go about it. He hasn’t told you anything about his scheme. All you know is that revenge against All Might is nigh, and you’re the perfect little stress relief he needs to persevere in the meantime.

The door to your bedroom opens, revealing the bulky figure of a Nomu. Your neck twists around to stare at the creature. Pupils dilated, you know why it’s here.

Your fingernails claw the rug beneath your knees. You want to dash away, but where can you go? This is your punishment. All For One wants to watch you get split open on one of his beasts. He can’t do it himself, so he may as well get his fill of your body in other ways. It’s degrading. It’s painful. Worst of all, it leaves you feeling filthy and violated for days afterward. A violent chill buzzes up your spine.

“Meanwhile, I’d like to see you spread out for me,” he says. “I think that’ll be sufficient enough to teach you a lesson in respect. Do you agree?”

You shake your head meekly as the Nomu advances. It’s too bad you don’t have a choice.


Prompt 5: “If you love them, you’ll stay with me.”

Pairing: Yandere!Eren x Fem!Reader


Warning: 18+, minors dni // manipulation, power imbalance, threatening, yandere

55 Prompts Masterlist


You stare Eren in the eye, trying not to tremble when he advances toward you. You can’t crumble beneath him. You can’t show him how weak you are, how frightened he makes you. He’s changed from the teenager you met all those years ago. He’s a man, now — a twisted, insufferable man, with an insipid poison in his heart that no one can hope to quell. You don’t know who he is anymore.

“Did I stutter?” He asks, lifting a brown brow. “Or was I not clear enough.”

Neither sentence is a question. He’s mocking you. He knows you heard him. You’re terrified of his proposal, that’s more of a demand than an offer, that levies more than you’re willing to give. Even still, you understand that there’s only one choice for you to make. Deviating from the path he wants you to follow will result in the demise of all those close to you. He doesn’t care for ties anymore; all he cares about is his goal — and you.

“Y-you’re… you’re insane,” you spit. “Eren, y-you—”

“That’s what they say,” he confesses, eyes shifting to the floor. “But whether or not I am has no bearing on your response.”

You feel like ripping your hair out. He has to know he’s confusing you. His sanity has everything to do with your answer. If he was of sound mind, he wouldn’t have requested such a terrible thing from you in the first place.

“I-I don’t want to do this,” you mumble. “I— this isn’t fair.”

“Is anything in this world fair?”

It’s a good point. All these years of battling the titans, only to learn they’re victims, too, has been a jarring realization for everyone. Nevertheless, the people of Paradis have always found ways to thrive individually, from drowning in vices to engaging in adaptivity. You thought you would at least have that in the end.

“Please,” you plead, trying one last time to appeal to whatever’s left of the Eren Yeager you once knew. “Don’t do this.”

He takes your chin in his hand, holding you steady. His other arm snakes around your waist. You let him draw you closer, like you’re his woman. After all, you suppose you are now.

“Think about it,” he murmurs. “If you love them, you’ll stay with me.

“I was never with you to begin with,” you assert. “You’re forcing me into a relationship I don’t want.”

He stills for a moment, registering your words. He knows they’re true. As delusional as he acts, he has times where he’s completely lucid, where he can think normally. You don’t care for him the way he cares for you… but he can change that. And even if he never does, your confinement to him won’t be forever. His life span has been cut short. He doesn’t have all that long to survive before he succumbs to the curse his father placed inside him. Thus, if you can outlive him, you’ll be free; it’s because of this that he doesn’t feel all that bad about taking you for himself.

He leans down and presses a kiss against your forehead. It’s chaste and soothing, the exact opposite of how you view him.

“You weren’t mine before, but you are now,” he whispers, resting his chin on the top of your head. “And it’s too late to relent. I already booked our wedding.”

He doesn’t miss how you squirm in his grasp, wanting nothing more than to scurry away. You don’t want to marry him. You don’t want to be his blushing bride, but that’s okay. He understands. He doesn’t blame you for your reluctance. He knows what it’s like to be trapped in an unfavourable circumstance. You’ll learn to adapt, though; he’s sure of it.

You’ll learn to love him.


Prompt 35: “I don’t think you’ve ever been this happy to see me.”

Pairing: Yandere!Nanami x Fem!Assassin!Reader


Warning: 18+, minors dni // abusive behaviour, aphrodisiac, degradation, domination, dubcon, fingering, manipulation, mind break, noncon elements, oral sex, slight infantilization, thigh riding, yandere

55 Prompts Masterlist


You take a deep breath and drum your fingers against your thigh. Half of you questions your sanity; the other half commends you for the courage coursing through your veins — the latter being a product of the hope you’ve managed to salvage over six months. It hasn’t been easy. As the captive of a grade one sorcerer, your chance of escaping is slim, but you’re nothing if not headstrong. Possessing no supernatural abilities of your own, your bravery is all you have. Well, that, your sex appeal, and your skills as a decent mercenary.

You’re sitting on his bed in a red baby doll — the one you know he likes — with no thong underneath. When you get off the bed and drift towards him, he’ll be able to see your dripping wet pussy. He won’t be able to resist watching you beneath those tinted glasses of his. You played with yourself a bit beforehand, to ensure your act is believable and that you’re enticing enough to hold his attention. Alas, you’re not dressed like this because you want to fuck; you’re dressed like this because it’s the only shot you have at fleeing from this place. Sex will distract him from what you’re doing in the meantime: slipping poison down his throat.

You smirk. Did he forget you used to be a murder for hire? One doesn’t need a sorcerer’s capabilities when they’re a natural killing machine all on their own. Once you jam the pills you have beneath your tongue into his throat, he’ll drop unconscious. Then, you’ll be able to do what you please to him. And the best part is, he has no clue you’ve been playing him like a fiddle.

One week ago, you attacked him, forcing him to get a little rough with you, sacrificing a few of your fingers. Five days ago, you apologized for your crude behaviour, throwing on your best sad eyes. Four days ago, he seemed satisfied with your remorse; so, three days ago, you had asked him for a sedative to treat your digits, and two days ago, he had already given you enough doses to hide beneath your tongue. Unfortunately for him, his callous generosity will be his downfall. He should have checked your mouth.

The capsules had been easy to alter. The kind of medication he gave you only produced a biodegradable shell that was half full, meaning one could triple the dose by combining the contents of three pills. Of course, that’s precisely what you did. You’ll wait for him to kiss you, and then fling it down his throat. He won’t see it coming, and once he realizes what you’re up to, it’ll be too late. He’ll drop like a light and you’ll kill him.

You’re willing to acknowledge that this is a cowardly way to murder your victim; nonetheless, desperate times call for desperate measures. You can’t overpower him on your own. What’s more, he’s the one who kidnapped you. Assassin work be damned, you’re pretty sure he has this coming.

You hear rustling in the living room. The front door closes. Is it eight o'clock already?

His shoes clack against the mat he sets them atop, discarding them until tomorrow morning. The closet door opens, and you hear the hangers jingle as he removes his jacket. It closes with haste. Clothed feet pad along the carpet, inching closer to you. You brace yourself and adorn the submissive face you had been practicing all day. It’s finally time.

He enters the bedroom. Immediately, his eyes are locked onto yours, hues dancing with delight in the dim light. They immediately dip lower when he catches what you’re wearing in his peripherals.

He shuts the door behind him and loosens his tie. He isn’t wearing his usual glasses. He must have left them at the door. You resist the urge to grin. That means he’s had a long day. His reflexes and intuition won’t be working at full capacity.

“Well, what do we have here?”

You stand up from your perch and reveal all of yourself to him. He drinks you in from top to bottom, spending a few extra seconds staring at your slick-coated thighs. You play with the ends of your baby doll, feigning shyness.

He takes a few steps closer, and you refrain from backing up. You have to sell the illusion. You have to make him believe you want him.

His fingertips touch your upper arms, gliding up to cup your face. There are dark circles under his eyes. He looks as though he’s aged since this morning. You don’t hesitate. Hastily, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body against him. His breath hitches for a split second before he’s able to compose himself.

Suddenly, his hands are gripping your ass, hoisting you into the air. You wind your legs around his waist and whine in the heated, sexiest tone you can muster. He takes your former place at the end of the bed and holds you firmly on his lap.

I don’t think you’ve ever been this excited to see me,” he purrs, warm breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. “What’s gotten into you?”

You’re not so naïve as to think he’s blind to your ruse. He doesn’t trust you just yet. You have to do a bit more convincing to distract his wandering mind.

You hump his thigh, gliding your clit against the fabric. The way your body tenses is a genuine reaction. Your sensitive nub likes being dragged across his pant leg. His hands remain on your ass, massaging your cheeks roughly. He claps one of them hard, drawing a gentle mewl from your mouth. Your inner muscles clench reflexively, enjoying the harsh treatment.

“I-I just…” you bite your lower lip, at least trying to make it sound like you were embarrassed about giving in. “mmm, s-so needy.”

His fingers travel up to your hips. In seconds your back is against the mattress, and you’re caged in between his long arms. Nanami leers over you, stern orbs analyzing your face with eagle-like precision. For a moment, you fear he’s seen through your charade.

“Needy?” He echoes. “Well then, why don’t you let me help, sweetheart?”

You repress a grin. He doesn’t suspect a thing. Perhaps he’s not as intelligent as you’ve given him credit for in the past — not when he’s thinking with his dick, at least.

You wrap your arms around his neck and bring him close. Just before you’re about to capture his lips, however, he flips you onto your stomach. You shriek at the swift and sudden change.

“This is the best way to hit your g-spot,” Nanami mutters, the smooth fabric of his dress shirt giving your bare back gooseflesh. “You’re tighter, too.”

He presses a firm hand against your back as he unzips his jeans. With ease, he sinks his thick cock into your narrow canal with some resistance. Your eyes roll back at how delicious he feels, as every single vein glides along your inner walls. His mushroom cap flares, stretching the furthest part of your cunt the most. At once, you feel too full, but there’s no denying you want more.

This isn’t part of the plan, though. You have to be careful. You can’t get lost in the pursuit of pleasure… but it’s been so long. You hadn’t realized how much you were yearning for a good fuck.

He twitches inside you, letting you feel his weight settle in your centre. Your gummy walls clutch him like a long lost lover, except you know he’s nothing of the sort. You’d only ever had sex with him once before, and you had been drunk then; the other instances of sexual contact with him had been limited to oral and spankings, so you weren’t able to deem how good a bed mate he was until now.

You’ve been missing out. You hate to admit this, even just to yourself, but if you had known about Nanami’s size and ability to use what God gave him, you might have let him fuck you into the mattress — captor or not. He feels amazing.

“Shit,” he groans, beginning to pound into you. “What took you so long to accept me?”

You grit your teeth. You can’t tell him. You can’t even think up a lie. Your brain won’t work.

Your tongue drops out of your mouth and you let it hang there, content to lose yourself. Just for a moment, you tell yourself; not too long. You can’t let his game deter you.

Suddenly, Nanami strokes a deep spot in your cunt, punching your back wall in a way that makes you cringe. The pain doesn’t last, though. It’s just the stretch that makes you hurt; the area he’s hitting is having stars appear in your peripherals. Your jaw drops.

His hand releases your hair to wrap around your throat, using his grip as leverage to hit a better angle with your back arched. His palm shifts upwards, and soon, two of his fingers are slithering into your mouth. You wrap your lips around the meaty digits and suck, like you’ve been taught to do by many others.

“That’s it,” he grunts. “There’s my dumb little girl.”

You barely feel his fingers latch onto the capsule beneath your tongue, bringing it out past your lips as his onslaught continues. Your clit is swollen and puffy, evidenced by how much you’re dripping all over his fingers as he rubs the engorged bud. It’s hard to see or think when your eyes are criss-crossed and you’ve been reduced to nothing but a puddle.

Nanami doesn’t slow his thrusts as he brings the pill up to his face and inspects it. He grimaces. It’s covered in your saliva. He’s surprised it didn’t pop out of your whore mouth on its own, with how much you’re drooling.

“You were going to drug me, princess?” He croons, and you can practically see the smirk on his handsome face. “When I make you this drunk on my cock?”

You moan lewdly, not phased by the fact that your plan was just foiled. You can’t explain why it feels so good. You’ve never been this intoxicated by dick before. Prior to now, the closest anyone has ever come to making you lose your mind during sex is when one of your targets, a handsome man in his forties, licked and sucked on your clit like a starved animal; even then, though, you were able to complete your goal.

“I bet you’re wondering why it’s so hot, aren’t you?” He hums, drawing attention to the heat building steadily in your core. “You’re wondering why you want to cum so badly.”

You babble incoherently. It’s true. You aren’t that much of a slut, are you? No. You can’t be. Sex isn’t a good enough trade-off for freedom. How can you lose sight of your goals so simply? You’re nothing if not meticulous.

“I lathered myself with an aphrodisiac before entering,” he explained, rough finger pad itched your clit. “I knew you would try something tonight when I saw you putting on this skimpy little thing.”

He fingers the fabric of your baby doll, and you groan. Of course he has cameras set up around the house, including his bedroom. How else is he supposed to monitor you while he’s away?

“Did you really take me for a fool?” He sneers, pummeling your core until you’re in tears, wanting desperately to cream all over his fat staff. “I know what I have. I won’t let you get away from me that easily.”

He puts half his weight on top of you. You can barely breathe from the pressure, yet, the lack of air in your head is making the experience ten times more intense.

“You’re not playing with a regular man, sweetheart,” he growls, pressing your face into the pillows as his balls tighten. “I’m a sorcerer. I thought I taught you better than this.”
