#mage of mind



Although Mages are a negatively-perceived class a lot of the time - due to how their Knowledge (as the Seer’s counterpart) is bestowed upon them - the bearers of this title can always change themselves. A positively-thinking Mage is a powerful thing in itself due to the hardships the Class dictates, and their growth alongside or past their Aspect’s hold is what will define them as a Hero. 

Therefore, a Mage of Mind may come across a variety of obstacles in their ascent through the echeladder. None remain more daunting than their own patterns of thought and nigh-insurmountably high standards.

If they learn to harness their abilities, they can become unrivalled motivators to their team. 

The holders of this Classpect do best in tactical positions where they can observe and change to suit - if they haven’t already predicted the opposition’s next twenty moves, that is.

These Heroes pair best with Blood, Hope and/or Breath players. They may get distracted by their thoughts occasionally (for better or for worse) and need to be grounded or simply reminded where their priorities should lie at certain times.

~ ☀️
